Through the swamp they’d run, Dilan and Monte, Dilan falling quick behind Monte who’d be bolting fast though still relatively slow trying to keep from running into anything, behind them roaring and constant crashing.
“That thing is right behind us man, move faster Dilan!!”
“You idiot, I don’t have super speed like you!”
Crashing right behind them, about ten feet back, the Spotted Dragon Monster, roaring with its jaw snapping, open then SNAP, closed, roaring yet again quickly after.
“We need to take care of that thing man!”
“And how do you expect to do that!? I have super speed, not Atomic Heat Vision!”
“Well just keep running then!”
After both Sam and Derrick, yet another would chase, chomping, roaring, the Spotted Dragon Monster, its tail flapping and slapping down, both Sam and Derrick looking back, concerned.
“We can’t outrun this thing!”
“You guys stopped it with a bookshelf right!?”
“Yeah, why!?”
“That means it can be hit! Take a tree down on top of it and mess with it, I’ll delay it!”
Both skidding to a stop and turning around, Derrick would rush forward, Sam putting her hands to her forehead concentrating, all as Derrick neared the monster, “Come on you big turkey!”
The Dragon, launching itself through the air like a shark, or rather like a bullet, legs close to its body, Derrick with a simple hop up, bolting high, and then dropping, aiming and crashing down on its back, crashing it down into the mud, its shriek heard as it’d then snarl, Derrick leaping off the back to receive a whack from the tail, though flipping through the air backwards would land on his feet, “Hyah!”
Head snapping back with the body curling, the Spotted Dragon growled, launching forward.
Sprinting forward with her makeup running, Amber quickly glancing back shrieking even though the Dragon was not behind her, moss and vines all wrapped around her, her clothes soaked.
Leaping right in front, the Dragon, snarling, her feet stopping, “Eh, eheh- EEEEK!!!”
The Dragon stepping closer, growling… and then…
The loudest, ear shattering scream, a pulse wave flying forward ripping apart tree branches, vines and plants uprooted and shredded, logs sent flying and breaking up, slamming into the roaring Dragon, now roaring as if hurt, skin pealing away to reveal… metal?
Front left leg being ripped off revealing wires and circuits, internal metal, the thing being blown back into a tree and in seconds, exploding its bottom out collapsing as a pile of junk.
Her scream stopping, “Huh?” Sparks, wires, metal, and fake skin, all pealed and in a pile.
“A robot!? The Spotted Dragon Monster is a robot?!”
Leaping around, Derrick now barely dodging the jaws of the Spotted Dragon Monster, back, forth, back, and forth, his shout, “SAMANTHA!”
“I’m on it!”
The crackling of tree bark, the groaning of wood and the splitting breakage, a tree glowing blue around the roots giving out and slowly falling towards both Derrick and the Dragon. Looking up and taking a quick jump back, the Dragon glancing up and then CRASH!!
Dropping right on top of its head, the body pulling back with sparks flying everywhere and wires flying, the head detached, flopping onto its back and twitching… then, total shut down.
“A robot?”
Screaming behind, the brush shaking with two people coming forward, both Dilan and Monte yelling at the top of their lungs with a Dragon close behind them, looking back at it not paying attention.
“Wait, hold up!”
Looking ahead, too little too late as both crashed into Sam and Derrick, flopping backwards through some brush into a cave, piled.
“Oops… sorry.”
A roar behind, all looking up to see the shrieking Dragon, all four screaming, then a fifth scream, the Dragon sent flying blowing apart into metal and wires, disappearing to the right, stepping forward in its place though, Amber.
“Like guys, you won’t believe it, the Dragons are-”
“-are robots, we know.”
“So this whole thing has been a hoax?”
“Not necessarily, look!”
Sam pointing ahead, a massive mound of dirt in the cave, entrance now exposed, gold, gems, great riches piled inside of and around several chests, their eyes all going wide, Sam smiling, “I think I’ve just about wrapped this up...”
“What now?”
“For us to finish this, we need to capture the person making the robots… and I know exactly how we can.”