It was almost closing time and Mya was a little disappointed that no prominent Light supporters, namely Harry Potter or any of the Weasleys, made an appearance at her bookstore. She thought that someone would surely come and confront her and the "traitorous" acts she committed as a seventh year. No matter, she had plenty of time to finalize and see her revenge come to pass while waiting for the Light to make their move.
"Everything has been put away and the store is in order," Narcissa said. "Looks like your first day as a business owner was a huge success. Are you ready for tomorrow?"
Mya looked around thoughtfully. "I sure am! I really wanted to thank you again for all your help getting this store up and running. If you ever find yourself with nothing to do or anything at all, having you here would be a blessing."
Smiling, Narcissa continued to make sure everything was truly tidy. "I'd be delighted, Mya, thank you. Will you be coming back to the manor for dinner tonight or would you like me to have the elves send you something?"
"I'll be there in a few, I just have to finish locking up. We have much to discuss after dinner," Mya replied with a smirk.
Narcissa gave a little smirk of her own and made her way to the office fireplace. Mya heard the telltale sounds of the floo network activating which was confirmed by the Narcissa's voice calling out her intended address.
Mya went about locking doors and changing the sign from We Are Open to Sorry, We're closed before she settled in her office for a few minutes.
After sitting down at her desk, she pulled out a drawer. She took out a vintage looking box that was given to her shortly after meeting the Malfoys. Inside were some mementos that her parents kept even though they had given her away to the Grangers for her safety. Baby booties, a couple of moving pictures and a silver and gold locket. These items kept her focused on what was important now that she was back into society... getting her parents back. Anything else that might stem from their return would have to take a backseat because she wanted, no needed, her parents and their guidance. Yes the Malfoys and Severus accepted her into their lives, but there was something that was still missing.
At times, she was still the little girl who needed the love of her mother and father.
Putting the small reminders back into the box, she closed the drawer in her desk and prepared to floo to the Malfoys. Just before she could grab some floo powder, someone knocked on the back door.
Rounding the corner she looked out the window. There was no one there...
As she turned to head back to her office, she noticed a piece of paper peeking out from under the door. The hair on the back of her neck prickled with energy.
Careful now. You know what happens to a fish out of water...
She narrowed her eyes as irritation crept up her spine. She checked outside to see if anyone happened to be running away from her door, but she had a feeling no one would be there to be seen.
Although no one was outside, she had an inkling as to who it was. Who else other than Harry and his puppet master, Dumbledore, could've left this measly message like that. Using the cover of night to act as cowards and not face her head on. Mya huffed in indignation. If that's how they wanted to play it, she'd have something planned for the both of them. Dumbledore wouldn't see it coming, but Harry? Oh, he'd feel it and rue the day he was ever born.
After finishing up dinner with the Malfoys, they all decided to move into the parlor to continue mulling over Mya's plans.
"Dumbledore has to die, no exceptions," Mya said.
"Well that's a hell of a way to begin, Mya." Severus cracked from across the room. She chuckled lightly and turned to face the group.
"I want to set a trap for Dumbledore, create a situation that will cause his position as headmaster to be called into question. One of the students will go missing and during the following chaos, we will act. His reputation will be tarnished in the process before his death."
Draco sat back thoughtfully.
"So, which of Potter's kids will go missing and why?" He inquired.
Mya smirked at her lover. "The youngest one, James. Using him with let Harry know I mean business. During his son's time in captivity, I want to get just enough blood for the spell. After we're finished with him, his memories need to be altered. We can leave him near the Black Lake after that."
"Does anyone have any suggestions of where I should hold the boy?" Mya inquired.
"If you're sure about going this route, I was thinking the Shrieking Shack," Severus began. "The kidnap should take place during a Hogsmeade trip. I can use my position as the part-time Advanced Potions professor to give you the scheduled weekends. How long do you plan to hold him?"
"I'm very sure about this. I'll hold him as long as it takes to get Dumbledore and Harry's attention. This note was slipped under the back door of Braylee's while I was locking up," she said and passed the piece of paper around. "I didn't see anyone when I checked but we all know who sent it. No one else but Dumbledore, Harry and you four know about me being a mermaid. It has to be them."
"When do we start?" Lucius questioned as he stood in unexpected outrage. "No one threatens a member of my family and gets away with it."
Mya couldn't help but inwardly preen at Lucius' words.
"He's right, Mya, we're all in this together. I already see you as a daughter," Narcissa added.
"Well, we'll have to wait on Draco for that," she let slip before moving on. "Anyway, we can start right away. The spell must be cast under a full moon and as it happens, the next one is exactly one month away. That should be enough time to take James and wait for Dumbledore to notice there's a student missing."
"We already have the bone's of Harry's parents, we will have the blood of Harry's progeny and your essence will be added after Dumbledore's death. How does his death coincide with your essence again?" Severus asked.
"The pieces of my soul will be used to bring my parent's souls back from the other side of the veil. It will call out to them seeing as we have a direct connection. When I kill Dumbledore, a piece of my soul will split and I'll keep that piece in this enchanted container until I'm ready to perform the spell. I acquired it a few years ago during one of my and Draco's many research trips. As far as the second piece of my soul, I'll have to kill someone else. I wanted it to be someone close to Harry but now I'm not so sure," Mya said concluding her spiel.
"How about you take some time to think of the second person and save that death for a little closer to the full moon," Draco suggested.
"Yeah," Mya nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I won't take too long though."
As they finished deliberating, they came up with a solid timeline. The next Hogsmeade trip would take place that weekend and Draco would be the one doing the kidnapping with a spell that made others believe he was the person they truly wanted to see in that moment. Creating an alibi for him was simple as it was Severus who suggested Draco take his place on a business trip that weekend.
Everything was falling into place and Mya couldn't wait to see Harry's face when it was all said and done.