As he stood watching her sleep, to say he was conflicted was an understatement. This beauty she’d become, the powerhouse of an assassin he knew she was, all of it had a hand in her winning his heart. He wasn’t sure he cold let go, nor did he wish to take another as his bride, but his ambition proved too powerful a force to simply subdue. Truthfully, he knew he could have her either way. And like the arsehole they both knew he was, he was exploiting her love for him in order to acquire more power.
Eventually he found the nerve to leave her room, but not before placing a large stack of gold coins on the table beside her bed. He knew once she saw it she’d become incensed…he counted on it. “Will Arya or your surrogate be joining us?” Mekhi asked.
“The surrogate. It appears my beloved would rather play with sharp objects than share my birthright or my bed.”
Mekhi laughed, “At least she’s consistent on that front.”
“Aye, that she is,” Malich joined him in laughter.
“Are you sure about this brother?”
Malich nodded. “And once I have my name and reputation back, I will repay you for all of your kindness and putting up with my shit throughout the years.”
“I’ll hold you to it then,” Mekhi inclined his head.
They set off to the Seasons Plane where Malich was to meet, and broker, this peace treaty with his brother on neutral ground. Truthfully he wanted to get out of the Redlands before Arya woke up and discovered what he’d done. The fury in that girl alone could frighten a God into Acquiescing.
If he were being honest, he was relieved she hadn’t chosen to accompany him. Revealing her to his world meant her life would be in constant danger and he wasn’t completely certain he could protect her, not that she needed any protection. Malich’s family was all cunning lions in a jungle full of sheep. And then there was Ihsan. He’d hidden his feelings well when Mekhi questioned him, but he was afraid.
Malich didn’t have Arya’s particular gifts for winnowing in and out of wherever she wished. It took them three cycles to reach the door to the season’s plane, and he was exhausted. A passenger car awaited him on the other side of the plane. Guards entered the plane before him to ensure his safety and then Malich entered once he got word that everything was clear.
A pair of dark eyes pinned him the moment he walked through the plane. Dressed in a crimson cloak, from head to toe and skin the color of midnight, Malich perfected the art of committing this particular silhouette to memory. He had more than enough reason to kill Malich and yet he remained loyal. For how long, Malich wasn’t sure, perhaps until he set eyes on his mistress.
“Welcome to the seasons Majii,” Ihsan bowed, his right hand over his heart.
“Ihsan,” Malich inclined his head, tossing him a coin purse full of gold coin.
He wondered if Ihsan could smell her scent on him. He had the nose of a bloodhound, that one. Yet another forgotten prince, cast out from his home. Malich and Ihsan weren’t much different from one another. The only difference was Malich had escaped his shackles where Ihsan were still bound by his.
Malich watched Ihsan with a careful eye whenever he was within his presence. He was the most deadly of the alumni soldiers and could kill without anyone knowing it was him who’d done it.
Ihsan managed his protective detail and ensured his safe passage to the Spring Court. The moment Malich crossed into the season’s plane, his power roared to life in his veins. It was yet another matter he’d have to discuss with Arya at some point.
“Arya, how is…”
Before Ihsan could finish his question, Malich pinned him with a glare. His words died in his throat. “She’s moved on. Perhaps you should do the same.”
“Yes Majii,” Ihsan nodded.
As they neared the gates to Spring Court, Malich saw his kin gathered at the entrance to the palace that housed his royal extended family. His benevolent aunt Asherah and her children were the first to greet him and welcome him inside. His uncle remained skeptical, as usual, but he inclined his head respectfully.
“You look so much like your father,” Asherah smiled, caressing the side of his face. “Your mother has been sick with worry about you. Kahlem has proven a very ruthless ruler.”
“In what way?”
“No one has seen or heard from your parents since he took over,” she informed him. “He’s always been driven, that one…much like you. I suspect his ambitions may have driven him to foul play.”
“Speak nothing of your suspicions to him. If he’s committed foul play once, he may do it again as need warrants.”
“Enough talk about family and politics. How are you? I hear you’re in love.”
“Something like that I supposed,” Malich nodded.
“When can we meet this beauty?” She asked.
“Nightfall, once my business with Kahlem has concluded.”
“Very well then,” she smiled, “I can’t wait.”
Asherah introduced him to more of his family members before showing him to his room. The spring court embodied the very essence of spring. Colorful flowers adorned the walls surrounding the court outside, interwoven into the landscaping and décor. The grass was green for miles, the air crisp and the sun bright. Spring Manor was a white palace nestled in the middle of an island surrounded by water on all sides but one. There was a thick forest of evergreens surrounding it, its roots planting themselves beneath the earth. Thick vines wrapped themselves around the outer walls of the palace and the pillars outside of the front entrance. Inside, the floors were almost marble like. You could see your reflection in them.
Malich’s thoughts went to Arya. He imagined her bathing in the large claw foot tub in the bathroom he’d been given. The only luxury she’d ever seen was that which he’d gifted her, and even that was nothing compared to what she would have here. If he were a better man he’d regret robbing her of that.
Pushing thoughts of her away, he summoned servants who bathed and groomed him, readying him for Kahlem’s arrival. One does not greet the king as a beggar.
Dax entered his room just before the given time for his meeting. It seems he too was given an upgrade in appearance. “I want the alumni close but not seen, and keep an eye out. If Kahlem wishes to make a move tonight I want him to regret it.”
“Yes Majii,” Dax nodded, “Or is it your highness now?”
“It will be your highness, but only if Kahlem keeps his word.”
“Does that mean we would live here within the Spring Court?”
“The house of Jarrah resides within the Summer Court. Remind me to educate everyone if we survive this,” he sighed, “Any news of the surrogate?”
“She should arrive within the hour.”
“Very well then, let’s get this shit show on the road,” Malich sighed.
Dax led the way to the banquet hall where Kahlem, Arokin, and his brother Bevi were already seated, surrounded by at least twenty guards.
Two assassins in red cloaks accompanied Dax and Malich. Malich wanted his brothers to be at ease…to underestimate him. It was both a statement and a slap in the face to his siblings.
“Brother,” Kahlem inclined his head.
Malich mimicked his brother’s gesture, but he wasn’t here for the formalities. “Let’s skip the formalities and get straight to business, shall we?”
“We shall, but by my count you seem to be a man, or in this case a womanshort.”
Malich nodded to one of the guards who left the room. “It’s nice to see you in such great health brother,” Arokin smiled a venomous smile.
“You as well, although I can’t say the same for Captain Larik. I heard he ran into some trouble. Captain Polyk as well, but his encounter seems to be less fatal, luckily for him.”
Footsteps entering the room captured their attention as Malich’s guard guided the surrogate to her seat beside the Majii, her face concealed by a veil. Kahlem looked to Malich and his temples flared. “I am not in the mood for games,” he seethed.
“Neither am I,” Malich replied, equally put off. Glaring at his guard he demanded, “Whose idea was this?”
“Mine, my love,” Arya drawled, batting her eyes like a crazy person. For a second Malich stopped breathing. “After you made such a fuss about my joining you I figured you didn’t want to see my face.”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or scold her, this beautiful fool. Now was not the time for her fuckery, but clearly she was in the mood.
Amused, Malich asked, “What would give you that impression?”
“Why, the handsome dowry you left on the table beside the bed before you left. I’m convinced you left in such a hurry you must’ve forgotten where you put it,” she pinned him with an icy glare.
“Aye,” he nodded, “Indeed I did.”
“Careful not to misplace your valuables darling, or take them for granted. It’d be a shamefor that to come back and bite you in the arse.”
The table erupted into murmurs at her colorful words. Malich couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips and Dax looked weary. “Excuse us,” Malich stood up from the table. He held his hand out for Arya to take and quickly escorted her from the room.