This begins Volume 2 of Tame or Tame II. I'm combining the first 3 chapters because I want to for this reviewing and because they all kinda lead into one another right after the other fairly well. As usual my points are as followed: Storyline (focus of the chapter, chapters or whole piece all together if complete), Visual (style and flow of the lines as well as detail), Characters (interactions with one another and their behaviors), and lastly Impact (did it cause any emotional feels and if so how well). Let's get started!
> Storyline: Chapter 15: Kioshi and Nekeo are fighting following a breakup for reasons unknown to us and we have a new female character in the picture that's dating our dear, emotionally unstable Kioshi. During a meeting at the wealthy Hisao, trouble comes knocking as we meet Nekeo's father. When the demon attacks, Kioshi jumps in the way and protects Nekeo, revealing a secret not even himself had been aware of. This results in a new experience for Nekeo's father.
Chapter 16: Following right after, the demon leaves with a vow to get revenge. When Nekeo takes his cat form, we see he himself has been purified by Kioshi's newly awaken holy magic. The old lady who tried to poison them appears and makes Kioshi an offer. Nekeo, being the adorable little stalker that he is, is saddened by this news that if the offer is taken, Kioshi would be away from him for 3 years. Kioshi is undecided and chases after an upset Nekeo only to find Asashin who tells Kioshi about Nekeo's past, something Kioshi never gave much thought of despite the hints dropped, and is given a choice by Asashin and the old lady.
Chapter 17: Thinking over his choices, Kioshi is met by a new foe and must fight a new type of demon. Unfortunately Kioshi forgets Nekeo's name and the command for him to take his true form. After being injured, some information is dropped about what's happening with Kioshi, and it's not good. Luckily our dear assassin swoops in and gives Kioshi the choice: drop his bond with Nekeo and let him go or stop dwelling and cease going down the destructive pathway he's currently on. Kioshi seems to have made his choice when Hisao swoops in with his helicopter and gets the pair out of there as Asashin departs as well.
> Visual: All 3 chapters have wonderful visual artwork as well as movement of the characters. Their expressions are wonderful as well as the humor it presents. The emotions don't feel forced and all of it just flows smoothly. I also adore the cute outfit Nekeo gets put into and his expression says it all for what all cats must be thinking when put into cute outfits.
> Characters: All are on point and feel natural. Our new cast includes the following:
Hiroka: Kioshi's new girlfriend and is despised by Nekeo, or at the very least the kitty isn't a fan. She's a sweet little optimist who wants to see Kioshi happy.
Amducious: Nekeo's legendary demon father who tried to kill him before he opened his eyes and now even long after since his eyes were opened. He's a powerful legend which gets taken down a lot of pegs in an amusing way.
Miss Hada: We did meet her in Volume 1 but it is revealed she once was a priestess and is willing to take Kioshi under her wing to train him to use his powers properly, but that means leaving Nekeo for 3 years to properly gain control of them.
Ichiro Koizumi: A young man who has merged with his demon in a new form to where the demon and human are one in the same. His goal is to end the Tames before they can grow any larger than they already have. We see more of him later and it's satisfying how it concludes with him later in the volume.
> Impact: Each volume had me ready to read more. The emotions are very easy to feel from the characters and hear inside ones head when reading. I felt bad for Kioshi who was asked to choose, I felt bad for Nekeo since he just wants to be with Kioshi at his side and I felt great worry for what's happening with Kioshi after he forgot Nekeo's name. I also laughed at the humor and take on a certain character type, only for that type to be bested with one hit.
If you've not checked out Tame yet the go check out! Links will be in the comments below!