“Vanessa van shook. Really Penelope?” Asked Luna as she entered her room with a huff as Penelope laughed behind her.
“I had to think fast,” she shrugged before looking around Luna’s room and gapped. Luna’s room was roughly three times the size of her living room and it was decently sized for her large horizontal and vertical generational family. “Dang suga’ I know you are famous, but I didn’t think you were this loaded. Forget the front entrance, your room is amazing.”
“Its more like my dad is loaded to be honest.” Said Luna trying to deflect before walking to her closet and opening the door.
While Luna busied herself, Penelope sat back on a chair next to a desk and beckoned an awkward looking Kimiko who was leaning on the door to come inside.
Following his girlfriend’s call, he walked in and lifted her up to seat himself on the chair before placing her down onto her lap and wrapped his arms around her stomach before huffing silently. However, Penelope still felt it and raised a brow.
“Was that to say I’m heavy?” she asked her head turning so that she could see him from the corner of her eye. In response, Kimiko closed his eyes before leaning forward and resting his neck on Penelope’s neck.
“Cute,” said Luna interrupting the two but only Penelope turned to face Luna who’s head was peaking out of her large cupboard.
“You find something?” Penelope asked and in rejoinder Luna brought out a dress which she in turn cringed at. The dress was much like a ball gown but done in such a way that was available for daily outings. The dress was black but had multiple black feathers on her dress which increased the further Penelope looked down.
“Are you trying to make him run away? Because you are going to achieve that the moment you step in that thing.” Commented Penelope harshly.
“It’s not that bad,” murmured Luna, although hurt she put the dress away and looked in her cupboard once more with her heads leaning on her fist.
“Luna, that was basically a Halloween dress and its spring. No need to prepare early.” Said Penelope before getting up and walked over to Luna, ignoring Kimiko’s attempts to have her sit back down. “Tadashi said something akin to casual right?” she continued before subsequentially rolling her eyes at Luna’s lost nod. Grabbing Luna by the shoulders Penelope steered her away from the closet and pushed her to her bed.
“Let me handle it alright?” she said before darting off to the dresser and murmuring to herself as if possessed as she zipped left and right throwing out random pieces of clothing that didn’t fit her criteria.
Luna huffed as she sat back in defeat on her bed as Penelope scoured her closet. In defeat she looked through her phone and went through the message; it was short and to the point yet left the mystery behind it that was a reoccurring pattern with Tadashi.
Luna read the message from Tadashi on her phone before laying back and closed her eyes in thought, “Penelope, why do you think Tadashi wants me to bring a CD with me?” she asked, her body relaxing in her soft pillows.
“To play music why else?” Retorted Penelope as she threw a pair of short jeans on Luna before delving back into the cupboard. “I mean both of you have the same musical interest, so maybe he wants to know what you listen to.”
Luna huffed as she peeled of the jeans and held it above her face in order to inspect it, opening one eye to do so. “Really Penelope? We are going out in the cold no way.” Refused Luna before throwing back the pair of jeans in Penelope.
“Says the girl taking out a dress.” Snorted Penelope before throwing another pair of jeans at Luna as she moved onto Luna’s drawers.
“Third to the bottom,” said Luna as she saw Penelope head for her draws. “CD’s are a dying practice, I’m surprised that he even asked in the first place.”
“Well, maybe he’s an old soul or maybe is family think its aesthetically pleasing to have the disk in hand. Not everyone wants things to be digital.” Penelope pointed out and took out a cardigan with a white shirt before throwing it at Luna who caught it just before it collided with her face.
Luna grunted as she used her arms to thrust herself upwards and got off the bed to head to her private bathroom, taking her clothes with her. Hanging her close on one of her many clothes racks, Luna, without a care took of her clothes but decided to keep her black tights on because of the cold weather.
“Skinny jeans really Penelope?” Muttered Luna as she took of her tights and slipped into her skin-tight jeans. Luna turned to her mirror which was roughly 10 ft tall from her estimation and turned the bottom half of her body to look at her ass. “This makes my bum look big,” commented Luna dully but nonetheless turned back to put on the white shirt and black cardigan.
Luna walked out of her bathroom and twirled, her hair whipping around as a result, for Penelope who had her camera out and took pictures of her.
Immediately, after Penelope picked up a thin inside fur coat and a pair of converses and thrusted it into Luna arms and before sitting down on Kimiko’s lap who looked at Luna with a blank stare before turning to Penelope.
“Why am I here?” whined Kimiko who had sat there for the past hour doing nothing but look at Penelope as she had forced him to come in the first place.
“We need a guy to judge,” shrugged Penelope. “And since Luna has yet to make any male friends from my knowledge you are our test subject.”
Kimiko dramatically sighed and visibly deflated as he yawned. “It looks alright.” He said in hopes of leaving early.
“So, its shit,” she translated immediately in affirmation. “Okay Luna, strip.” She demanded before heading back to the cupboard searching furiously with her eyes.
“Wait what?” Shouted Kimiko confused. “What are you talking about Penelope it’s beautiful. It will do wonders to her date,” he continued in panic.
“Nope, not enough,” she said in determination, “she must be perfect.” Before laughing lightly as she watched Kimiko comically deflate from her peripheral vision and Luna’s annoyed expression.
“What are you doing standing their? Don’t you want to blow Tadashi away in sexy casual clothes?” She asked before continuing not giving Luna a chance to speak. “Get going we only have two hours and we have stuff to do!” Immediately as she finished talking, she marched up to Luna and pushed her into her bathroom.
It was only after the bell rang two hours later when Penelope was satisfied with what Luna was wearing. Luna was wearing a long, slightly thick black cardigan, with a thin long sleeve shirt with slim jeans and brown timberland boots with a short scarf to compliment her outfit. With the spare time they had, Penelope was able to worm in a braiding a part of Luna’s hair to make an almost mock crown and a bit of makeup to enhance her looks.
Hearing the bell ring a crow on Luna’s window sill cawed in freight and flew away resulting in Luna’s heart drumming against her chest loudly.
From the corner of her eye’s Luna she saw Penelope smile like a proud mother and sign for her to go ahead and answer the door. Taking a deep breath, Luna slowly went down the steps and stopped just shy of the door.
She meekly peeked through the spy hole and blushed lightly at Tadashi’s form before opening the door.
“Hey,” he started, after a while being the first of the two to start talking, “You look stunning.” He said almost breathlessly.
Luna blushed brightly and looked away with a smile. “You don’t look to bad yourself.” She replied.
Tadashi was dressed in similar clothing although slightly smarter. A black scarf wrapped around his neck neatly, and a thin cardigan over a white muscle shirt with smart black trousers and shoes with his hair freshly cut.
“I would say there is one thing to make you perfect though,” Tadashi commented with a light smile and raised a violet to Luna’s view. “May I?” He asked and smiled brightly at Luna’s nod. Leaning forward slightly, he slipped the violet through the crown and her ear.
“Other than the corniness of getting me a violet flower, why did you give me one?” Luna asked curiously with a raised brow.
“A violet means that the givers thoughts were occupied with love to the receiver. However, for the past week all I could think about is you.” He said almost poetically.
A group of “awe’s” could be heard from behind and in front of Luna and she went bright red as she groaned in embarrassment. Turning around Luna saw Mable, Kimiko and Penelope not so subtly hid behind the door which connected to the living room, and they didn’t make a move to hide as they continued with the sound. Instead, Mable and Penelope, made weird signs and kept mouthing for Luna to go to Tadashi.
There was however, one behind her and Luna peeked back around to see Dante with a chauffeur hat as he was in the driver seat of a Mercedes-Benzes, head in his palm as his elbow was on the car window. Luna made a disgruntled look before turning to Tadashi with a raised eye brow and toggled between Dante and him.
Tadashi turned and looked at where Luna was looking in at before shrugging. “He’s our driver for tonight, I wanted to have someone you were comfortable with as our driver.”
“Thoughtful, but you never told me you were rich.” Luna said almost thoughtfully.
“You never told me that you were famous,” he retorted casually, “but I digress, we have a date to go on.” Tadashi offered his hand which Luna gladly took and he slowly took her to open the already opened car door.
Tadashi turned and smiled at Mable who stood by the door with an indistinguishable look on her face. “Don’t worry,” he said with a wink. “We’ll be back by ten, probably.” He said with a shrug.
Mable shook her head with a tight smile. “That’s not what I am worried about.” She answered tightly.
“I see,” Tadashi whispered and quickly checked that Luna was well seated before closing her door and moving around the car to the other door. Seating himself in the seat he pulled the door in to a close but winded down the window. “We’ll talk about this at the house,” he continued in a whisper so only Dante and Mable could her him as he shut his window.
Luna turned from her mirror which she had gotten from her bag and looked at Tadashi who happened to be looking at her, “Did you say something?” she asked putting away the mirror.
“Just commenting on your beauty, you must give props to Penelope.” He answered smoothly and Luna blushed.
“I’ll let her know,” she answered as she turned away from Tadashi to Dante who happened to have started the car and pulled out onto the main road. “So how did you get roped into being the driver for our date?” Luna asked Dante looking into the mirror next to his face which happened to be revealing just enough of his face.
“As much as Tadashi is my best friend, he is my boss first and friend second,” he answered with a concentrated look as he focused on the road.
Luna’s eyes widened in surprise as she back and forth from Tadashi and Dante before stopping at Tadashi. “He works for you?” she asked her voice high in disbelief. Tadashi shrugged with a nod as he continued to observe their conversation. “How does that happen?” she enquired.
“My family works for his, usually as an advisor or bodyguard but we have always been close for generations. Where he goes, I go. Simple as that really.” He said without a care, but you could hear the seriousness in his voice.
“So, what are you to him?” she asked. “I mean going by what you said you clearly have some important job with Tadashi.”
Tadashi frowned a bit, “Luna that’s a bit invasive don’t you think?” intervened Tadashi with a look domineering look in his eye and Luna deflated slightly.
Dante looked into his Mirror and looked at Tadashi briefly. “I don’t really mind, I’m proud of the blood in my veins and how I can serve you.” He said with his chest buffed out slightly before stopping in front of a cinema.
Tadashi got out of his seat and exited the car to go to Luna’s side as Luna looked at Dante expectantly. Dante turned to Luna and tensed slightly as Tadashi opened his door.
“In all honesty Luna, I’m his bodyguard, adviser and best friend. If I had to give my life away to make sure he lived I would in a heart beat and no second guess.” He said determinedly.
Luna’s jaw dropped in surprise left speechless and she didn’t even react to Tadashi pulling her out of assumingly his car.
“That’s enough Dante. Meet back here in two hours,” he commanded as Luna came back to her senses.
Dante nodded and tipped his hat to Luna and Tadashi as they made way to the entrance of the cinema. “Sorry with my intensity Luna.” He apologised with a cheeky smile. “Enjoy your date,” he continued with a wink as he started the engine and drove away.
Luna waved and turned to the entrance of the cinema. Walking through the door which was opened by Tadashi, she looked around taking note of the eye-catching posters on the wall then looked Tadashi. “So, what are we watching?” She asked curiously.
Tadashi walked further into the room and took Luna’s hand once more. “You are picking the movie that we are going to watch.” He said with a shrug. “I don’t really care as long as you like it so no pressure.”
“No pressure,” murmured Luna as she looked at the posters in a row on the wall. Out of all of them however one caught her eye. The poster didn’t have a lot on it just a simple looking church boy with a book in hand, however he was cloaked in darkness and only had a candle to light the room he was in. Luna nodded her head and smiled at the short summery of the movie at the bottom of the poster.
“That one,” she said turning to Tadashi who took a peak at poster and smiled brightly and rubbed the back of his head.
“Too be completely honest I was hoping you would pick ‘Omen’, but I didn’t think that you would pick a psychological horror/thriller. Most don’t” he replied.
“Looks like we have another thing in common,” she said with a smile as she headed for the till but raised an eyebrow at the Tadashi tugging her arm.
“My father owns this cinema so I can watch movies for free,” he said with a smug look and Luna rolled her eyes as he headed towards a door and opened it for her. Before they could reach it, a random guy came up towards them and handed them popcorn and two lemonade drinks.
“Thank you” said Luna passing the smiling person and she soon got to the seat just as the room was darkening. “Looks like we came just in time,” Luna said as Tadashi nodded and sat down. Putting down her drink in the drink holder Luna dropped her bag in between her legs and took her popcorn from Tadashi.
“Feel free to hug me if you get scared, it would be understandable,” Luna said with a smirk from the corner of her eyes as she looked at Tadashi rolling his eyes but with a smile present.
“I was about to say the same,” he started but was interrupted by the movie starting in an already intense scene of a pride of humans trapped in a large box cloaked in near darkness. They all looked worse for wear as each of their backs were to the walls, some protecting their children, as they each looked at each other mistrustfully.
Suddenly, their were a series of slow clicks. Each progressively more ominous than the last as they got louder and louder, as they echoed. The last click was louder than the previous as a sense of finality overcame the growling humans as an old creak from above them was heard.
Light pierced the darkness and the animals hissed covering their faces with their paws as a figure looked over them.
“I see,” the figure said eerily. “I think my pets are hungry.” The voice was of a pubescent teen unclear if it a boy or a girl but what mattered was the dominant tone of the voice. Even as the person who overlooked them spoke in mock concern, the lions bowed to their superior and if they could look up to the light, they would have seen a misplaced smile on his face.
The boy made a gesture and a silhouette of a hand with an object in hand made way above the entrance of the box. Grabbing it, the boy unwrapped it to reveal a knife and it gleamed as it hovered over the box with only the boy restraining it’s lust for blood.
Using his other hand, the boy made another gesture and the surprised lions roared as the room walls started to close in on them. The boy smiled maliciously and carelessly dropped the knife in to the box. Harsh clangs of metal entered the room but neither of the animals dove for the object waiting for permission from their master to obtain the object.
The person smiled, pleased by their behaviour and laughed in glee as he started to walk away. “Eat up,” he said just before the light was no more.
A series of clicks replaced his presence and they ticked slowly like a count down.
The lions got ready to dive eyeing their opponents with sick and twisted glee.
Tick. Another echoed through the room and some licked their lips as they tensed, and their muscles bulged.
Once the final tick was heard they growled and dove for the knife. Hyena like laughs echoed through the room. Blood coated the walls, floor and the animals attacking each other.
The boy simply sat above them all sipping a smoothie as he watched the carnage from above.
For the next two hours the two sat in the cinema in darkness and Tadashi could constantly hear Luna’s heavy breathing as she really got into the scenes and concentrated on the antagonists thoughts and actions and the protagonists response to a lot of the happenings in the movie.
As the movie came to the credits scene Luna sighed in relief and slumped into her chair and looked at Tadashi. Luna huffed and Tadashi turned towards Luna.
“That was extremely intense.” He said and waited a minute before getting up with Luna and headed out into the fresh air of the outdoors.
“Yes, it was.” Said Luna as she waved at Dante who dutifully waited outside the door. He smiled and tipped his hat at Luna and then opened the shot gun seat for her. Luna sent him a confused look but took the seat anyway and looked through the window of the drivers seat to see what was going on.
“Sir,” he said professionally, handing the car keys to Tadashi. In response, Tadashi nodded in dismissal and got into the drivers seat and started the engine, leaving Dante to stand outside and watch them leave.
“Are we just leaving him there?” She asked, looking at her rear mirror in concern.
“Yes, we are.” Said Tadashi without a care. “Did you take a CD like I asked of you?” he continued looking to the side for a brief second before moving back onto the road.
“Yep,” Luna said cheerfully and plucked a CD from her bag and handed it to Tadashi. Taking his eyes of the road once more Tadashi pushed in the CD and pressed a few buttons. “Look out!” shouted Luna and Tadashi eyes shot up and he automatically swerved away from the black car that was aimed towards Tadashi’s side.
The car quickly swerved out of control and Tadashi struggled to gain it back. Luna screamed in fear and held on for dear life and the car quickly flipped onto its side to start rolling.
Seeing them about to fall of the side of the cliff, Tadashi thought quickly and rocketed out of his chair and tucked her arms in between them and held them in his embrace.
Luna’s head banged against the side of the car as it flew of the cliff and landed hanging of an old tree on the cliff side.
Luna banged her head once more.