SR: Post Malone - Sunflower (ft. Swae Lee)
Amelia giggled as I chased her around the estate, trying to keep up with how fast she was. She knew this place much better than I did, there was no way I'd have a chance here.
Fatigue crept its way into my system as the hours ticked by. Eventually, I had to slow down and take a break.
"Denali!" I called, motioning to him.
Denali raised his head from the apple tree that he was inside. He was hiding from Ami since she insisted on playing hide and seek. His hair fell around his angular face, covering one eye. "Yes?"
"Let's go on in," I replied, realizing that I was gone for quite a bit.
Amelia took my hand and smiled. I smirked and bopped her nose, glad to see her. It was a couple of years since I last saw all of them and part of me felt guilty for not visiting them sooner. Especially when I came to them when I needed something.
I did need their help and I just ran away making it all about me. We went here for Marina, not for a family visit.
I ran a stressed hand through my hair as I walked in. I could hear laughs and conversation coming from the dining room. Everyone sat at the long dining table, some familiar faces making me grin.
I approached casually, letting Amelia head to a chair. Denali stalked in quietly and sat next to his sister who I knew all too well.
Sagan watched me take a seat next to Marina with an intensity that made me look away quickly. Her icy green eyes didn't leave me even as I gave Marina a small smile. "I'll tell Lance and Chris about what's going on after dinner."
I tried to ignore Sagan, but I knew there was no avoiding her. I left her and I didn't expect her to forgive me.
I wonder how Anika was doing with her, I thought. I slanted my gaze over to Anika, the girl with the bright blue hair. Scars lined her arms and neck and I looked away quickly, hating how my fangs were imprinted on her. I didn't want to add to those scars, but I did. Anika had been through so much, I always wondered how she was okay with being a thrall.
"No need to tell us, Marina already told us. We want you to stay here and your scion will have a home here too. I sent out people to collect her," Chris explained.
I nodded, knowing how challenging it was going to be for a new vampire to grow accustomed to the transition. I always commended Sybil for having patience with me and eventually answering all my questions. I could only hope I can do the same for Ally.
Chris had a couple more hundred years on me and he tended not to turn anyone anymore. I wanted him to understand that it was my fault that Ally was turned. I made the ultimate decision and I needed to be responsible for her.
I tilted my head, noticing that Marina had changed into grey sweats and a sweatshirt. They were too long for her and I knew they were my old clothes. "You look cute," I mumbled in her ear, smirking as she blushed.
"We can all hear you," Sagan snapped, slamming her elbows on the table. She peered at me under her highlighted bangs. Annoyance etched onto her features, her nostrils flared and eyes hard.
Anika glanced at me for a moment and then looked at Sagan.
I rolled my eyes, already dreading how this dinner was going to go. Chris and Lance lived a normal human life, even to the point where they had dinner every night. They ate regular food infused with human blood. I never got the point since there was more blood than actual food left. It wasn't worth it to force food down my throat to build a tolerance against it.
"Girl, you better take your elbows off this table. I just ordered a new one from your meltdown last month," Lance snapped his fingers at Sagan.
Marina raised a brow at Sagan. "I don't think we've met."
Sagan rolled her eyes. "You haven't met anyone here. Honestly, I don't get why we even have a mermaid eating dinner with us. She should be on the table."
Denali put his hand on his sister's shoulder. "Enough, Sage."
Chris cleared his throat. "Consider it a test for you all."
Lance and Chris' chef, Mr. Cook walked in, a tray of dishes in his hands. "Non-blood meals first." He walked around the table, placing dishes down in front of Anika. He stopped in his tracks and smiled at me, "It's nice to see you, Eryn."
I half smiled, "You too, Cook."
Cook placed a plate in front of Marina and walked back into the kitchen. She bumped me with her arm a bit. "Cook?"
I leaned close to her. "Yes, his name's Cook and he's the cook."
Her eyes widened, staring at Anika and the two others. "And he's human too?"
I nodded. Anika lifted her head and frowned at Marina, perhaps wondering why she was here.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to stare. I just—" Marina started, "I didn't think... "
"It's okay, Marina. Yes, we live with humans. Anika is a thrall, a human willing to share their blood with us."
Anika stood up and extended her hand out toward Marina. She nodded and sat down quietly. She didn't like to talk to strangers that well.
Chris cleared his throat, "Thralls get attached to vampire bites and soon enough they begin to crave them. Anika here used to be with an unwelcoming clan before we took her in, saving her from their abuse. I know where you come from it's impossible to even fathom a healthy human-vampire relationship, but it happens. It can be done." He glanced at me for a moment.
"Is it possible to have a mermaid-vampire relationship? I have never seen it actually work," Sagan asked, making Marina shift in her seat a bit.
I sighed, "Leave your judgment at the door."
"I just don't see it, Eryn. You don't play with your food."
"Enough!" Chris raised his voice causing all of us to collectively flinch.
Cook walked back into the room, another set of plates on the black tray. He set a plate in front of me, the faint smell of blood wafting from it.
Marina looked at my plate and then at hers, probably trying to see what was different. Spaghetti and meatballs were on the menu for tonight. I knew they did this on purpose, trying not to scare Marina. This meal looked the most similar to each other, blood or not.
Ami instantly started to dig in, focusing more on the blood sauce rather than the noodles. "Mm, this is really good," she said with her mouth full.
The scent of blood from everyone's plates wasn't as strong as I anticipated. It made me feel a bit uneasy to see everyone casually eating, but I knew I had to get over it. Lance and Chris were chatting with Denali and Ami. Marina even laughed at what they were talking about.
I tried, but I wasn't able to focus on anything except the plate in front of me. I knew if I had some it would get me sick. I didn't want to put myself through that, no matter how much Lance wanted to bend my will in this.
Sagan watched Marina and I intently, making me uncomfortable. I looked at her and then to my plate. Sagan lifted her fork to her mouth and smirked. "Are you going to eat that?"
Lance folded his hands together. He gave me a pointed look, "you know this would be the best option for you."
I gave him an exasperated look. "Lance... we don't need food to sustain ourselves. And yet, why? Why do you feel the need to remind everyone of what they once were?"
Chris chuckled, "Even Sybil, who you and I both know would never ever sit at a table like this and eat would still agree that building up a tolerance to human food is a convenient skill."
I rolled my eyes. Chris didn't have to bring Sybil into this.
Everyone was off in their own world purposely, perhaps not wanting to be a part of what was about to go down. Chris scooted his chair back and folded his arms, his lifting to mine. "In this household—"
I stood up, pushing the chair back. "I'm not apart of this clan, Chris. I've told you this."
The second it left my mouth I regretted it. Sagan shot to her feet casting me a look of anger before she stomped away. I sighed.
Chris glared at me, not saying a word. The table was silent, except for the sound of silverware clanking against the plates.
"You didn't have to disappoint her like that," Lance sighed, "she didn't want you to leave before."
Marina gave me a worried glance. "Are you—?"
I got out of my seat, not bothering to hear what she was going to say. I didn't want to deal with any of them. I sure as Hell didn't want to experience what would happen next. Chris could only have so much patience with me.
God, Marina probably thought I was a casket-case.
I managed to end up in front of my room without even realizing where I was going. The white oak door was shut and I pulled the handle, letting myself in. The black end table was the first thing I saw when I walked in and a faint memory crossed my mind.
A small impish grin played on the ends of my mouth as I ran my fingers along with it. Sagan and Anika loved this table and I couldn't blame them. Another memory slid forth, one of Anika alone in my room. I groaned, shaking my head. I had every right to leave. I was too dangerous to be here, to live with humans, to think I could have a normal relationship with Sagan. I didn't feel for her the way she felt for me.
And yet, I could help but think I was in over my head with Marina. Everyone downstairs knew it.
They were just waiting for me to realize it.
I turned to the king-sized bed. There were many innumerable times when Chris had to drag my blood drunk ass up the stairs and onto the bed. I couldn't remember all the times when I was going through blood withdrawals and was sick.
I begged to be let out of this house all the time, but when it was time for me to go through blood withdrawals, Lance did everything in his power to make sure I detoxed. He figured it was safer for me, keeping me in that dark small room. It irked me how now he was pushing me towards the very thing that they wanted to keep me from beforehand.
Or maybe, they trusted me more now.
How could they?
I couldn't even trust myself.