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Gone. When Arya awoke some time later, Malich was gone. He’d stayed with her as she asked until she fell asleep, but disappeared at some point into the night. She suspected before, but she knew now for certain…he wasavoidingher.
Throwing off her blankets, she stood and dressed. Graduation had arrived and she did not want to be late. Exiting her room, she found Rayu and Lumi waiting for her. Lumi narrowed her eyes at Arya. “You are a gods damned daemon,” Lumi smirked.
Arya wasn’t in the mood for small talk or jokes, but she smiled anyway. She’d been opposed to the idea of being with Malich, but he pursued her relentlessly. She wanted to kick herself for giving in to him so easily. A man like that loved the thrill of the chase. He loved to conquer. The harder the conquest, the more enthralled he would be.
“Am not,” Arya stuck her tongue out at Lumi.
“I trust the Majii showed you just how grateful he was,” Rayu smirked.
The smile faded from Arya’s face, replaced by a more somber expression. “Then you’d be wrong.” Arya pressed ahead towards the main hall. Its pillars were decorated in a various array of red flowers, a long red carpet led from the seating area to a make shift throne. The largest seat was in the middle and there were three smaller seats to each side. The smaller seats were probably for the preceptors, while the large seat in the middle…she knew exactly who that seat was for.
Was he still here within these walls? Had he not abandoned her after all?
The preceptors motioned for the disciples to take their place as they all filed into the main hall. There’s wood bench seating and all of the blood she’d spilled the night before had been washed away. The only persons aware of her identity were the preceptors, Lumi, Rayu and possibly Jax. She wasn’t sure if anyone else had picked up on who the phantom was. She hadn’t revealed herself until the very end and only her eyes. Her other features were hidden beneath her cloak. And she’d only spoken loud enough for the Captain to hear her voice.
When other disciples asked her where she’d been, she told them she played dead. They recalled for her the Phantom that saved everyone’s lives. Some believed it were the alumni who’d saved both the Red Towers and the Red Keep.
Arya took her seat, Lumi and Rayu sitting next to her and they waited for the graduation ceremony to begin. When all were in attendance, the preceptors took their positions on the make shift throne. The last to take his seat was the Majii himself.
Dressed in a crimson red waistcoat, with the Red Legion Crest embroidered into it in gold, an overcoat made of a gold and crimson colored floral fabric, and a red cape cascading from his shoulders, pinned in place with two golden fist broaches, the Majii looked especially handsome. Arya bristled in her seat. His beauty was like salt in a fresh wound. He exuded power and notoriety. Two of the things she found the most attractive about him. That and how he could command your soul to climax with just one glance.
The longer she sat glaring at him, the angrier she became. Not once had his eyes searched for her or had he acknowledge her. Not once. It was business as usual for him while she was on the verge of exploding into a fury directed only at him.
“Welcome disciples to our graduation ceremony,” Mekhi announced to the room. “As you all know, four of you will graduate to become one of the almighty alumni. The rest of you will progress to the next level of training. But first, our beloved Majii would like to address last moons events.”
Mekhi took his seat and the Majii stood. All disciples knelt down on one knee, right fist over their heart. Arya did the same, but bending to the man who was literally driving her crazy only fueled the rage inside her.
“Rise Red Children,” Malich commanded. They all rose to their feet, right fist still over their chest. “Last night we experienced a breach at the hands of disciples Jemma and Nezra. Thankfully, Anan saw fit to spare one of the alumni and dispatch him as an Angel of mercy…and death. Our enemies fear us now more than ever.”
Alumni?All carefully crafted lies by the arsehole in the crimson cape. Lumi elbowed Arya in the side and nodded her head to Arya’s fists. She’d been clenching them so tight her knuckles were white and her nails had dug into her skin, causing her to bleed.
Closing her eyes, Arya forced herself into calm neutrality. No one could know. Lumi cast her a worried glance, but Arya ignored her. She was so busy cursing the Majii in her head that she missed the entire second half of his speech. Mekhi was standing now, addressing the group.
“First, we’d like to congratulate those disciples who will soon be joining the alumni, from last to first,” Mekhi smiled. Cadmi handed Mekhi the list and he cleared his throat. “Fourth position with two hundred marks goes to disciple Rayu.”
A round of applause ensued followed by hugs from both Arya and Lumi. Rayu hurried to the throne to receive his new crest pin. A gold upside down V with a golden arm and hand formed into a fist going across its middle to form an A. He bowed to Mekhi then the Majii who placed his sword on both sides of Rayu’s shoulders, anointing him alumni.
“Third position goes to disciple Lumi,” Mekhi announced.
Lumi glared at the preceptor. “Third?” She seethed. Rayu nudged her and she reluctantly went to claim her pin crest. She looked pissed.
“Second position goes to disciple Jax,” Mekhi continued with the announcements. Lumi’s head whipped in his direction, her eyes narrowed. Proudly, Jax claimed his crest pin and gladly received his anointing.
“Lastly, we have a disciple who showed an incredible amount of growth despite starting her journey a full three turns behind.” No thanks to the arsehole in red, Arya clenched her teeth. “First position goes to disciple Arya.”
Putting on her best sod off face, Arya walked over to the throne and bowed before both Mekhi and the Majii. He’d kept his promise at least. When she stood she kept her eyes trained on Malich. He remained the picture of poise and power, never once glancing in her direction until he had to. Mekhi pinned her new crest to her black leather vest, pricking her to get her attention. She glared at him and he shook his head slightly as a warning.
Ignoring him, she walked over to the Majii, willing him to return her gaze. He did. Malich greeted her with a dutiful smile and an incline of his head. Her anger boiling over at this point she refused to incline. Instead she imagined impaling him with her sword. A light tapping caught her attention and her eyes trailed down to its source. Malich was tapping against the stiletto at his side. It was a warning to her not to try anything. Temples flaring and teeth clenched, she finally inclined her head and bowed yet again, allowing him to anoint her.
Mekhi quickly stepped in between them and escorted Arya away from the Majii. She took her seat and sat glaring at the Majii as Mekhi finished off the ceremony. The moment it ended Arya rose from her seat and quickly headed to the exit she was sure the Majii would take to leave the main hall.
She waited for almost an hour but he never showed. Circling back to the main hall she found it empty.
Damn him…
Arya searched every room within the towers and found nothing. He was gone. She felt swindled out of the answers he owed her for his absence from her life. Defeated, she had no choice but to return to her chambers.
Lumi and Rayu tried talking to her, but she wasn’t in the mood. This should be the happiest day of her life. She’d finally gotten exactly what she wanted, but the victory rang hollow. She realized it meant nothing without him.
She retired to her room, letting herself in and closing the door behind her. She pressed her back against the door and sighed. “It took you long enough,” Malich’s voice made her eyes fly open. Arya looked around. There were no guards and no Dax. He must have a death wish. Her anger flared and she crossed the room in a heartbeat, her sword at his throat and a stiletto at his jewels. He grunted as she pricked the skin at his throat and raised his hands in the air.
“No, no surrender. Fight me…reach for your weapons,” she demanded, tears forming in her eyes.
“I have none,” he swallowed hard against her sword.
He waited for her to calm down and listen to reason, but she held the sword to his throat, unwavering. He could see the internal battle going on inside her head. She wanted to kill him.
“Lower your sword,” he commanded. Arya pressed in harder, causing him to hold his breath. Tears fell and it pained him to see her like this. He tried again to get her to disarm. “Either be done with it or lower your sword so we can talk about it.”
Arya hesitated, trying to find the nerve to sever his throat but found nothing. She lowered her sword and shoved him backwards. She paced back and forth now, chest heaving, still contemplating his death.
“You’re angry with me,” he noted.
“Where the fuckhave you been?” She hissed at him.
“In my chambers,” he simpered.
She was in no mood for his fuckery and promptly raised her sword to his nethers. “Mock me again and I’ll cut you where it hurts,” she warned him.
“Threatening the Majii is punishable by death my love,” he continued to mock her. She had half a mind to rid him of the organ he’d used to break her. “Prick me there and you better be willing to kiss it better.”
Malich was issuing a warning of his own. There was no hint of amusement in his tone. “Why? Why have I not heard from you?” She asked, waiting for an answer that never came. He was refusing to answer her as long as she was armed.
The level of control he had over her was astounding, even to her. She set her weapons down on her vanity and turned to face him. “I got scared,” Malich finally spoke.
“Scared? You?Of what?”
“I’ve never had anything to lose…until now.”
Sighing heavily, Arya swallowed her anger. She had to admit it made sense. “You won’t lose me Malich, just as long as you stop ignoring me.”
“I love you,” he told her.
Her heart dropped at his omission, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of showing just how much it pleased her. Instead she said, “You have a funny way of showing it.”
“Pledge yourself to me,” he demanded.
“Very well then,” he headed for the door.
Her heart lurched and a panic ensued. Damn him. Clenching her eyes shut, she surrendered. “I pledge myself to you,” she sighed.
Malich turned to her and placed a hand to her face, smoothing her cheek with his thumb. He brought his eyes down to her lips and traced them with the pad of his thumb. Arya’s breath hitched in her throat, her prowess acquiescing to the power emanating from the man standing before her.
He’d tamed the wildfire inside her and subdued her. She both hated and desired him for it. Unable to take the distance between them any longer, she crushed her mouth to his, backing him up to her bed and shoving him onto it. She mounted him, straddling him on the bed. The predatory look in his eyes made her hands work twice as fast to unclothe him.
She ripped open his shirt, ignoring his protests and dug her nails into his skin. He hissed at her and she smiled. He’d disarmed her with his charm, stolen her virtue and ignored her. It was time she turned the tables, but first she needed him eating out of the palm of her hand.
Using some of what she learned from preceptor Cadmi, she slowly undressed, straddled him once more and impaled herself on his rock hard shaft, driving the Majii to climax.
He begged her to remove herself before he sought relief but she ignored him. She waited until the moment just before his body constricted before she removed herself and his lineage came pouring out of him. “Anan’s cock,” Malich whispered between breaths, trying to gather his bearings. “Mekhi was right, you do fuck like a God.”