Malich had spent the night in Arya’s bed with her fucking him to the brink of extinction and back. He’d bedded many of the opposite sex, but none like her. She had the ferocity of a God, and the beauty of a finely crafted weapon, designed by the Gods themselves. When the sun came peaking over the horizon, he knew he needed to leave, but couldn’t bring himself to do so.
He’d meant what he said. He loved her…he had for some time now. Well before she allowed him to share her bed. And now, watching her sleep, skin like the smoothest caramel, he couldn’t imagine a life without her.
Malich wondered if he’d made the right decision in allowing her to become alumni. There were so many lies he told and truths he’d withheld…lies and truths that could alter the course they were currently on if he hadn’t breeched the walls of her heart enough. He’d kill before he allowed anyone to come between them, no matter the cost.
Smiling, Arya slid her hand from his chest to his cock. Its flaccid condition soon took a firm stance. “Another round,” she begged, her lips pressed against his.
“I can’t, this place won’t run itself and I have some business to attend to,” he shook his head.
“Please,” she feigned a pout, her lips trickling down from his to his abdomen, to…oh Gods.
She took a mouthful of him in, sliding her tongue along his shaft and rendered him speechless. Knowing her, she took joy in being able to silence him. Malich knew she wasn’t just attracted to him, most women desired more from him…they desired his power. Unlike other women, however, Arya didn’t want to take it away or emasculate him. She simply liked the way it felt, same as he.
“You owe me seven moons of kisses and chivalry,” Arya whispered against the length of him.
“You shouldn’t speak with your mouth full,” he smiled down at her.
For the third of fourth time, he wasn’t sure which; she’d driven him to the brink of climax, draining him of his energy. She trailed kisses from his nethers to his lips and drank from them.
“Don’t ever ignore me again,” she playfully threatened him.
Malich dissolved into laughter. “If this is what I get for ignoring you for a turn, perhaps I’ll try a term next,” he teased.
“Do it and I won’t hesitate to spill your blood next time.”
Even though she spoke in a playful manor, he knew she meant it. His silence had rocked her…knocked her off kilter. He had no plans to do it again. He saw what it had done to her. She was bloodthirsty and it took longer to talk her down off that murderous edge than he expected.
That’s when it hit him. This was all still new to her. Arya had taken up with Ihsan and he suspected she’d lost her virtue to him, but the first night they’d shared a bed together she bled, putting to rest any suspicions he’d had. She was as new to romance as a babe was to the world.
Sitting up and putting on the clothes she hadn’t ruined, he reached into the pocket of his overcoat and handed her a jewelry box.
“What is it?” She asked. Her eyes lit up like a child.
“A gift, or rather…a promise. You pledged yourself to me and I don’t take that pledge lightly. As a symbol of that pledge I got you something.”
“Not a wedding ring I hope,” she cast him a worried glance.
“We are not the sorts to marry, just open it.”
Arya opened the jewelry box and inside she found a necklace with a medallion formed into that of the Red Crest, encrusted with diamonds…hiscrest. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a similar medallion.
She handed him back the box and turned her back to him so he could place it around her neck. Arya ran her fingers over the diamonds and looked back at Malich. “I don’t know love, but I imagine this must be what it feels like,” she told him. “Perhaps in the future I might acquiesce to being your wife and bearing your children.”
“If we keep on as we have, the latter might transpire before the former. What will you do then? An assassin with a swollen belly is a much easier target.”
“If my belly swells I’ll let you know,” she moved just out of his grasp. Damn her, he thought to himself. She has the stubborn will of an ox. “Careful not to be seen on your way out, although I doubt there is anyone left here who doesn’t know about us.”
“They’d know less if you didn’t shout to the Gods while climaxing,” he teased. Placing her foot to his arse, Arya gave him a playful shove towards the door. He laughed and reached for the door but stopped short of turning the knob. “Lie with no other in my absence.”
“If I did, you’d never know.”
He knew she was only teasing but he bristled at the thought. “I have my ways of finding things out,” he assured her. “He’ll never see another moon.”
With that bit of a warning he exited her room and out into the hall. She was right. Everyone knew about the time they spent together behind closed doors, there was no use hiding it. So he didn’t. A few disciples’ mouths fell open when they saw him exit her room, his hair and clothes a disheveled mess, some of the articles missing.
He gave them a sly smile and nodded. The girls swooned and the males, looked upon him with envy. Mekhi approached him from the opposite end of the hall. He took one look at Malich and his expression turned grave.
“I would ask where you’ve been but I’m afraid I already know the answer.”
“Spare me the dramatics Mekhi and speak your peace,” Malich sighed, heading to the bathhouse. Mekhi filled him in on the casualties at the Red Keep and how Jemma and Nezra used what they learned to send detailed information back to his family. He also told him how a single Captain had made it back unharmed to inform his majesty of the fate of the soldiers he’d sent at the hands of a phantom. A phantom that promised to kill everything and everyone his majesty loved, bathe in their blood and leave their bodies beside him in bed.
Foolish girl, aye, but there’s a raging fire in that one…
“She threatened the king,” Mekhi points out.
“Good. He thought us weak and now he knows we are not.”
“At least one of us isn’t. That girlhas clouded your judgment. She’s weakened you.”
“That girlhas a name and I suggest you use it.”
“Anan’s cock,” Mekhi gasped, eyeing him incredulously, “you’re falling for her.”
Malich ignored the disgusted look on his face. “See to it that she settles into her new home with the alumni smoothly. I want flowers, garments, and perfumes sent to her every turn.”
“You’re mad.”
“On the contrary Mekhi, I’ve finally found my resolve.”
With a wave of his hand Malich dismissed Mekhi. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Kahlem wouldn’t let his failure hang in the air for too long before making a second attempt. He needed to be prepared, his whit sharp.
Mekhi hesitated at the door and turned to face him. Sighing, Malich asked, “What now brother?”
“You love her, I can see it in your eyes, but tell me…how do you think she will react when she learns the lover you took from her…the lover she believes is dead, is alive and well and you knew it all along? Not only did you know it, but you also bedded her knowing he’s under your employ and you’ve kept it from her. Have you thought it through, or do you expect now that she’s allowed you to sheath your cock inside her all will be forgiven?”