Beck stood with Rose at the door. She gestured for him to knock. Earlier while he was chasing after her, they saw to boys walking through the rain and disappearing into the house. They dashed after them and now they stood in front of the door.
“C'mon Beck! Knock.” Rose pushed him into the door.
He knocked and suddenly everything inside went quiet. He knocked again, a little harder this time.
“Hey!” He called. “Who's in here?” He pounded harder still.
“Dude I swear there were people in here.” Rose said. “I swear I saw them.”
Beck started kicking the door. His legs were very strong. “If there's no one in there, there at least has to be food or something. I'm starving, I threw up a little when that lady died.”
The door caved when Beck's legs started burning. Rose entered first, calling for people. Beck took his time, going to the back first. There were two bedrooms, one for an older kid who only went by Bro and one for a dude around Beck's age. He looked in there first.
On the bed sat the kid who owned the room, Jack, holding onto his hand. When he saw Beck, he visibly relaxed. Eli, on the other hand was waiting by the door, crowbar in hand. Beck, the target, was bigger than Eli expected, and instead of the weapon hitting his head, it smashed into his shoulder. There was a crunch, like someone dropped a china plate in another room, and Beck went down.
“Oh my God!” Eli cried, frozen in place with the crowbar still in hand. “Oh man, I hit hard to. Like baseball. Oh man, this isn't good. I swung like we used to in baseball practice!”
Jack slapped Eli's shoulder. “Dude, chill. You didn't know who it was.”
In came Beck's best friend, Rose. She screamed when she saw his shoulder and collapsed on the floor next to him. His shoulder was swelling in an almost comical looking way. The skin that attached his collarbone to his shoulder blade was very red and already had foul-smelling pus oozing out of the breaks in his skin.
Beck was still conscious, but now looked extremely mad. Not the dangerous sort of mad, Eli noticed, so he crouched down and tried to say sorry. Beck rolled his eyes but said thanks. Eli went to the window to make sure the rain was letting up.
“What do we do now?” Rose said, trying to find a way to stop the swelling.
Beck was about to tell them all to go away, when Eli gasped at the window.
“What?” Jack said, rushing next to his friend.
Rose helped Beck up and they went to the window. Outside, through the thick torrents of rain they saw two figures trudging against the downpour. The first shape was Erebus Rosen. Far more interesting however, was George Calder.
Lightning flashed just as George looked at the house, and everyone cringed when he peered at the window, for however bad Erebus was, George was a world weirder. The four slunk to the ground and decided to wait out the storm.
(a/n : erebus gets a nice part in the next issue, and I'll explain who the heck george is. but so far, what do you think they'll all do when they find out what erebus is keeping in his pantry?)