[AN] I know, i know. i was supposed to update on the 15/16 but a lot of birthdays and family things take priority. any way enjoy.
718Please respect copyright.PENANAof8IsYkT0I
Letting out a breath that she didn’t realise that she was holding, Luna put her hand over her heart and closed her eyes in relief.
The class had been incredibly tense for her as the new student and being thrusted into a new environment unfamiliar to her did not aid her. It didn’t help that she could feel several eyes now and again, curiously studying her form before losing interest as the lesson dragged to progress.
She also had the feeling that Mr. Hokan got the kicks out of making her uncomfortable as he constantly targeted her for questions, almost like he wanted to take a massive nose dive into her brain. His eagerly gleaming magenta eyes also played a part and she wondered if he had a slight sadistic streak. While she didn’t know how to properly have other students transition into a school, Luna was a firm believer of how Mr. Hokan had, did more harm than good.
Perhaps he was happy that he got another student, or he was annoyed instead. She preferred not to know as either answer would have aggravated her regardless. Looking to the side, Luna saw Tadashi’s almost smug image, almost like he was correct and was reaping the reward, flushed, she huffed and turned her face of to the side.
“What are you smug about?” She chastised, arms crossed, and eye brows rumpled.
Rolling his eyes, Tadashi smoothly got up from his seat. “Come on its break time.” Noticing Luna’s look of confusion, he hastily followed “It’s what the bell you just heard signalled. You have two forms of relaxing period: break and lunch, the former being shorter than the latter”.
Digesting the information, Luna got up and picked up her small bag before following Tadashi to the door. Before she exited, Luna turned to Mr. Hokan and sent him a small wave which he gleefully returned as he withdrew attention from his book for her before returning it.
Once out the classroom, Tadashi lead Luna to the longest hall she had seen so far. It was filled with two rows of two by two lockers the hall was completely barren and she wandered if the hall was even in use.
“This hall here is to store your belongings, obviously.” He said with a small shrug. “Nobody goes here during break but at lunch and after school it gets really busy. Ill see to getting you a locker for tomorrow.”
“It’s sweet that you want to show me around and all for school basics, but I feel as though what you are telling me is really unnecessary. Are there some other things we can do for the period of me having you around?” she said somewhat snide yet very appreciative.
“Okay then”, responded Tadashi firmly, unaffected by her tone. “Since we have the time, let’s head to your next lesson so u can talk with the teacher.” He compromised solicitously.
“Are they anything like Mr Hokan?” asked Luna worriedly, as rolled on her heels, he had put her in a less than favourable position and if every class was like the previous one. Then there was no way she was going to survive the year.
“Not exactly”, he replied worrying Luna, “But she isn’t that bad of a teacher, you might even like her”. He argued flippantly before changing direction without warning and walked at a less than favourable pace for Luna.
“She?”, parroted Luna in surprise.
Having no choice but to follow Tadashi, she struggled to walk at his pace and bit her lip as she felt a bit bad for talking for talking to him like that. He was just trying to help her after all, but she didn’t want to be babied and it felt like she was being treated like one. Without realising it, she had started to look down and as such her head was facing the floor.
Quickly, she realised that she was being lead back to Mr. Hokan’s class room as she recognised the small mat start to change from a dull brown to a vibrant red. she was about to speak up already halfway through the first word until Tadashi had turned a completely different corner than the one that lead to her previous class, having no choice but to follow she too turned the corner. Almost knowingly, Tadashi looked at her from the corner of his eyes and gave her a slightly fierce yet scathing look that made her shrink and give a sheepish look.
“You have the patience of a two-year-old from here.” He commented rather derisively causing her to wince. “Word of from the wise, patience is virtue”, he said softly, all most sage like. “Well that’s what my Brother says anyway”, he continued softly, almost too hard for her to hear, his eyes no longer looking at her.
In response, Luna looked at Tadashi curiously before shaking it off as they reached the end of the corridor that had a door at the side and just beside it was a large sports pitch. Luna’s eyes once again widened, ignorant to Tadashi’s indistinguishable stare at her form as she stood amazed by the sheer size. It was as if someone took the biggest stadium in the world and dumped it here as the school’s sports area, and while she wasn’t knowledgeable of sports equipment she was pretty sure that the things here where very professional going by the designs and the very recognisable logo.
Turning around, she was suddenly slammed onto her back as she collided with a flash of purple braids. Groaning, she help her head in one hand and kept her body steady with one hand. Squinting and blinking in attempt to clear her eyes she quickly came to notice that the same flash of braids was above her. The soft yet hard tug indicated that she was trying to help her up.
“Oh ma gosh, oh ma gosh. I’m so sorry” she rushed in a southern accent. “Suga’, you alright?” she finished worriedly.
“Other than the week long headache this will cause? Just peachy.” She replied grumbling as she accepted the strange girl’s hand. Once up, her vision started to clear, and she saw a girl dressed in a smart blue jumper with lines along the collar and a dark blue skirt. Her leggings and simple pair of boots, however, were black going against the theme which she presented herself in.
“I’m so sorry, I’m in a rush as you can see”, she said while rhythmically and slowly dancing to the side, so she could continue her way. “Tadashi”, she nodded in acknowledgment filled with respect, one that he also returned. “I’m sorry you ended up seeing that,” she said quickly, before disappearing in a burst of speed.
“Now that you are no longer distracted maybe we can actually get the meeting done. I want you to be familiar with all the teachers beforehand”, he said sounding bored head still bopping to the music he was listening to.
“You let that happen on purpose, didn’t you?” Luna accuse rather upset, head still ringing slightly.
“You must always be attentive here. The fact that you were enamoured with the view is your fault and it’s the both of yours for the fact that you both got hurt. We don’t hold hands here, so get used to it,” he demanded before moving towards the door and opening it, motioning for her to go through.
Resigning herself to her fate, Luna walked through the doors to find herself pleasantly surprised. The room was very tidy, and she couldn’t find a speck of dust along each row of seats and the various amounts of lockers rowed in a corner. Moving in-between them all, she moved further down and assumed it was where the teacher was located as there was a door sized gap in the wall. Taking little notice of Tadashi beside her, she peaked around the corner to come face to face with a blonde-haired woman in standard grey sportswear. Her hair was done up in a high pony tail and she lacked any make up showing she was serious about her job.
She had soft, sky blue eyes and a soft face which didn’t even seem like it could hurt a fly. Unfortunately, for Luna, as soon as the woman noticed her in her personal space, her face morphed and twisted into a face that terrified Luna as it became the visage of an angry monster as the women let out a petrifying hiss. Frightened, Luna gasped in shocked and jumped back into Tadashi’s chest forcing himself to hold onto her and firm himself to not fall back.
Although frightened, she suddenly felt safe in what she assumed to be Tadashi’s warm embrace as she fell into his body and unconsciously sighed and sunk closer into his warm body as his arms wrapped around her protectively. Although not cold, she shivered as the felt his chest rumble and a low growl emit next to her ear. Despite this, she didn’t move as her eyes suddenly started to close in the blanket of protection. His hot breath licked her skin and she leaned her neck to the side as shivered in pleasure.
Tadashi had no idea what come over him, he simply wanted to catch Luna before she fell over again, so in reflex he caught her. Not once did he expect so suddenly being mystified by her, exotic scent. The soft mixture of fresh lavender and cinnamon, was absolutely divine as he leaned into her neck to get more of the scent. He possessively wrapped his arms around her and growled deeply into her ear, unknowingly his eyes glowed lowly and his mouth was left ajar presenting small but increasingly growing fangs.
A soft but sharp cough interrupted the intimate moment, in response Luna jumped of Tadashi and her cheeks went a shade of red, eyes wide in horror for being caught in such a way. Looking up, Luna noted it was the same women from before, the one who frightened her, who coughed. Amusement filled her blue eyes, yet her face and body language told a different story as it came across as firm and stern.
“Heiyo”, she snapped respectfully as her eyes flickered to Tadashi before landing on Luna.
“Kassandra”, he acknowledged before continuing, unaffected by being caught in his more … primitive state and position. “I believe you already know who this is.” He said expectantly and was pleased in getting an affirmative nod. Swiftly, he changed his attention to Luna, his no longer glowing molten eyes trying to meet hers which she refused to do. Ignoring the rude action, he continued. “Luna, you address this woman as Mrs mein. Okay?” he said softly.
“Yes boss”, she said rather embarrassingly causing Tadashi’s eyes to unnoticeably widen.
“Good”, he replied rather faintly slowly making way for the door. “Kassandra, I trust you won’t treat her like how Hiro would and answer all her questions,” he queried confidently.
Kassandra’s eyes widened slightly. “Poor ke, she had him first?” she said consolingly. She turned to Luna her blue eyes slightly softer than what they were before. “Don’t worry kashke, I will treat you well”, she said reassuringly.
Tadashi scoffed, “Careful Luna, she’s a mother of eight” he cautiously joked.
“Holy shit”, she thought in shock, “With that figure I wouldn’t have thought”.
“I’m not that bad” Kassandra rebuffed.
“Says my father’s advisor”, he responded and as such received no reply. Opening the door, he looked at Luna from the corner of his eyes before turning around. “By the way Luna” he said slowly catching her attention. “My names Tadashi, use it” he explained before exiting and shutting the door.
If he had turned around her would have seen her soft smile.
“Now then”, said Kassandra suddenly serious. “A few needs to knows about physical education at this school. All boys and girls from all years have this subject act the same time together. We don’t segregate them because of years and physical difference, that would promote bullying and we are a community, one massive family, so things such as those will not, under any circumstances, be tolerated. Understood?” she said sharply.
“Yes, Mrs mein” Luna responded, sounding slightly lost in thought. “But what about equipment and clothes?” she asked, “I don’t have any with me.”
“We already thought ahead, Mable has already provided you clothes to change into for physical education. We have also chosen someone to help you with your sessions. They will be your ‘buddy’ for the rest of the year, this way you can make at least one friend. Now then go get dressed, lessons about to start soon, your clothes are in a duffel bag next to my desk.” She said in finality before turning around end re-entering her office.
Following Kassandra into her very spartan-like office, Luna picked up the small duffel bag and changed her clothes into grey tracks suits and white shirt by the seats just next to the office, she then put her clothes into her bag and left it on the hook till after the session ended. This was finished as soon as the bell rang, and a cold shiver ran through Luna’s spine as she anticipated the worst to come.
Surprisingly, the door didn’t burst open filled with girls of loud chatter. Rather it was quite the latter as the door opened slowly and organised lines of two or three entered the plain room and chatter was low, very easy to talk over at a casual level. Luna quickly spotted an anomaly however, as close to the back was a flash of purple braids. In surprise she jumped up from her seat and leaned to the side to get a better look. At this time the girl moved in Luna’s direction and instantly spotted her, which was clear by her eyes enlarging and her making a B-line towards her.
“Hey, aren’t you th’ girl that I knocked over?” she said twirling her braids as Luna’s eyes brow twitched at the less than needed reminder.
“Hey, aren’t you the girl who ran recklessly in a corridor and was a safety hazard?” she quickly mimicked thoughtlessly.
"Touché", was the response she got. She picked up her hand and motioned for a handshake. "I go by Penelope, but many just call me Pep, pleasure" she introduced as she smiled.
"Luna", she responded as she went for the handshake. Luna watched as Penelope moved next to her and dump the bag on her shoulder on the ground and quickly rummage through it to change her clothes.
"I'm guessing you got the run down of how P.E works round here?" Not waiting for a response Pep continued as she fought to get her heels in her shoes. "Miss mein likes to make sure everyone is on the same page before things start. Very mother like for a teacher."
A dark figure loomed over the two and Luna's head snapped up while Pep payed no mind to the person above. Curious, Luna looked up and noticed Mrs Meins hardened face and Luna's heart thumped dramatically in surprise.
"That means I'm doing my job just fine then. The girls here need a female figure to look up to, not someone like that pussy Mira", Mrs mein thought out loud. "But I digress. Girls!" She called in attention and dread filled Luna.
A pregnant silence echoed in the room as all girls focused their attention to their subject teacher. Luna attempted to not shift, feeling as though a single movement would be like a scent waved at the nose of a hunting dog.
"This girl here is Luna Violet", she started, pointing at Luna in the process. "Treat her like a treasured sibling, she just had Mr Hokan, so I doubt she had a nice experience. Welcome her kindly," she finished and automatically eyes locked onto Luna, who for some strange reason didn't feel like rolling into a ball and hiding into a whole.
"Hello Luna," they all chorused in harmony, "enjoy your stay!"
"Thankyou", Luna said quietly but just loud enough for the girls to hear. "Creepy as hell but I can adapt," she thought.
Following the teacher outside, the girls followed the teacher into the large spacious area that Luna was admiring beforehand. The girls were quick to notice that the boys had made it before them and picked up their pace to not be left behind. Luna scanned the area and blushed at the sight of the muscular males and bulging muscles as the topless boys worked out, and it wasn't long until Luna noticed Tadashi a little further back and she blushed even harder, not even noticing that she was rather queer in her admiration of his body and was standing still.
"Your drooling", said Pep cheekily popping out from behind Luna's, snapping Luna out of her trance.
"I am not!" Luna refused weakly.
"At least sound strong about it." Said Pep as she rolled her eyes at Luna's poor attempt of denial before wiping the saliva running down the side of her face and waving it at her. "Or be subtler, not that you have anything to be a shamed of." She continued.
Following some of the many girls on the track area, she copied the starting stretches, getting noticeable snaps sounds from her body and sighed in relief as if something was released in her.
"I'm guessing you're my buddy?" Luna questioned, noticing that Penelope was the only girl who seemed to stick around. Deciding to take charge, Luna followed a group of girls which in turn made Penelope follow.
"You guessed correctly", Penelope replied dismissively. "You know it's not bad if you drool right? I mean the girls by those seats over there exclusively come to P.e just to gaze at the guys", Pep continued as she pointed aimlessly at a corner, seated on it were a row of girls just hungrily gazing at the boys like a thick slab of meat. "It isn't just the girls however, its quite common for the guys on row five to-", a sharp echo of slams disturbed the relatively quiet area. "Fall", she finished flatly.
Luna laughed at their misfortune before her brow raised, "I have a few questions, if that's okay?"
"Shoot", replied Pep.
The lesson continued and ended very quickly for the two as Luna familiarised herself with the class, Penelope and the equipment. She also found her eyes every now and again drifting to Tadashi in the corner, who looked very serious in is weight training as his muscles bulged as he used weights that looked too heavy for someone of his structure.
As class ended and she organised a place to meet Penelope, Luna left the class in order to find Tadashi. Back tracking the last few steps they made, Luna noticed another corridor half the size of the rest, with pillars running down the corridor.
As she was about to turn onto the corridor, she heard a voice that sounded a lot like Tadashi's.
"Who's the girl?", the deeper voice spoke.
"A nobody, nothing worth of your time", replied Tadashi alarmed.
"oh?", he made an indistinguishable sound from his throat but it sounded a lot like a deep growl, "Mashei ne ta hei jikanat lou ma kashke?" the voice sounded firm, dark, angry and Luna felt a terrifying shiver that trembled her bones.
"Please, leave her alone", Tadashi voice sounded quieter, desperate, winy and uncharacteristically young.
The voice didn't answer, and Luna felt a continuous sense of dread dominate her stomach. Her body didn't respond to her commands and her throat constricted. Sweat began to unnaturally form and glide against her skin and she gasped in attempt to get oxygen into her lungs.
Slowly, a dark figure passed by her, with almost angry and evil glowing, molten gold and red eyes glanced at her. Almost like seeing through her, into the deepest depths of her soul before passing her completely.
Following right behind him Tadashi took notice of Luna and quickly moved to greet her. "Luna, how are you?" He asked as though nothing had happened earlier, his normal boyish smile plastered on his face and his head bopping to the beat of the music. His hands were lazily rested into his ripped jean pockets as he gazed lazily at her.
"Fine", she said in attempt to sound and look normal, before looking at the disappearing dark figure.
"Perfectly fine.”718Please respect copyright.PENANAOe89vyzdCD