“HYAAAA!!!” came the yell of Monte, his foot swinging down at the Goblin King, his grin continuing with a look up to Monte as the kick connected, slamming down right atop Goblin King’s left shoulder via Monte’s right, a smile spreading though soon to shock, staring and seeing Goblin King bend only a slight bit.
Left arm out with the palm held, a burst of electricity flying out and blasting clear into Monte, his yell heard as blasts flew from his front from the electricity, spiraling away and crashing onto the ground with a roll, Derrick rushing in next with a leap, round house kicking, “HYAH, TAKE THAT!”
“Oh please, DO GO ON!!”
Turning, his right hand out catching and grabbing onto Derrick’s ankle, a jolt of electricity quickly flew through as the Goblin King released his grip, Derrick sent flying and screaming crashing into the branches of a tree, Amber’s wail flying in next followed by fragments of the wall with a light blue outline being propelled faster by the wail.
“You got me a present!? Don’t mind if I do!” came his laugh, both hands out with a pulse launching, blocking the wail somehow holding it right in place, as well as making the wall debris stop in place, pulling his arms in, “But let me just return to SENDER!”
Thrusting them out, the wail backlog launching back with the wall fragments at both girls, the wail blowing the ground apart and launching Amber, with Sam barely dodging the returned rocks, yelling out as the blast of the rebounded wail struck her right as well.
Both rolling, slowly standing, along with Derrick and Monte, all looking forward to the Goblin King, his grin wide even still, “Oh come on now, you are the young brats that have defeated the best of Zaraka’s pets!? What a joke!”
“Gah, Derrick, like, nothing we throw at him is working!”
“I can see that Amber, I’m still trying to figure this out.”
“Our powers, we need to hit him harder!”
“But how Monte?”
“Hmm, perhaps I can give you all an idea?”
Their eyes widening, all darting back around and then quickly backing away as right behind them now stood the Goblin King.
“How’d he get behind us!?”
“How? How indeed. The better question is, when are you going to take this SERIOUSLY!?”
His hands held out and in response of the DreamScapers movements a flurry of strikes forward from a vast distance, claw strikes slamming into jabbing through, though not a drop spilled as merely their spirits are attacked, explosions of their spirit’s energy flying out as all four blew back yelling, crashing and rolling, “And now, the FINISHER, HRRRAAAA!”
Now a blast of lightning sent forward striking all four and another blast engulfing, all sent rolling out yelling, crashing against the school building, moaning in pain, “Guh… I can’t feel my legs.”
“My sides hurt, what did he do to us?!”
“Ouch… that wasn’t stealing our strength or sabotaging us or anything, he, he did something to us.”
“Hahaha, do you ACTUALLY believe I would stoop so low as to only attack you for your energy. The enemies you’ve faced up till now, while true, just steal the energy of the living, are NOTHING compared to the likes of me. I can reach into and damage your souls. I am known as a Dream Eater after all and after that flurry, I would be surprised to see any of you get up again so how about we just finish this eh!?”
Lighting surging all around the Goblin King, his laugh echoing, though then a quick grunt, looking right and quickly leaping to the left, barely dodging a fire blast exploding right where he stood, “Gah, now what have we here eh!?”
Stepping down in place, three individuals, Flare, Damerick, and an older looking man, flower petals scattering as behind them stepped down Victoria Galakin.
“Hah, so the kiddos couldn’t cut it and now you’re bringing in the best you’ve got!? Well I admire your strategy though they hardly put a dent in me.”
“Damerick, let’s shut this guy up once and for all!”
“With pleasure Flare. Sindra, let’s go!”
All three bolting forward with a mere flash of light, the Goblin King leaping back with a yowl now completely amused, Victoria standing arms crossed watching, Derrick’s eyes wide.
“Hyah, HAA, HRRRAAAAAA!!!!!!”
Deflecting a sword, then a fire blast, then a variety of sealing daggers, blowing them all away with a colossal explosion of energy, leaping back discharging lightning quickly at the three, though the one known as Sindra stepping forward with a sword quickly catching the lightning like a lightning rod.
“Hah, not bad DreamScapers!”
Behind, wave of fire quickly washing forward, the Goblin King turning around with a wave of his arms firing off a twisting torrent of wind quick to absorb and blast the fire right back at the source, Flare, only to then be struck in the back to yowl with moderate pain as a blast of energy crashed forward.
“HRAAAAA, you wretch!”
Turning back around blowing the energy away with a wave of his arms, leaping to the left skidding across the ground upon landing, now facing the enemy laughing.
“In-incredible. Those three are holding him off!”
“Hahaha, this is truly thrilling to fight three old pros like you guys! I will admit if I act careless here it will be the end of me although I must admit that I am not here for you, nor am I apparently here for the brats you stand guard over. Hahaha, they aren’t even worth the time of day for me to destroy, at least not personally, hahaha. Zaraka will enjoy this report no doubt.”
“What are you saying Goblin King?”
“I’m saying that you all no longer hold an interest though you need not worry. While I am taking this opportunity to fall back for now, I’ve seen enough to be able to implement my own plans. I’ll let you off for now but know this DreamScapers of ONUS, times are changing. In no time at all, not even you will be able to stop us from taking over this world. Until then, have a ball! HAHAHAHAHAA!!”
An explosion of lightning, in that single instant, Goblin King would be gone, having disappeared with the flash, Derrick looking up at the sky as the fires burn around, “That guy… is just too strong… he was still holding back, I know it!”