Hey readers!
It's Alice again, just checking in with some exciting news. I had only planned to finish writing one collection of poetry for the month of February, but I ended up finishing two collections a few days apart. This is a really good step into my writing future, as one of my personal goals for 2019 was to try and write more. Whenever I click on that completed button in the edit story info section, I feel so excited. For starters, it means another project done and secondly, the next one can begin!
Extinction of Doubts- This collection of poems did take me longer to write. It is really tricky to try and switch yourself away from the constant writing of anxiety/depression poems and try something new. I'm thrilled that I was able to come up with some new ideas. It does tie in well with my current WIP memoir The Depression Diaries.
Heartbreak Rhapsody- I started this collection yesterday and finished it today, making this project one of the fastest to ever be written. This talks a lot about my personal experiences with falling in love and having my heart badly broken, trusts left in shatters etc... Hoping that some readers on Penana may relate to my struggles too.
I've slowly added some new chapters to Kiss Me Quick. Since I've fallen into that trap of not planning anything (well done Alice!) it's not a fast verse story at all. My goal is to try and wrap it up by the end of March at least. So, that can be out of the way. The Depression Diaries is almost at the halfway mark. It is a slow project, but one that I would like to continue adding more chapters to.
My ideas list is still growing, I'm curious to hear what you are interested in reading the most. Don't forget to comment and stop by my works anytime.
Alice x