She was at a loss. Not even a full hour after getting her memories back she had basically lost two sets of parents. Her adoptive parents probably thought she was dead and she hadn't even gotten the chance to meet her real parents.
"You know what? I'm going to bring them back," she said. "As a matter of fact, I'm going to use Harry's parents to do it. What better way to get back at him for killing mine, than to bring his back with a twist. I'll use their bodies as vessels for Antonin and Renova's souls."
Draco's smile evolved into a wicked smirk. "I like the way you think Mya. What will we need?" He inquired.
"Blood of the son, bone of the deceased, and essence of the kin," She quoted from one of the many forbidden books she read during her time at Hogwarts. "So that would be... Harry's blood, his parents' bones and essence of the kin? I never figured out what that last one could mean, but now I assume it should be from me since I want to bring my real parents back."
"Well, essence could be many things," Draco started explaining. "It could be your blood, which would make the most sense, but it could also be a piece of your soul. Sort of like a Horcrux of your own, living in both of your reincarnated parents."
Mya looked at him thoughtfully. "But, if I create a Horcrux, I'd have to kill two people. Not that I'm opposed to doing so, but should they be random or meaningful?"
"Okay, hear me out," Draco said when he saw Mya's expression. "If you use your adoptive parents as willing sacrifices, you won't have to split your soul. The connection they have to you would work for the 'essence of the kin' part of the spell you read. Or, you could just kill two random people and make the Horcruxes to ensure your survival if anything were to go wrong with your plans for revenge."
He held his hands up in the air. "It's up to you though, they're your family, not mine. Speaking of which, I should probably reach out to my parents. Its been a while, they might think I'm dead."
"Ehhhh, I think I'll leave my adoptive parents alone. Perhaps I could obliviate them and send them to America or something." She deliberated further on the matter until she made up her mind. "I'll use Dumbledore and someone else close to Harry, that way the Horcruxes can still be made. With that old headmaster's death, hopefully we can find some way to break this wretched curse."
"Indeed," Draco said. He looked at the sky and realized the sun was due to rise in a few short hours.
"I should be heading back, I'll shift when the sun comes up and I haven't been to sleep yet," Draco lamented. He didn't want to leave her just yet.
"Oh, of course!" Mya exclaimed, "Get your rest, you'll need it when the fun really begins."
He chuckled and nodded. "But first, let's get you back to the lake, you need rest as well."
She acquiesced and allowed Draco to pull her out of the spring she'd been marinating in.
The walk to the Black Lake was a short one and as they parted ways, neither could deny the rush they felt around each other. It was almost as if they were back in school. Only time would tell if they could make a real relationship out of the carnal urges they still felt for each other.