I gave one simple instruction to a complete stranger: Get me out of this madhouse, no questions asked. That's all there was to it, just to take us away from these sorry excuses for human beings. I had my suitcase packed and I braced myself for an adventure, one that is much much better than that stupid Britney Spears movie which only seemed watchable in primary school. With full suitcase being tossed into the boot of the car, the helpful stranger shut the boot and let me sit in the front of the car.
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The helpful stranger did as he was told, and we drove away, putting distance between myself and that dreadful place, which too many people comfortably refer to as school. I was more likely to trust a perfect stranger than I would the insufferable fools in my class. How bitterly unfair for them to leave them in the dust, yet how soothing for me to not give a single, solitary fuck about them. I didn't want to speak a single word about that dreadful place, the stranger kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Only glancing at me in curiosity as stared at the trees and village houses rushing past.
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"Where to miss?" the stranger asked, the poor boy felt more like a chauffeur.
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"Anywhere but here" I said wistfully, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and plugged it into the car. The stranger was hesitant at first, but smiled, appreciating my taste in music as we drove. The roar of the music silenced everything else in my head, everything but one, single solitary thought, that I was finally free. Sure this stranger could very well chop me up into little pieces and stuff my parts in the suitcase I had prepared.
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However this was my daydream, and therefore I decided that this helpful stranger wasn't going to do anything of the sort. Which is probably why the stranger instinctively knew where the city centre was as we drove away from my school. This is my daydream, so I would like to apologise to the non-assholes in my class for leaving you behind. You are welcome to join me if you want to be whisked away by the unrealistically sexy and harmless stranger that I created in my head. For the time being, this is my day dream, so as I think of this I am probably in my class doodling with a pen so that I don't stab someone else or myself in the eye with it instead.
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Where was I again? Ah yes, driving off into the bustling city centre with a perfect stranger, let's call this perfect stranger Billy (cause why the not?). No actually, let's give him a fancy name like Charles (because he's a fantasy chauffeur at this point). Let's pretend that this fantasy chauffeur isn't from around here, and let's try to imagine him salivating over Hong Kong food (because how could you not?). After parking the car in a convenient location, Charles was willingly dragged into a conveniently placed cafe. "One Hong Kong style French toast, one 'black cow', one yuan yeung, one milk tea" I commanded in the clipped and eloquent tone of voice that only exists in my daydream. The milk tea came first, it seemed harmless until you realised these places gave you strong milk tea. Charles winced as he drank the tea, he felt as if the lining of his insides were long gone. Next gave the yuan yeung, a concoction of milk tea and coffee. Charles was a little more charmed by this particular mixture, I control this daydream so he reacts however I want him to. The 'black cow' (chocolate ice cream on top of cola) and the Hong Kong style French toast made Charles' eyes swell up in delight. Never in the life I imagined he had he he seen what was essentially deep fried peanut butter on toast, nor had anyone I have imagined he knew dare mix chocolate and cola. The boy eat like he was in food heaven, I simply sat back and watched with pride at his enjoyment.
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I tried to dream of the next part of the adventure, wondering where I would drag Charles, this imaginary stranger I had created. Somewhere to yell at the top our lungs? Someplace where Charles can get drunk as piss whilst I watch in genuine amusement? As I said, anywhere but that miserable place would do nicely.
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Sadly I wouldn't know the answer to that in that moment, as I was suddenly shaken awake. I realised with a disappointed sigh that I was still in class. I was still in class, listening to the snickering of some of my classmates, and the loud, obnoxious and nauseating cackle of others. There was no mysterious, helpful and harmless stranger. I never even got the chance to continue the adventure existing in my head. I never got the chance to see what I actually put in that suitcase, and what contents could my mind conjure. I looked down at my feet, my 'suitcase' was a a heavy school bag, full of books, papers, pens, woes and worries mounted atop my back. There was no mysterious stranger, only those from lands far far away who help keep me sane, who give me hope that the world isn't completely populated by assholes. I looked at the calendar on my laptop, counting down the days until my dreams of leaving this miserable place would become a reality.