"Do you think it worked?" Harry asked turning to Dumbledore. "We haven't heard a peep from Hermione or the Malfoys since the note was left at the store. You don't think they're planning something big do you?"
Dumbledore looked thoughtfully at Harry. "Either they're not paying you any mind or they might actually have something in the works. We must be vigilant."
"I agree," Harry nodded eagerly.
"I think I'll have Severus monitor the youngest Malfoy since they work together now," Dumbledore mused.
"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed. "I'll have Ginny pop into that bookstore occasionally as well."
"Actually, Harry, that might not be a good idea. We don't want them to know we're onto them. Maybe send her once or twice, but three times is pushing it." Dumbledore advised.
Harry acquiesced. He definitely didn't want them to know what was up. He'd have to tread carefully in the future.
"Mind if I pop by the Great Hall to see the boys?" He asked.
"Of course, not! I'll go with you as I have a couple of announcements to give anyway," Dumbledore said.
They made their way down to the Great Hall when they caught sight of Severus Snape heading in the opposite direction.
"Carry on Harry, I'll meet you in a few," Dumbledore said looking directly into his eyes.
"Sure, I'll see you in there," he said when he caught the headmaster's drift and continued on to visit with his sons.
Harry had left by the time he was ready to give his announcements but that didn't matter. Dumbledore was sure he had other things to do.
Using the sonorous charm, he spoke to the occupants of the Great Hall.
"Attention, please. Attention!" He continued once he was sure the students were listening.
"As you know, there's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend. Please remember that all permission slips must be signed and handed in to the Head of your Houses before 10 am. Carry on." Dumbledore concluded, removing his wand from his neck.
He sat back down at the professors' table when Severus tapped him lightly.
"What can I do for you, Severus?"
"I was just wondering what brought on the conversation we had earlier," Severus stated.
"Oh, that? Just taking the proper precautions given the young Mr. Malfoy's history with the law, his recent reentrance into society and the appearance of the young Miss Dolohov." He rattled off.
"You think he's capable of doing something? Those charges were dropped years ago," Severus said pressing him for information. "And besides, he was vetted the moment he applied for the job like every other applicant. He now plays a vital role in my company. He's actually taking my place this weekend at a business convention, we're closing on a very important deal. The future of mass potion production for all manufacturers hangs in the balance."
"Be that as it may, better safe than sorry," Dumbledore emphasized.
"Of course," Severus muttered with some annoyance.