Trees down, mushrooms burned, lights everywhere, helicopters in the air and hovering trailers, armed enforcers running around in all directions with Pixies in various cages, men being bundled together with rope and the enforces around. People in gray trench coats and badges running around with various technology including stunners, trappers, and flamethrowers.
Standing idle near the middle, around a tied up Wolf Beast, the trio and Damerick with plenty of others.
“Well, that about wraps that up I think… nice job kids. You stopped a Pixie Operation and one of Zaraka’s flunkies with little effort.”
“Thanks Mr. Damerick.”
“Honestly you two are some of the best of the group I think… but that’s just my opinion. Anyways, we’ll wrap everything up here and give a report to the boss. I recommend you guys get home before your folks start to worry; it’s bad enough we have to negotiate with the town and potentially wipe away decades of memories, if we even can, but if your parents find anything unusual out well, that’s just bad business.”
“Oh, right, we probably- oh man, Flavo!”
“Bruh, we totally forgot about him. He’s probably taken off already.”
“Old man Flavo? How long?”
“Six hours almost...”
“Ah, don’t worry about him then. He should still be there. Usually he just sleeps on the job when waiting for clients.”
“Does he?”
“Yeah. Anyways kids, see you around.”
“Right. Goodbye Damerick.”
With a nod, the two would walk away, the girl staying near Damerick, turning back and shouting to them both, “Thank you guys so much!”
A slight wave back and then the shuckling of the bushes, both gone from sight.
Walking through the woods, both chatting to one another, laughing, smirking.
“That was awesome Sam, how you just picked up that guy and hurled him into a tree like that.”
“Haha, thanks. You were pretty good too the way you made those wolves act like trained dogs.”
“It’s these eyes of mine you see, with them I can command whatever I want to do whatever I want.”
“Heh, and this brain of mine allows me to hurl you into a tree if you try anything funny.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it… ya know, unless I want you to go get me some food but really I’d just do that to anyone.”
“You-! Oh man, haha.”
A crackling quickly heard, both looking right, eyes wide, Sam bolting left and Dilan right with a single tree crashing down the second after, big enough to crush them.
“What the devil?”
Standing, brushing himself off, Dilan then looking at the tree trunk, “Eh… looks like the tree rotted out.”
“Did it now? Oh...”
“That was the most dangerous thing to happen this week… anyways, let’s keep going,” he’d reply hopping over a trunk looking back as the two in turn began their walk once again.
“More dangerous than our practice exams?” she’d say with a chirp.
“Eh… I wouldn’t go that far actually now that you mention it.”
The two laughing as they’d pull out of the forest upon the road, though flying right in front of them their limo, nearly hitting them.
“What the-”
Looking after it, crashing into a tree, the tree crackling and quickly falling down towards them and atop the limo, though quick to stop via a blue glow. The door kicked open, rolling out was Flavo, looking right then left towards them, crawling away, both Sam and Dilan stepping away with the tree crashing down, smashing the limo.
“Lady Sam, Master Dilan!”
“Flavo, what happened?!”
“I don’t know, the limo just shot forward. The petal fell down to the floor and the break broke.”
“And another tree...”
Looking back at the limo, Dilan stepping right barely dodging a flying tire, the tire slamming Sam’s right shoulder sending her back crashing into a tree. The tire bouncing, her flopping, Dilan spinning though stopping with the wind flying by as a truck launched on by.
He’d look after it, then to Sam, “Sam!”
“I… I… ugh… I think I’m… I think I’m fine?”
“What sorcery is this?!”
A popping could be heard and then another crash, ahead through a building that same truck, its tires all blown out, Dilan’s eyes going wide with the hair parted from the front of his face, “This isn’t normal… is this...”
“Urk… Dilan, call Damerick. It’s Zaraka… has to be-”
“R-right. Dilan to Damerick, come in and get here now. Sam’s down, we’re being struck out here!”
“Dilan, what’s going on, what’s attacking you!?”
“I… everything… I think it’s… bad luck?”
“Bad luck? Stay still and do nothing, we’ll be there quick. Everyone, move out to their coordinat-”
Static, the radio now out.
“Sam’s in the hospital… a string of bad luck hit us and I want to know why. It nearly got us and Flavo killed!”
“Yeah Victoria, what gives?”
“Damerick, you were there, tell us why two of our teammates are-”
“I don’t know, don’t question Queen Galakin and don’t question me!”
“We’re investigating… you said it was bad luck Dilan, there are a number of potential monsters that could fit the answer… we’ll keep you updated. Unfortunately, we need you to head to Michigan next on another assignment at once.”
“How can you order us there!? We have school, what about Sam, what’s the deal Victoria!?”
“Calm down Derrick… Sam will be fine. The doctors said it’s a mild concussion though considering her telekinetic powers, it’s… wait… she got a concussion… and you... please, excuse me, Damerick fill them in.”
Walking out quickly, she’d then leave the four and Damerick.
“Right… we think Zaraka is connected to this… and recently, we discovered strange activity a few days following his awakening. If you can go and investigate, you might be able to find out what’s going on.”
“But what about-”
“We’ve shut down the school for the week and programmed a couple of our chameleon bots to take your place.”
“… and you’re sure this will help?”
“If you don’t you may never find out what happened to Dilan and Sam.”
“… alright.”
“For Sam.”
“For revenge for nearly getting me run over… and for Sam.”
“Your jet leaves in one hour. Please, prepare yourselves.”