The pur of the limo pulling forward, the crackle of branches and tall grass on the dirt road, slowly moving forward, a dip here and a dip there, continuing forward nonetheless, moving through the thick brush, the towering trees, and the lengthy stretched grass… for about ten minutes, till the eleventh minute, arriving shortly to a clearing, a wood town standing quite old, quite broken, and quite empty.
“That’s the place then?” the question of Dilan.
“Like, gross, what a total dump hole, peeyeehoo,” the groan of Amber.
“Oh it’s not that bad Ember.”
“It’s Amber you little troll!”
“Hey, Dilan, Amber, be nice.”
“Shut up Monte...”
“Guys, cool it,” Derrick muttered looking back, Sam sighing looking out a window, smiling a bit.
“This is fascinating to me; I’ve… never really been to a swamp before.”
The window up front, slowly descending, Flavo looking back, “I must advise you that the people here are… relatively… strange, so to speak.”
“Strange how?”
“Well… if you’ve ever seen movies with guys called hillbillies… or anything similar for that matter. A bit rude, a bit uncivilized, probably not a good place for normal children but hey, you guys are exceptions, you’re all DreamScapers with powers to call your own.”
“That we are Flavo, heh heh.”
“Anyways, I’ll drop you off just up here by the bus stop.”
“Alright Flavo, that’ll work. Thank you.”
Coming to a very slowing halt, the limo would stop, door right in front of the bus stop, door sliding open as to let the team out. First out, Monte, then Sam followed by Derrick, then Amber, and finally, Dilan groggily stepping out with a yawn, all five looking around. Seeing the town, some people looking at them goofy, Derrick quickly poked his head back in, speaking, “Hey uh, what are we supposed to do?”
“Oh uh, right, my apologies. Ms. Victoria did not have any specific orders other than to meet with one of her old friends here named Sindra. He’ll direct you in the proper direction as far as gathering information goes. I’ll be back tonight to get you.”
The window, slowly going up as Flavor then began to drive off, leaving the group of five by themselves.
“Pft… this place stinks, I don’t like all these bugs, it’s ugly, gosh!!”
“Pft, no different than your face without makeup then.”
“Like, no you didn’t, shut up Monte!”
“Guys, focus!” came the shout of Derrick.
Everyone quick to turn around looked right at him, his arms crossed and folded up, looking at the four, “The first thing we have to do is find this Sindra guy and figure out where to go from there. Any questions? Or are we good? We have to deal with this everyone, it’s a swamp, it isn’t going to be pleasant.”
“Alright fine...”
Taking the word of Derrick into consideration, the group would begin to walk towards the nearest people, Sam shouting, “Excuse me sirs, we’re looking for a man named Sindra!”
Quite quick, the people backed away and around a corner, avoiding the closing group.
“Oh… ok?”
“Hey, Flavo did say the people here would be weird.”
“Hey, why don’t we like, split up and stuff ya know? Cover more ground?”
“Pleasant idea… then I can catch up on some sleep, heh heh.”
“Ugh, no, we need to get to work, besides, I’d really like to study this area.”
“Ha, nerrrrrrd.”
“Guys, cool it. Amber is right, we need to split up and look around. Monte and Dilan can go as a team, then Amber and Sam. I’ll go solo for now.”
“Like, why do you get to go solo?”
“Because I don’t trust you and Dilan to stay on task.”
“Who made you the leader bro, I should be the leader or maybe Dilan maybe, ya?”
“Because I’m the only one who showed up to take on Imp King when the time came, you all came after the fact.”
“Like… whatever.”
“Ugh, fine, we’ll let you do it for now bro.”
Stepping away from one another, the now three groups, or rather two and solo, would move along with Sam and Amber going West, Monte and Dilan going South, and Derrick going North.
With a sigh and subtle glances around, Derrick quick to approach an elderly man would speak out at once, “Excuse me sir but I’m looking for a man named Sindra, have you any idea where I can find him?”
“Heyuh!? Whazzat? Your underwear are stuck inside a well?”
“No sir, Sindra, a man named Sindra, have you seen him?”
“Time for tea? Whaa?”
“Ugh, never mind.”
Walking away, the old man looked as he walked to another, mumbling and stepping away, just as the new man walked away.
Five minutes after separating, Derrick would be walking up and down the streets, looking to those who would simply back away, mumbling to himself, sighing, continuing in hopes one person would be able to help.
Ten minutes after separating, Amber and Sam would be poking their heads around, down alleys, into shops, knocking on doors, and skipping over puddles.
“I don’t know Amber, this place seems more than just a little strange.”
“Like, so true… none of these geezers will even talk to us.”
“Something strange is going on, without a doubt.”
Thirty minutes after separating, Dilan and Monte would be tired already of searching, grunting as they soon re-approached the central plaza of the town.
“GAH, I am sick of this man. Dilan, let’s just get out of here, this place is dead and these people are annoying!!”
“Hmm, wha? Oh, shush, we’ll be good soon eh?”
“What are we even doing anymore, no one is here.”
“Shhhh… hold steady my friend, I don’t believe that for a mere moment.”
Walking up the street, a large butcher shop ahead and then, shatter. Glass spraying all across the ground, a massive alligator launching out, glowing yellow eyes, slamming down on its feet, turning to face both of them.
“Hey, that ain’t normal is it?”
“No, no it is not… and… yeah I don’t know.”
With a groan type sound, it’d launch right off into the swamp, disappearing in the waters, a man in the shop shouting, “You big lizard, come back with my cheese wheel!!”
The man, rushing out, would look left, seeing the boys, “Did you see it!? That gator ate my cheese!!”
“Yes uh, I’m Dilan and this is Monte… do you by chance know where we can find Sindra?”
“Eh? Ol’man Sindra? Eeeeh… won’t be back till tomorrow if I remember right.”
“Darn… Dilan, we should report back to the others, we’re wasting our time here right now.”
“Yeah let’s go,” he’d mumble walking away, the shop owner shouting back.
“AYEEEE, what about my cheese and my gator!?”