Jade’s green eyes scanned over the man that was sitting in front of her who had just raised a point but she knew that if he left, she wouldn’t be too far behind him. “Drake you…” she started but he cut her off “Morgan, I need to get away from the damn bull shit. Every time we turn around there is something else going on, someone else is lying, or someone is out to hurt you. I don’t want you nor I to have to go through this shit anymore” and as he looked to her she could see the pain that was in his eyes and the way that his tone was set; he meant business. “So what are you suggesting? That you are just going to leave, walk away and never look back? Not without me you’re not” Jade said looking to him right in the eyes which caused him to chuckle a little bit through the hurt and the pain, the corner of his mouth just slightly curving upward. Drake looked right to her “Now you know that I would never go too far without you Morgan, but I do know that I can leave tonight for a little bit and you can come with me or you can go to bed” and as she looked at him though knowing that she is to possibly meet Liam she bit her lip and asked “Where are you going?” and as she said that Drake smiled just a tad more “Just to this little dive bar I saw on the way back.” Jade just smiled as she shook her head “Sounds like a plan to me, I could use a drink after that” and as she looked right to him he reached out to take her hand and started to lead her out.
A few moments later Drake was holding the door open for her as she walked into the dimly lit bar. The design of the bar seemed to be that of a modern western with leather booths and backless stools. The lighting reflected a relaxation mood and as she started to walk in she started to feel the memories floating back of the Tavern and how much at times that she did miss home, though as she looked to the man that was walking right next to her she started to feel her heart beating faster as she realized this was her home, he was her home, Liam, Hana, Maxwell, they were all her home now. As Drake slide into one of the booths and she started to slide in just opposite of him he started to look to her “Thank you for coming with me, I just had to get out of there for a little bit” and as she started to tell him something the waitress came up to the table and immediately started to look them over a little bit. The blonde looked to Jade and then to Drake and said “Hey there handsome, what can I get for you” and as Jade started to look at her she said “He…” and the waitress cut her off rather rudely and said “I was asking him, I will get to you in a moment” and as Jade could feel the anger starting to creep up through her veins and as Drake looked to her he could see the way that her eyes were a little darker than normal and as she smiled looking up to the waitress he said “Well actually my wife was about to order for us both for our anniversary, so if you could so kindly listen to what she has to say I will have whatever it is that she was going to order us” and as he looked now sternly to the waitress that was now leaning a little bit to him she soon straightened up and sighed “Never mind then, what can I get…the lovely couple” and as she looked to Jade she rolled her eyes as Jade just looked to Drake and smiled. “My husband and I would like to have two whiskeys and while you’re at it could you get a new attitude, cause yours kind of sucks” and as she looked to the waitress her lips forming a straight line the waitress’s eyes shot wide open “Whatever I will be back with your drinks” and as she started to leave Drake started to chuckle “Well I can tell you that normally does not happen when I go to dive bars” and as Jade looked to him and chuckled right with him she said “Well I wouldn’t be surprised if it did, you are a handsome man and I know a lot of women would be attracted to you” and as she looked down to her lap knowing inside that she is very attracted to him and seeing the way that the waitress looked to him shook her a little bit to her core.
Drake reached over the table and started to stroke her cheek “Jade, stop you know that I don’t care about anyone else” and as he smiled to her she smiled back knowing that he has told her that so many times before and though she does believe him and trust him, it’s the other girls like Kiara and this waitress that she doesn’t, as she knows that girls like that will do anything to get the attention of the person that they are crushing on or just want to get laid. “I know I just it gets me going a little bit and I am sorry” and as she looked to him reaching up and taking his hand from her cheek and holding it they were soon interrupted by not the waitress but the bartender bringing the drinks to them “Sorry about Cassie she can be a little too forwards at times. You two enjoy and just let me know if you need anything else” and as he smiled to them both before walking away Drake thanked him and then reached for his drink.
Jade soon followed in taking a sip letting the burn slide down her throat slowly “How do you even find these places?” she asked as she started to feel her mind and heart starting to settle down a little bit more. “Well normally being the prince’s best friend you tend to go off on your own at times and as we got older and Liam started to do more courtly meetings with his father I would go walk around. You would be surprised at how many hole in the wall places that there. So then when I started to travel with him it became much easier to find the dive bars and little mom and pop places” and as he chuckled he continued “It kind of became my unofficial superpower” and as she took another sip of his whiskey Jade just smiled and shook her head “Well I think that you are really good at it, for the most part I like this one” and as he looked to her “Trust me normally dive bars don’t come with a side plate of flirting waitresses” and as he smiled to her he reached over taking her hand in his. “Well now that I know your little secret you are going to have a hard time getting rid of me you know that right?” she asked as he looked right to her eyes starting deeply “Morgan, I would never in a million years want to get rid of you” and as they looked to each other again Jade felt her cheeks heat up a little bit more knowing that he was someone that was so special to her and losing him would be as if losing a part of herself.
Soon though as they continued to enjoy their whiskey and getting another round Drake asked “Should we talk about what all went down” and as Jade looked to him and said “Well maybe we should since you damn near put Bertrand in the ground” and as she looked to him swigging the rest of her whiskey down her throat Drake looked to her in shock as she signaled the bartender for another one “Well I mean it’s just, it just gets to me because of how long I was looking for her and to find out that Maxwell knew this whole time, it kind of gets under my skin a little bit but I really don’t know what is worse, never knowing where she is or find out that a friend knew all along” and as he looked to her and then looked down Jade couldn’t take it she stood up and walked over to his side of the booth and slid in “Look Drake, I am upset too and more so for you, but I think in just my opinion that just knowing now that she is okay would be enough to suppress the anger that I know you have for Maxwell” and as he looked to her and started to lean in resting his forehead to hers he said “I know Morgan and I just…with everything from Maxwell and then with Bash I feel like I can’t trust anyone anymore” and as he started to lift his head to look at her she leaned in kissing the tip of his nose “I know that its hard and I know that it can’t be easy as I know that you and Bash were close but not everyone is going to be like that Drake” Jade said as she started to look into his eyes and bringing her hand up to run through his hair a little bit.
“It’s not only that but I mean he was there after dad died and he made sure we had everything, taking care of us, I mean he drove us to the funeral and the whole way there he was telling stories about dad and he was just…he became like an uncle to Savannah and I, and now…” he said starting to trail off and looking down to his lap. Jade started to lean in kissing the top of his head gently starting to bring him a little bit more to her to hug him to her “I am so sorry Drake. I know that words cannot heal the pain that you are going through but you know that I am here for you” and as he looked up to her, their faces now inches apart he caught her Jade eyes with his “I am sorry too Morgan, I shouldn’t have lashed out like I did” and as he looked over he took the rest of his whiskey and chugged the rest of it. “Bastien is in the plot against you and to be honest I don’t know if I can ever forgive him” and as he started to say that she could hear his voice become a little shaky. Jade looked to him starting to stroke his cheek feeling his 5 o’clock shadow already; and as she leaned in kissing his cheek she said “I know with time you will, because that is who you are” and as she smiled to him he couldn’t stand it as he leaned in pressing his lips just tenderly to hers in a sweet, affectionate kiss that left her breathless. As the kiss broke he looked to her and said “You promise?” and as she looked to him questioningly he said “To be here, always, even if not with me” and as she looked to him she felt her heart sink a little bit as she knew that she wants to be with him all the time but knows that she still has Liam in her heart as well “Drake, I promise you with everything that I am that I am going to be here for you and with you through it all” and as she smiled to him he leaned in again kissing her gently and bringing her body closer to his in the booth. The kiss lasted for another few seconds and when he broke away again leaving his forehead to hers he said “You mean so much to me Morgan and I am so glad that through it all you are still on my side” and as she looked to him she leaned in this time kissing his lips teasingly before looking to him and stated “You’re stuck with me Walker” as she smiled to his lips, now just centimeters apart.
Jade couldn’t help but in that moment feel like her whole world just stopped, looking into the eyes of a man that she was falling deeply for she started to feel her heart beat increase, her body shivering in a good way and feeling her cheeks heating up as she knew that there was something that she wanted to tell him and as she looked to his eyes she knew that soon she would be able too. Though as she found herself just staring into his eyes she found herself being pulled to him more and more but before she gave into her urges to just get into his lap right there in the middle of the dive bar, she shook the thoughts from her head as she said “Now I want to declare that there is to be no more talking about anything courtly. The rest of the night is to be just you and I having a good time and just being together, got it?” and as he chuckled to her request she looked to him and laughed “I am serious I just want this to be our night” and as she looked to him and gave him a little bit of a pout on her lips he smiled to her, that amazing million dollar smile that he hid from the world and nodded his head “Alright Morgan you win, the rest of the night is just about you and I” and as she smiled in agreement she started to think about what would make the dive bar visit a little bit more interesting.
Not even a moment later the thought crossed her mind for a drinking game and as she explained to Drake that she wanted to play “Never Have I Ever” and explained the rules, Drake just shook his head “You want to play another game against me? Alright so be it, just be prepared to lose Morgan” and as she looked to him and raised her eyebrow she warned him that this was her all-time favorite drinking game and she has yet to lose. “Oh well Morgan there is a first time for everything. I think we should raise the stakes a little bit though” and as she looked to him she said “Hmm we will see” as she stuck her tongue out at him. As the bartender came by bringing over three more shot glasses of pure whiskey for each of them, Jade slid three over to Drake and kept three in front of her. “Well Morgan since this is your game go ahead and start us off” and as she started to ponder her first question she laughed a little bit knowing that it was going to be an automatic first point for her “Never have I ever been a prince’s handsome best friend” and as she looked to Drake who was shaking his head he said “Had to start with that huh” and as she looked to him as he took the drink she said “Wait so you admit that you are handsome?” and as Drake went to speak he stopped himself before shaking his head “You of all people know that there is more to me than just being his best friend” and as she looked to him she nodded “Oh believe me I know that there is way more to you than that” and as she gave him a wink he just chuckled as he started to think of his move. Soon he looked to her and said “Never have I ever been set up on a blind date” and as she looked to him she said “You’re joking right?” and as he shook his head to her she let her jaw drop open as she couldn’t believe it “You mean to tell me that Liam, Maxwell, that no one has ever set you up on a blind date?” and as he explained that most of the time they had their own things going on and he wouldn’t agree to them anyways he smirked to her and said “Looks like you get to take a drink my dear” and as she shook her head thinking about how amazing that he is and how any woman would be lucky to have him she then took her shot and slammed it back.
Jade was still stuck from Drake’s last revelation that she couldn’t stop thinking about it “I just can’t believe that. You are such an amazing person, filled with so much compassion I don’t see how they could never do that for you” and as he shook his head he looked right to her eyes and said “If they would have, I may never have met you” and as she looked to him seeing the genuine softness in his eyes and knowing that he is speaking from his heart she smiled to him and leaned in kissing his cheek “I am the lucky one in this case” and as their eyes connected again Jade started to feel a want and desire just race through her body but as she tried to contain it she thought about her next statement and with the thoughts that were running through her head she knew that she wanted to make this next one a little bit more…interesting. “Never have I ever imagined a female in this room completely naked” and as Drake was taking a sip of his water, he heard her statement and began to choke on his water. Jade started to reach around patting his back to help him and the moment that his coughing calmed he looked right at her with his eyes wide “You…you do not play fair at all do you Morgan” and as she looked to him she said “All is fair in love and drinking games” and as she smiled to him “You’re cruel you know that Jade” and as he hesitated for a moment he then reached for his second shot and no sign of slowing down he downed the shot shaking his head as the heat traveled down through his body. Jade smiled to him and said “Hey you just have to know how to ask the right questions. You’re up” and as she smiled to him giving him a little bit of wink and as he sat there he thought for a moment before giving a little chuckle “Alright Morgan, since you want to play that way, never have I ever used a charity barn raising to stare at someone with their shirt off” and as she looked to him her jaw dropped open “Fair play Walker, but you can’t tell me that if I would have taken my shirt off you wouldn’t have looked” she laughed a little bit as he shook his head and responded “Morgan a man would have to be insane not to look at you if you took your shirt off, now drink up” and as she shook her head feeling the blush starting to creep over her cheeks she downed her second shot.
Jade let the liquor travel her body as she started to think about the final question that she would be able to ask Drake and as she looked to him and could see the look in his eye starting to give a hint of desire, the look that she knew all too well by now. “Hmm I got one for you, never have I ever had a scandalous thought or dream about the two of us in bed together” and as she looked right to Drake, he looked right back at her like she was crazy and then he smiled “Now, now Morgan you will have to drink on that one too because you can’t tell me that you have never thought about us in bed together, seeing as how we have been in bed together” and as he smirked thinking that he was about to win the game she smiled to him leaning in and whispering “Oh believe me I have thought about us plenty of times, but who said it was in a bed” and as she leaned in just a little bit she placed a gentle little kiss to just below his ear. Drake heard this coming from her soothing voice and as it raced through his body he felt his body shiver and jolt awake in certain areas and as he closed his eyes he said “You are going to kill me Morgan if you were to ever tell me what you have thought about” and as she smiled to him she reached towards his shot and started to hold it up for him “Drink up…hubby” and as she smirked a little bit to him her eyes started to shine in the light of the dive bar and as Drake looked to her he leaned in “You have no idea how bad you got to me just now” and as he started to take the drink from her, she reached down and slid her hand over his muscled thigh starting to cup him over his jeans with her hand as she leaned in, he gasped feeling her hand on him as she whispered “I think I have an idea” and as she leaned in she kissed his neck.
This damn near threw Drake over the edge as he started to lean in kissing on her neck and her collar bone a little bit starting to reach down and starting to run his fingers over her thigh causing her gasp out feeling his lips on her again and now his hand. “Drake” she moaned out as she started to run her other hand into his hair as his fingers slid right to her very core, and the only thing holding him back was a slight nuisance of fabric. “Fuck Jade,” he started to say as he felt her hand starting to stroke him over the material of his jeans, pressing her palm more to his area and with each time she pressed to him he nipped her neck as if trying to stake his claim on her “You know you keep that up I don’t give a shit I will take you right here on this table” and as he said that to her in a deep sensual voice she started to pull back and look him right in the eyes “Hmm Drake Walker don’t you dare threaten me with a good time” and as he looked to her again she started to stroke him a little bit more but soon pulling her hand away “We still have one more question” and as he groaned out a little bit he muffled to her lips “Never have I ever wanted to have someone under me as bad as I want you under me right now” and as she looked to him and felt her body jolt to the feelings that she was having right now “Mmm well I guess I win, cause I have never wanted you below me as much as I want you above me” and as she looked to him she could see the lust and the want in his eyes feeling the way that the look alone made her turned on.
As Drake finished off the last shot of whiskey that he had in front of him Jade declared herself the winner and that she wanted her prize “What do you mean prize, I didn’t know that we were playing for stakes” Drake said as he shook his head to her a little bit “Drake come on now when have you known me to play a game and not have a prize waiting at the end” and as she looked to him raising her eyebrow he let out a sigh “Alright Morgan what would you like as your prize” and as she looked to be thinking about it a little bit she started to feel his hand traveling on her thigh a little bit more starting to feel the goosebumps that were forming on her body with just his single touches. “Well there are two things that I want from you. One I want you to stop beating yourself up about Savannah,” and as he went to cut her off she put a finger to his lips “No listen to me, you have to stop. I know that you were looking for her and you are upset that she didn’t reach out to you but that is not your fault, she was scared and didn’t know what to do. You have to stop thinking that you did something wrong Drake” and as she smiled to him he looked to her and let out a small sigh “Alright Morgan for you, I will. I know that it will not be easy to do but I will try for you” and as he smiled to her leaning in and kissing her cheek he asked “What is the second thing” and as she looked to him catching his brown eyes that were peering right into her eyes. “You should already know what I want” and as she looked to him biting her bottom lip she started to avert her eyes over towards the back where the restrooms were and as she smiled to him she said “I want a kiss, but not out here” and as she whispered that to him she started to slide out of the booth giving him a little bit of a wink as she started to then walk towards the back of the dive bar towards the women’s bathroom.
As soon as she got in there she realized that it was a one stall bathroom and she knows that beside the waitress that she was the only female there right now so this was going to be an easy little hide away. Not even a few moments later there was a small knock on the door as she walked towards it and opened it, it didn’t even take ten seconds before Drake was in the bathroom with her kicking the door shut and locking it behind him before he had her pinned against the door with her legs wrapped around his waist. “Mmm someone is antsy” and as she laughed a little bit she soon felt his silk lips on hers kissing her as he pressed his body to hers causing her to moan against his lips and pressing her body to his. “Fuck Morgan you see what you do to me” and as he pressed more against her grinding to her very core she arched her back into his hold “You know what you do to me too Drake” and as she started to run her hands through his hair holding him there as she kissed him again and again feeling the heat just radiating through her body. “You know how easy it would be for me to take you right here baby” and as those words came from his mouth she reached down between them and not even caring started to undo his belt buckle and his button to his jeans as she was now able to slide her hand into his pants and over the hardness that his pants were hiding “Hmm I can tell that you would be ready to go huh” and as she smiled to his kiss again she felt his body tense and then shiver as her hand slid up and down his shaft “Ohh shit baby that feels so good” and as he leaned in resting his head to her shoulder she leaned in “Hmm imagine when this is all over, that night that you told me that you want, that you could finally have me…have all of me” and as she continued to stroke him, he was not holding back with the moans and grunts from feeling her tiny hand around his rather stiff member. “I am going to have you Morgan one way or another even if you…” and as he looked to her in the eyes and she stopped for a moment he continued “Even if you choose Liam promise me just one night…” and as she looked to him she nodded and said “I promise you Drake even if I do choose Liam you will..” and before she could continue he leaned in kissing her lips deeply capturing her lips passionately, his tongue starting to tease her lips a little bit as she let him in and she did the same as they both started to explore each other’s mouths.
Drake started to feel like he wouldn’t be able to take it anymore as he pressed to her hand a little bit more “You have me so close babe” and as she heard this she brought her hand out from his pants and as he looked at her with a little sadness and shock she started to get down from being around him “Well maybe I will have to finish that for you” and as she started to look at him and he got the hint about what she was trying to say, she started to slide down the wall a little bit in front of him starting to pull at his pants a little bit more, pulling them down past his hips and just to his thighs and as his member sprang to life in the cool air, a gasp escaped his lips. Jade started to look up to him her green eyes just staring up into his deep brown ones seeing the way that there is a passion that is running so deep in him right now and as she started to lean in a little bit taking the head of his throbbing member to her lips she felt his body stiffen a little bit and his hand started to run through her hair gently. “Damn Jade are you sure about this?” and as though she knew he was about to ask this, in her answer she started to lean in a little bit more taking inch by inch into her mouth as she attempted to get her mouth to open a little bit more knowing that she has never done this before and not knowing if she is going to be doing it right and as she pulled her lips off him and looked to him he could tell that something was on her mind “If you don’t want to do this Jade you don’t have too” and as she shook her head she explained “It’s not that I don’t want to it’s just…I never have” and as she looked to him and felt the blush hitting her cheeks she felt like he might pull away from her and as she looked back up to him and saw that smile on his face he said “That is alright baby, no one is perfect, well you are but I mean it feels amazing so far. Just take your time babe, and again you don’t have to if you don’t want too. I would never force you” and as she smiled to him and started to lower her head a little bit more starting to take him into her mouth again. Causing a deep inhale from him feeling her soft lips around his shaft he moaned out “Mmm that’s it babe just like that” and as she started to slide her lips up and down him little by little she could feel his hardness increasing and the way it pulsed against her lips she knew it was causing him to feel good.
Though as she started to increase the speed just a little bit and she could feel the way that his hand in her hair was tightening just a little bit, she started to take him as deep as she could hearing the moan and looking up seeing the pleasure over his face as he looked down to her “You keep going like that it’s not going to take me long” and as he looked her in the eyes and watched her mouth slide over him again and again he moaned out “Fuck baby I …I am so close” and as she started to look at him and seeing the way that he was tensing around his hip muscles she took her right hand and started to cup his balls a little bit and then took her left hand and started to massage his thigh and then up to under his shirt. She pulled off him as she started to taste him just a little bit “Do you want to cum like this or like you did before?” and as he started to look at her breathing heavy he said “Like before” and as she wasted no time starting to get to the counter top of the bathroom sink, jumping up to be sitting on it and as she did this the hem of her dress slid up and as she felt the heat from the liquor running through her she knew that this could be dangerous that someone could have spotted him coming in here but right now with how good she was feeling and how turned on she was for Drake she didn’t give two shades. As she watched him walk over to her and caught glimpse of his manhood as it was hard as a rock she knew that she had only ever seen one before and that was due to a circumstance that turned her off to having sex and as he started to get between her legs as she sat there he pulled her body flush to his and instantly she could feel his shaft up against her core. Letting out a moan she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist as he started to reach down and aligned himself to where his hardness was literally laying over her entire womanhood and she could feel just how hard he was against her. “Mmm god Drake if only this was all over right now” and as he leaned in kissing her deeply he then said “Believe me baby I would never make our first time be in the bathroom” and as he smirked and started to grind his hips against her his hands gripped her hips to move her with him imitating the motion as though he was giving it to her right here in the bathroom.
The friction of feeling him on her and the wetness that she knew that was on her panties was driving them both to the brink as she looked to him he rested his forehead to hers “I want you to go over that edge with me baby” and as he said this she could feel her body responding to his so quickly as she gripped his shoulders he increased the speed as to which he was grinding to her “Just like that, oh god Drake please don’t, don’t stop” and as she felt her body starting to fire up between her legs she could feel the heat racing through her and the building passion inside her as he leaned in capturing her lips with his again. It wasn’t long before she was moaning against his lips and grinding her hips back to him as she arched her back to him even more, her hands sliding down to his hips and pressing him to her as she felt her body getting right to that edge “Oh god…Drake…Drake I am there! Ohhhh…” she moaned out feeling her body starting to take that last step as he increased the pressure to her womanhood and the motion on her clit and over her lips she lost all control as she then heard the words “Ohhh god baby I am there right with you…ohh cum for me Jade” Drake moaned out as he pressed one, two, three more times to her before pressing hard against her feeling her body starting to shake in his arms and her moans being muffled by his lips as he released himself right against her panties and her lower abdomen. His moans were matching hers as he soon leaned into her hold feeling his body shivering as his orgasm shot through his body.
After another few moments of just holding each other there they soon helped each other clean up a little bit and then headed out of the bathroom with their hands intertwined. Though as they got back towards the bar Drake then paid the bartender and started to head Jade back to her room. Though as they continued towards her room it was all too fast that they were now standing right outside her door and as she looked to him she felt her heart dropping a little bit “Do you want to come in for a little bit?” and as she looked to him her eyes almost pleading as she didn’t want their time to end just yet and as he looked to her and saw the sad look in her eyes he smiled to her and said “Yeah I will come in for a little bit” and as they walked into her room she soon shut the door and locked it immediately. Walking a little bit more into her room she started to head to the bed to get her pajamas that were laying there on her bed. “Look Morgan I…I want to thank you again for coming out with me tonight…it really means a lot” and as Jade heard him say this she turned back to him and walked right to him wrapping her arms around his waist holding him to her “Drake you should know by now that I care so much for you. I will never ever let you go drinking alone especially after everything that has been going on” and as she looked up to him he leaned in pecking her lips “I won’t pretend to know or understand why but I am glad that you are on my side” he said starting to smile to her as he leaned in kissing her again this time the kiss was deeper yet passionate, and it triggered something in her again. This feeling that she couldn’t shake and something she didn’t know if she ever did want to shake. He made her feel so good, complete, loved, cared for, protected and so much more. She knew that this was a place –in his arms – where she could be for the rest of her days. Though as the kiss broke and Drake looked her right in the eyes he started to walk her slowly back to her bed and started to sit her back on the bed “Let’s get you ready for bed” and as the words were smooth as silk and the deepness was a turn on to her she didn’t stop him as he started to reach down grabbing the bottom of her dress and starting to slide it up her hips and then up to her stomach starting to go over her breasts leaving her sitting there in panties and a bra.
Jade soon felt the cool air hitting her body as she shivered a little bit but soon felt Drake wrap his strong arms around her “Do you want your pajama’s or do you want my shirt or just me” and as he smirked to her she playfully hit his shoulder “I would like just you but I know that you will not be able to stay all night so probably your shirt” and as she smiled to him a little bit he started to unbutton his over shirt but she soon reached out and started to do it for him. With each button she was taking her time as she leaned in kissing just below each button and then soon when they were all open she started to run her hands under the material as she looked up into his eyes. “There we go” and as she said this he started to get the shirt off his shoulder and down his arms revealing his black beater that was clinging right to his body giving every little outline of his pecs and his abdomen. Jade smiled as he started to get it around her shoulders and then started to button it up for her. With each button he smiled to her leaning in and kissing her cheek and then her neck to her collar bone and when the last button was done he leaned in kissing her lips tenderly but soon he was leaning her back onto the bed, the sight of her in his shirt with just panties and a bra under was causing him to feel so much inside his body and his mind. Leaning over her a little bit more he started to kiss her a little bit deeper knowing that he didn’t want to leave at all but knowing that he would have too before morning. Though as the kisses continued and the passion between them started to rekindle again he found himself starting to lay over her, resting between her legs as she brought her left leg up around his hips to hold him there. Reaching back he soon got her under the blankets and which was supposed to be them just lying together turned into a full blown make out. Jade ran her hand up and through his hair and down his back, causing the kiss to deepen and the way that his body was pressed to hers she could feel again just how turned on she was making him.
Too soon Drake pulled back and looked right into her eyes starting to feel the pull from his heart to hers and soon they were lying there in bed simply just talking. But soon after Jade was curled into Drake under the blankets she soon dozed off feeling completely safe and content there in his arms.
Over the next few moments Drake continued to look over her as she slept but soon he did see her phone that was on the nightstand starting to flash. Quietly and very slowly he leaned over and got a glimpse of what was going on and as he read the alarm that was going off he soon felt his heart drop into his stomach and felt as though he was going to be sick as he read the notification “Meet Liam” and as he looked over it a few more times to make sure that he was reading it right he soon knew that he had to get her up or leave and maybe go meet Liam alone and talk to him a little bit. Though as he started to think about what to do he knew that maybe going to talk to Liam would be a good idea but how would he explain that he was there instead of Jade. As he lay there thinking for another few moments he heard the alarm go off again and soon the guilt started to hit him, what was he doing lying in the same bed as the woman that his best friend was in love with? Why was he allowing himself for the first time ever to actually feel something for the woman that stole his best friend’s heart? How could he be so selfish as he knew that he should wake her? These thoughts raced through his mind as though he couldn’t help it and soon he was leaving Jade lying there cuddled up under her blankets as he started to head out but not before leaning in and kissing the top of her head. As Drake walked out of the room he started to head down the walk a little bit unaware that another set of eyes was watching him leave Jade’s room.
As he continued walking down the hall and to the main car he soon saw Liam sitting there on the arm of the couch and as he froze for a moment knowing that he was probably sitting there waiting for Jade to come down he knew that he should just walk away and go to his room. This way he wouldn’t have to feel even guiltier than he already did. Though as he started to take a step it’s almost as if Liam could tell that someone was there as he stood up quickly and said “I didn’t think…Drake what are you doing up?” and the look on Liam’s face was that of a little surprise as he was expecting Jade to be there. Drake looked to his best friend and as he started to think about what to say he just said “Couldn’t sleep so I was thinking about going for a walk. What are you doing up?” and as he looked to his best friend he knew damn well why he was there and as Liam just looked down to his phone again he said “I was hoping that Jade would agree to meet me, I was going to take her on a walk but I haven’t heard back from her” and as Liam looked to Drake he could see the pain that was in his best friends eyes. Knowing what he was about to say was a complete lie and he could feel it in the pit of his stomach he explained that he had seen Hana and Jade walking together and then when he saw Hana she had mentioned that Jade was going to lay down “She probably fell asleep” and as Drake felt his heart beating faster and faster knowing that he was lying to Liam he started to think that Liam would just get up and head to his room but instead he heard the little sigh of defeat “You want to grab a drink at the bar?” and as Drake looked to Liam he said “Sure if you want to stay up a little bit longer” and as Liam stood he patted his friend on the back and said “I could use my best friend right now” and as the two men walked towards the little bar that was on the train in the next car Drake could feel the guilt just overriding his mind and his heart.
Once in the car that had the booze the two men took a seat at the bar and as they looked around there wasn’t even a bartender on as it was really late already so they ended up pouring their own drinks and began to just sit there for a few moments in silence. That is until Liam looked to Drake “I know that I shouldn’t be asking this to you, but how…how is she?” and as Liam looked to Drake and Drake nodded his head he said the first thing that came to his mind “She’s alright. I mean the best that she can be with everything that is going on” and as he looked to Liam he saw his best friend looking defeated and he could tell that he was feeling something more than that “What’s wrong Liam?” he asked starting to take another drink of his freshly poured whiskey. Liam shook his head as he started to feel the way that his mind was racing and his heart was breaking “Drake I just…I don’t know how much longer I can put up with this. Putting Jade through all this it’s killing me. I want to be there for her but I can’t be. I want to just take her out but I can’t, hell I can’t even help you guys investigate. I just feel extremely useless in keeping her safe, and happy” and as Drake listened to basically his brother spilling the beans about everything that he was feeling in relation to the investigation and to Jade he couldn’t help but start to feel about an inch tall. “I just wish that this could all be over because then I could really focus on Jade and really give her the relationship that I hope she still wants with me. I mean she tells me all the time that once this investigation is over she is going to decide if she wants to be with me or not. I just hope that by then it’s not too late” and as Liam took a swig of his drink Drake knew that he had to make his best friend think better of the situation and as he took a deep breath he looked to Liam “Liam, I have known you practically my whole life. You have a strong connection with Jade and I know that after all this is done, you and her can finally start your life together and see what is going to come of it. I can see that she cares about you and I really don’t think that it would change just because you are not there 24/7” and as he smiled to him he felt his heart shattering as he knew in his heart and his mind that he was falling in love with Jade.
Liam looked over and took in a deep breath again as he said “I don’t know Drake, Jade is amazing and she deserves everything in the world. I mean Madeleine has told me that even if her and I end up getting married, if Jade doesn’t clear her name first, that I could still be with Jade just not in the spot light. But how is that fair to the woman that I am falling for? I couldn’t do that to her, she is not meant to be a side chick she is meant to be someone’s woman and mother to their children, not be hidden away like a secret” and as Drake listened to Liam continue on about Jade he knew in his mind that he couldn’t give Jade everything, not like Liam could and as much as it pained him, hearing Liam talk about her that way he could tell that he did love Jade, more so than he has ever seen his best friend love someone. That is when the thought came to him that as much as it is killing him inside, he had to step back as he knew that if he continued on this path it could possibly cause Liam heartbreak and or also lose Liam as a best friend. “Drake I want to thank you for keeping an eye on her, please don’t stop being there for her. I know that it’s a lot to ask of you but I need to know that she is being taken care of and with everything going on I need to know that she is safe. Until we know what is really going on and who is out to get her, I don’t want anyone else looking after her, can you continue to do that for me please?” Liam asked looking right to Drake and as Drake looked back he nodded his head “Of course I will, I don’t want anything to happen to her either, she doesn’t deserve anymore bad things” and as he started to think about all their moments together and the way that she made him so happy it killed him to know that he would be losing that so soon. As he continued to think about how he would never be able to hold her, kiss her, be close with her and how he would have to stop himself from falling for her more he felt his body just shrinking at the thought.
After a few more moments Liam then expressed that he still thinks that Drake should take Jade away from here and as Drake shook his head knowing that Jade has told him over and over again that she doesn’t want to leave, Drake then soon mentioned about Bastien and how he wanted to find out just who was putting Bastien up to what he did. “The only thing that I can think of is a bribery, Drake, we know Bastien there has to be a reason for it, something that we are not seeing” and as Liam continued to talk about Bastien it soon hit Drake like a brick to the chest as he started to piece together probably the biggest puzzle that they had ever faced, though he soon let the small thought leave his mind as right now there was someone more deserving of his thoughts. After a little more time Liam again thanked Drake for looking out for Jade and being there for her and as they parted ways Drake ended up leaving the train knowing that he had to get some air.
As the cool nights breeze ran over his body he felt a shiver run over his body and as he took out his phone he looked through the photos that he had on his phone and soon stopped on the one of him and Jade. Feeling his heart beating faster and his mind swirling he knew what he had to do, he had to finally tell Jade exactly what he felt, investigation pending or not, or he had to step back and let Liam take away the one woman that he was finally letting in. He stood there looking at Jade’s amazing smile as she was hugging him in the photo and he started to think about her soft lips when he kissed her, the way that her hand fit perfectly in his when they were able to walk together, the way that when she smiled to him how it lit his body on fire and he couldn’t help but smile back, thinking about the way that she understood him and supported him, was there for him and had his back, thinking about all the moments that they have shared cuddled up together, and how her body fit like a puzzle piece to his when they would be lying together. Though as his mind wondered he then thought about the love that she has shown him and the passion that they have that is no-where near being able to be denied, and as he thought about how she was the first woman that has gotten to his cold heart and warmed it so much, how could he let that go? With that question in his mind he decided that he wasn’t going to let her go, even though in the end he could end up alone, he wasn’t going to stop feeling this way and was not going to let his heart close down.
Soon enough as he glanced down to his watch he started to see that it was almost 2 AM and he knew that it would be somewhat of an early morning he started to head back and that is when the thought from when he was with Liam came running back to his mind and he froze “The only thing I can think of is bribery” and as Drake thought about it and started to piece everything that they had all learned, together that is when he felt his heart almost stop as he knew just exactly this could be controlling Bastien. He couldn’t wait, he knew that he had to get to Jade and get to her now. Literally running down the corridor of the train and down the hall to her room he started to knock gently but then soon a little bit louder. “Come on baby open up” and as there was no answer he started to pull out his phone, his fingers barely able to keep straight as he sent a text to her phone and then started to knock again.
Inside Jade’s room she was sound asleep until she soon started to hear the sound of someone knocking. As she rolled over and saw the time she soon then heard Chance starting to move a little bit from where he was sleeping on the bed and jumped down and running to the door. “Chance come here buddy” and as she heard the knocking continue she reached over turning her nightstand light on and getting up, as she was still in Drake’s shirt and not knowing who it is trying to get her attention she quickly put her robe on over and started to walk towards the door. Opening it slowly she thought to herself that if it was Maxwell he was going to be in pain for waking her up, as she was already feeling a headache coming on. “Maxwell I swear to god,” and as she opened the door and came face to face with Drake her eyes immediately shot open “What…what is going on? Are you okay?” she asked and he didn’t even hesitate as he stepped into her room wrapping his arms around her holding her to his body. Jade was in a little bit of shock but hugged him back taking in the scent of whiskey that she could smell on him and she could even feel his heart beating for how close he was holding her. Though just after a moment she pulled him more into the room, shutting and locking the door. Drake walked into her room and began pacing a little bit and Jade could tell that something was wrong as he wasn’t answering her “Drake what…what is going on?” and as she looked to him and he still didn’t stop pacing she started to think that maybe he was drunk and as she walked to him she soon got her arms around him and brought him to a halt. He looked to her and his eyes just scanned over her face and landed on her lips “Drake, you know you can talk to me. What the hell is going on?” she asked again as she looked to his brown eyes that looked filled with surprise, but with a hint of pain as well and again without answering her he just leaned in pressing his lips to her. This kiss was not gentle, was not soft but filled with a burning desire, a passion and want that she had felt with him a few times before and as she felt her body melt into his arms she wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist lifting her up in a swift motion and without skipping a step brought her back to the bed.
Before she could realize what was happening he had his beater off and his pants open, his lips tracing her jawline to her neck as his hands started to work on getting his shirt off. Sliding to be between her legs again she started to feel her body responding and as she started to give in to him she started to run her hands down his bare back and down to his hips as she slid her hands into his pants and over his backside. Drawing a moan from her lips as he kissed down her neck and then to just over the tops of her breasts he felt her body arching to him and to his touch “Drake…are you…mmmm” she started but was soon again cut off by his lips kissing her deeply and fire burning heat. He broke the kiss as he started to look down to her once his shirt was off her body smiling as he liked the idea of her leaving it on and as he leaned in he started to kiss over her stomach causing her hands to leave his jeans and as she felt his lips starting to kiss over her lower abdomen going lower and lower she could feel her heart starting to beat so fast and as she looked down to him as he continued the way down to her panties she could feel her breathing increasing as well. She closed her eyes as she then saw him hovering over her lower area the only thing between him and her core was a thin lining of panties.
Drake slowly leaned his head in and though she knew in her mind that something was off she couldn’t help her body responding to him and what he was doing and as she knew that she should stop him before he continued, she couldn’t find the words. She looked down and caught his eyes as his hand slid up taking her hand in his and held it as he leaned in and pressed a kiss right to her pubic bone over the material of her panties. Jade couldn’t stop herself as she arched back causing her hips to lift up towards his mouth and that is when she felt the little tiny pecks that he was starting to kiss over the lips of her womanhood through her panties “Ohhh shit…oh Drake” she moaned out as he started to kiss up and down her womanhood, teasing every inch of her most sensitive spot. He leaned in pressing his kisses harder to her core right over her clit as he began to kiss and press to her over and over again and as he looked to her and she looked back down to him she could see the question in his eyes and as she nodded he leaned in again though this time he used his teeth and nose to nudge her panties to the side just a little bit. Jade’s body instantly reacted as she soon felt his silk like lips on her bare lips and she couldn’t help it as she let out a loud moan that filled the room “Oh god Drake, this, this is something I have never done” and as she looked to him he still didn’t say a word but in response he soon took his hand that was not holding hers and started to wrap it around her leg opening her up more for him as he leaned in a little bit more starting to kiss up and down on her bare lips. Soon she could feel her mind just racing knowing that she has never felt this ever in her life but soon she felt like she was flying in bliss as he leaned in and started to run his tongue up and down her slit. Jade moaned out again as she gripped his hand and it didn’t take long before he was kissing and licking her, but then soon brought his hand from her leg to her core where he started to tease her with his finger just a little bit but never once letting his finger slide into her.
After a few moments of continued bliss, Jade found herself panting as Drake continued working on her to get her to cum for him and as he started to suck on her clit just a little bit more she soon felt it as she looked down and caught his eyes with hers as she nodded, and he started to kiss and suck a little bit faster, she started to inch closer and closer he could tell that she was about to be at that ledge and without saying a word he slid up her body and covered hers with his perfectly matching himself up to hers just like in the bathroom. Balancing his weight on his arms, he looked right to her eyes seeing the passion and the desire racing through her he started to grind perfectly against her again. Drawing out moan after moan he could feel through her panties and even his boxers the heat that was just radiating off her body. Jade looked to him and started to bite her lip as she moved her hips with his and she could feel the friction beginning to be too much as she started to beg him to go faster and press harder against her and again with no words he took her direction and soon he was grinding harder on her and pressing her more into the bed with each grind. Finally after this time he moaned out “Jade…oh fuck babe” and as she looked to him and saw that look in his eyes she knew that he was going to cum and she knew that she was there too and as she leaned up kissing his neck and then to his lips she moaned to his kisses as she dug her heel into his back to press him closer. He couldn’t take it anymore and as he kissed her harder he said against her lips “Cum for me baby…cum for me right…ohh now baby” and as he pressed harder to her, grinding faster he let his release go just as she moaned out his name right to his lips as she began to dig her nails into his back and they both could feel each other start to hit that high, as both bodies shook through the orgasms together. Breathing deep and letting out moans here and there as they both started to calm Drake soon collapsed right into her arms.
Though after a few moments of just lying there like that Drake soon brought his head up and looked to Jade, as she ran her hands through his hair leaning in and kissing him tenderly “Not that I am complaining but what caused this” and as she looked to him he finally took a deep breath and said “I wanted one more time with you, because I think I know who is behind all this, and if I am right, I wanted to have one more moment with you before I could lose you forever” and as Drake said this and Jade could hear the pain in his voice she felt her heart breaking at that thought. “Who do you think it is Drake?” and as he looked to her he said “There is only one person that Bastien ever has to report to and take orders from…” and as Jade felt it click in her head he nodded as if to agree, “Constantine”.