After a quick shower I make myself some breakfast and checked the weather. It was going to be another snowy day but the roads will stay clear with routine work. I put on black slacks, a hot pink blouse, leather boots that had a two inch heal, my leather jacket, and my white scarf. I didn't bother with any make up because my blue eyes are pretty enough and I didn't bother with my blonde hair because the cold air always dries it out. I brushed it before grabbing my stuff and drove carefully to work.
Once I got to the Fez Tech building the cold chased me inside. I walked through the lobby, following the instructions from the phone interview the other day, to the elevator. I looked around while waiting and noticed that many of the women here, despite the cold, wore sexy attire, short pencil skirts, tight blouses, and stilettos. When the elevator opened I got on and pushed the top button. I was told to be here at seven and to expect them around eight so I had an hour to prepare myself.
I got off the elevator and noticed a woman standing by my new desk. She held her hand out for me to shake, "You must be Kaylee. I'm Trisha, we spoke on the phone?" She asked to see if I remembered. I shook her hand and offered a polite smile, "Yes I remember." "Wonderful. I'm here to show you a quick run down on the filing system."
I sat down at the desk and for forty minutes she explained everything and it was easy. She then gave me the files I needed to scan, so we had one on the computer, and then file the paper one away.
I had gotten a third of the stack she gave me done when the elevator opened. Two very handsome men that I recognized from magazines as my bosses. Christian Stone was taller than Nicholas Gaines with his jet black hair, steel grey eyes, and that intimidating presence he gives off. Nicholas was a little more inviting but not by much. He had auburn hair and emerald eyes.
"You must be our new secretary." Mr. Gaines said with a nice smile. I stood to shake his outstretched hand,"Yes I'm Kaylee Marsh." I then shook Mr. Stone's hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Marsh. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask." He said.
"I'll keep that in mind." I said with a nod. Then they went to their separate offices. I sat back down and continued working on the files. An hour later I was done and was in the midst of answering a call when a woman in a skin tight red dress came in. "Is Mr. Stone in?" She asked. "I can check. Name please?" I asked. "Serenity." She replied a little rudely. I buzzed Mr. Stone's office. "Yes Ms. Marsh?" He asked. "A woman named Serenity wants to know if you are available." I said. He gave an annoyed sigh, "Send her in." I put down the phone and looked at her, "You can go in." She flipped her chemically bleached blonde hair over her shoulder and walked to his office with a sway in her hips.
What is with the women around here? I shook my head and got back to work. I was in the middle of a call about changing a meeting time when she rushed out of his office on the verge of tears. "You'll regret this Cole." She yelled and then got in the elevator. I looked at Mr. Stone who stood in the door way of his office but I didn't say anything. I finished the call and sent them both emails of the changes. Soon Trisha came up with a big stack of files.
"You got me a present? Ah you shouldn't have." I joked. She laughed and shook her head, "Merry early Christmas." She said as she plopped the stack on my desk. "It's so beautiful." I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes. "Now then these files need to get to them." She said as she showed me four files in purple folders. "They're the designs for some of their new products and they need their final approval before they go out and be manufactured. Usually I give it to them but I ran into Serenity on the way up and I really don't want to deal with them when they're in a bad mood. The rest of this needs to get filed asap." She instructed. "Aye aye captain." I mock saluted. When she left I got up and went to Mr. Gaines office with the purple files. After the Serenity incident I didn't want to bother him.
I knocked on the door and went in when he invited me. "I have some design files for you and Mr. Stone to look over and give final approvral." I said as I handed them. "Why didn't Trisha bring them?" He asked as he took them. "Because she ran into Serenity on the way up." I said. He looked confused, "When was Serenity here?" "A few minutes ago. Didn't you hear her yelling at Mr. Stone outside your office?" I asked. He shook his head, "Sound proof walls." "Ah. Now if you'll excuse me I have a stack of paperwork to get to." I said then made my way out of his office.
By lunch time I hadn't made a dent in the paperwork Trisha so gladly gave me. I was eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup I got from the cafe across the street when my mom called.
"Hi mom." I said sweetly. "Hi honey. How is your first day going at your new job?" She asked. "It's great and easy. How's your day going?" I asked her after swallowing a bite. "Oh you know, the usual. Will you be able to make it home for Christmas? Gerald is going to be here." She said in a sing song voice when she mentioned Gerald and it took all of my will power to not groan out loud. "I don't know. The snow is worse this year. And why do you keep trying to hook me up witb Gerald mom? I've told you that he isn't my type." I said gently. "Well then what is your type?" My mother snipped. A dominant man or woman who knows how to pleasure me, I thought but would never let her know I'm into BDSM, "Someone who is athletic and will run with me in the warm weather, and someone who doesn't always find a reason to talk about themselves." I replied instead. "Every man needs a good woman to change him into a good person and I think you're just the right woman to do that for Gerald." My mother said. "Mom I just don't like Gerald." I said in a polite as can be complaint. "What's not to like about him?" She asked annoyed. He isn't a dominant and probably has no idea what to do with a naked woman, I thought, "We've been over this. He wants a woman who will be a stay at home wife who cleans and cooks. You and I both know I can't cook to save my life, and I don't like staying home all the time. I like doing something with my life." I answered instead. "And doing something with your life is being a secretary?" My mother scoffed. "It's a job isn't it?" I asked in return. "Just try and come down and spend Christmas with us and him and see where that takes you." My mom softly begged knowing I would cave. I sighed, "We'll see. Like I said the weather has been bad lately." Sometimes I hated being submissive. It's just who I am naturally and it's gotten me hurt many times, I guess I hadn't learned from my mistakes. "Ok sweetie I'll let you go so you can get back to work. Love you." She said happily. "Love you too mom." I said then hung up.
After lunch Mr. Stone and Mr. Gaines came out of their offices. "Enjoying your day?" Mr. Stone asked. I smiled, "Despite the paperwork, yeah." "Good to hear. We're going to be out for the rest of the day, try not to stay to late." Mr. Gaines said. "I'll try not too." I said and then got back to work after they left.