Together Arya and Ihsan take the long journey to the Autumn Court hoping to sway the young Queen to their side of the war. It turns out they aren’t the only one with that idea. Upon their arrival they’re informed that the King and Princes of the Summer Court have also arrived and the young Queen will address them all at once.
Thankfully she and Ihsan are granted separate rooms without an adjoining door during the duration of their stay. After Evander checks her room, servants bring Arya’s things inside and she prepares for their meeting in the council room.
Ihsan joins her in her room followed by several guards and they go over their strategy to sway the young Queen. Most of it rests on the amount of power that would be given to the Summer Court.
The royal messenger for the Autumn Court summons Arya and Ihsan to the palace’s council room. As they leave the room with Arya leading the way, they run into Malich and Queen Grayson, practically knocking the poor girl over. With lightening quick reflexes Arya rights the unbalanced girl and quickly withdraws her hands. For a brief moment her gaze slides to Malich who seems surprised.
His gaze slides to Ihsan momentarily, then back to his father who gives him a slight nod. Without giving her another thought he takes his betrothed by the hand and presses on to the council room. The momentary show of affection rocks Arya, especially after his rejection the last time she saw him. Her heart slowly begins to ache.
Ihsan reaches out and takes her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. They fall into step behind Malich and Lizbet on their way to the council room, acquiring Kahlem, Bevi and Arokin along the way. Kahlem casts her a murderous glance.
Arya ignores his glare. Once inside the council chamber, Malich, his wife and his brothers sit on one side of the council table while Arya, Ihsan and their army sit on the other side. King Volc and Queen Aoki elects not to attend, which would undoubtedly works against them. Queen Yari Boleyn sits at the head of the council table with Penki standing beside her and Autumn Court soldiers lining the walls for her protection.
Penki begins the negotiations. “Before we begin, Queen Boleyn asks that this be a civil meeting of minds. These are sacred lands. There hasn’t been any bloodshed on these blessed lands for many cycles and we are a prosperous Court because of it.”
“True peace cannot be had without bloodshed,” Kahlem interrupts, his gaze fixed solely upon Arya.
“Or a kiss,” Arya fires back.
This incenses Kahlem into action. He flings a dagger at her, which she deflects effortlessly, like a nagging fly, with a wave of her hand and a flicker of her power, imbedding it into the wall.
“You’ll pay for what you did,” he vows.
Arya waves him off. His words are nothing but the ramblings of a madman.
“What part of no bloodshed do you not understand?” Penki turns to Kahlem.
“Is she bleeding?” Malich asks. Arya whips her head in his direction, followed by Kahlem. “No. She swatted his dagger away like it was a gnat. Which is why we believe you should fight for ourcause. Its true, I have a vast army of Red soldiers at the ready and I have three Kingdoms at my disposal, but the Seelie Queen is powerful. More powerful than anyone realizes.”
The knife in her heart dug a little bit deeper but Arya kept her features neutral. Malich just threw her under the bus in an attempt to derail her negotiations. She thought he was on her side. Whatever remorse he felt about what he’s done is obviously gone.
Unable to stop herself, Arya glares at him with the passion of three suns. “Or perhaps the cold bite of his court has rendered the Winter King delusional.”
Malich looks her dead in the eyes, unwavering, and says “On the contrary, I’m beginning to see things very clearly now that I’m not distracted.”
Queen Grayson casts Arya a smug smile, taking the hand she has laced with Malich’s, setting it on top of the table, rattling Arya further. She looks to Malich to correct his betrothed’s behavior but he does nothing. His attention is on Queen Boleyn and he appears to be bored with anything else.
Arya’ eyes slide to Kahlem who simply grins. Then her eyes slide to Malich’s father seated at his left side. He seems proud of his son. It appears Malich has made a choice, and it isn’t her.
Ihsan moves to place his hand over Arya’s and Malich’s jaw tightens, earning a questioning glance from his Winter Queen. She glances over at Malich with pained eyes before turning her eyes downward to stare at the table in front of her. Slowly her gaze slides over to Arya and there’s cold determination in the Winter Queens eyes.
“Do not let him rattle you, your Majesty,” Evander whispers into Arya’s ear.
“I am but a girl your Majesty,” Arya turns her attention to Queen Boleyn, “While the Winter King attempts to flatter me by making me this powerful Queen, I would not be here if it were true. I do have power, but so does everyone seated at this table. The Summer King and Princes wield lightening, same as the Winter King. The Seelie King wields his Darkin abilities, Queen Grayson is a water wielder, you wield the elements and I wield the light.”
“Amongst other things,” Kahlem adds, still glaring at her from across the table. “The Winter King is right, your powers appear to be endless, like the Gods themselves.”
Yari waves them all off, tired of the tug of whit taking place before her. “I know what you all want. Lets skip the part where you all kiss my arse and tell me what you’re offering.”
“An alliance,” Kahlem speaks first, nothing more and nothing less. “We have wealth, we have power, and we have the largest army within the Planes.”
“I am in no need of wealth, power or an army,” Queen Boleyn rolls her eyes, showing her adolescence. “I have that in spades.”
“Hushstone,” Evander speaks out of place.
Arya thinks it absurd until she sees light spark behind the young Queens eyes. “Do go on,” the young Queen gives him her full attention. Arya narrows her eyes at Evander wondering what he knows.
“We’d be willing to both mine and supply you with Hushstone at our own expense in exchange for your alliance,” Evander offers.
Queen Boleyn confers with Penki. Whatever use she has for Hushstone must be dire for her to have finally come to life. Arya could kiss Evander right now. Her gaze meets Malich’s who seems to be contemplating something. “Before you hastily agree to the Seelie Queens demands, you should take into consideration the fact that we control all import and export surrounding the Seelie Court. No shipments may pass through without our permission or paying our fees,” Kahlem addresses the young Queen.
Again Arya whips her head in his direction, shocked by his attempts to block her at every turn.
“We don’t need your roads, we have other ways we can ship the hushstone to Queen Boleyn.”
“Like through the Fall Court?” Arokin grins.
Kahlem also smiles as he replies to Queen Boleyn instead. “You could, but it would take twice as long and cost twice as much.” Sliding his gaze to Arya he adds, “Or, once we lay siege to the Seelie Court, not only will I honor everything the Queen has just offered, but we’ll grant you the use of the Red Legion and territory within the Redlands.”
Malich moves slightly, but not enough to draw attention. His face is unreadable, but Arya knows him. Kahlem’s offer incenses him and it doesn’t take much for her to guess as to why. Kahlem offers up pieces of his territory without his permission. It’s presumptuous of him.
Arya sighs and meets Queen Boleyn’s gaze. “There is more than one way to skin a cat,” she smirks. The goblet in Arya’s hand disappears and reappears in front of Queen Boleyn, driving her point home.
Queen Boleyn takes a deep breath and with a wave of her hand she says, “I will consider both of your offers and get back to you in three moons. In the meantime, enjoy the Autumn Court.” Rising from her seat, her advisor Penki escorts Queen Boleyn from the room and her soldiers follow.
The moment she leaves the room Kahlem raises from his seat, “What the hell are you doing?”
“Winning the Autumn Courts alliance,” she replies as Ihsan helps her from her seat.
“Successfully I might add,” Ihsan grins. “Long. Live. The Queen.”