He was positively glowing with happiness like the sun breaking on a particular stormy day. His face had a huge smile that could put the cat that had finally caught the canary to shame. His eyes were twinkling like young stars in the night sky. His steps were as light as swan feathers and were springy like his legs were made of flesh slinky. His train of thoughts were full of cheesy and sweetness that would definitely make Jerry the Mouse and Willy Wonka foam with greed. His whole feeling was as happy as floating into cloud nine. When he arrived at their love nest, he saw the navy blue, vintage Volkswagen Rabbit parked outside the garage – a sure sign that who he desperately needs to see had just arrived. He opened the door with a giddiness that would make a kid on sugar high sigh in defeat. He wanted everything to be a surprise so he made least noise as possible. He slowly went to their bedroom after finding the living room empty except for the car keys at the coffee table. He found the door to the room slightly ajar and stood outside, posture straightening up. He patted a not-so-noticeable bulge in his right jean pocket and slowly pushed the door open. His face, however, slowly contorted into dismay upon finding the room empty and exactly the way it looked before he left in the morning. He frowned when he noticed that the cabinet was open. He walked over to close it but found something was off. His clothes were still here and there’s no sign of theft – then it hit him. The parked Rabbit, the slightly opened door, and…and the keys! Yes, the keys! It should be the one who’s gone and not what he had just realized at the moment. It should have been the keys. He desperately wanted it to be the keys. The keys would be okay. He would totally understand if the keys would be missing. The clothes, however, is a completely different story. Her clothes…
He was positively breaking down when he still couldn't find where she is. He would totally understand whatever reason she would say. He would be on his knees begging her to come back. He would offer up his slowly breaking heart just to have her take him back again. He would do anything. Then, he struck gold. His phone beeped as a text from her friend he had called earlier said that she just arrived there. He wasted no time and immediately hailed a taxi – uncaring that the house is unlocked, uncaring that the diamond engagement ring was left on her dresser, uncaring that his common sense was left behind with the Rabbit’s keys. She…she is way more important. He arrived and hurriedly paid the cab fare and ran like he was chased by hellhounds to the house’s door. He knocked rather harshly, face morphing back into his earlier excitement. He heard her sound saying that she’ll open the door. He was back to heaven just by hearing her voice. When the door finally opened, he immediately latched onto her, continually saying ‘I love you’. His arms were unlatched by her soft yet strong arms. He looked at her with evident confusion in his eyes. He noticed that there were tears in her eyes as she told him the reason. No, this can’t be it! No! He looked at her with pools of hurt, betrayal, and unbelief. He saw her pointing to the suitcases in the hallway to prove her point. He was then shocked when he was hugged by her, front shirt wetting with the tears from her eyes, while repeatedly saying ‘Sorry’. He slowly made his way back in a daze. He still can’t accept her reason for leaving suddenly without any kind of warning. For leaving the country. For leaving him…
He was positively laughing when he thought again of her reason over his nth glass of whiskey. He was left and discarded because of someone new. He was like a limited edition toy being replaced by a cooler, foreign, toy. He, then, finally concluded that life really isn’t fair; which, was followed by a forced laugh. Was it because he wasn’t rich enough? he wasn’t loving enough? cuddly enough? sexually-active enough? Or was he, himself, wasn’t enough. Yes, he decided, he was not enough. He was not enough to please her. He was not enough to stop his heart walk out of his door. He wasn’t enough to convince her to come back. He was not enough to unpack…unpack her suitcase.