Song Used: Teddy Bear by Melanie Martinez
A/N: I honestly have no idea why I like this AU so much so don’t mind me 😂
-Light’s P.O.V-
”Len..I think we should break up. I just want to focus on my studies right now and I don’t think I can balance a relationship along with it.” I admit slowly, watching my now ex-boyfriend’s face contort into something like understanding. It just..didn’t feel right being with him. He was way too controlling and he never liked anyone around me, even if it was just friends. I couldn’t take it anymore and I had to cut loose. With cotton and feather
Days turned into weeks at our Uni and I mostly forgot about my discomfort, going on with my studies as a neurologist. It was lunch period when I noticed something wasn’t right. “Yuma?” Dark saw it too. He was as pale as it would show on his midnight skin, and his hand was trembling slightly; face sweating. We went up to him, abandoning our lunches. “Yuma? What happened? Are you okay?” Dark started first, watching him flinch as she tried to put his hand on him. He was scared, I recorded in my own mind. “Yuma, what happened.” I demanded quietly, my own lightning blue eyes darting around to see if anyone was stalking him. Gave you love, put my heart inside you
Carefully, he pulled out his phone, showing us the many death threats he received from an unknown number. All of them related Wait..why? One in particular caught Dark’s eye as she read it out, “Stay away from Light. She isn’t yours.” The font was red and all scribble-like, making it slightly difficult to read. But we all knew one thing for sure.
”Did you report it to the police?” I asked him, starting to get a little alarmed as well. He nodded, but then swallowed and spoke out, “I..I d-did, but th-they said they couldn’t d-do anything unless there was e-evidence..” GOD DAMN THE STUPID POLICE AND THEIR STUPID LAWS. I mentally cursed and looked between the group. My best friend doing the same as we tried to figure out how to diffuse the situation. Oh, what could I do
”Yuma?” Dark cut through the tension, grabbing his hand and squeezing it rhythmically. “Hang out with me. If you can’t be near Light then I can pass whatever you want to know from and to her for you both. And if anyone tries to do anything I swear I’ll protect you.” She stated, and a wave of relief washed over me as I saw Yuma physically relax and his voice became more steady, “Okay.” When you started talking in your sleep
Dark began walking with Yuma from his dorm to whatever classes they had almost everyday as I heard and I was okay with that. Yeah, I missed how close we were but if the guy was getting death threats I didn’t want them to become more than just messages. I still wondered though, what was happening and who was the one responsible for all of it.Saying things you'd do to me
One night, Dark was walking to Yuma’s dorm to drop him off, and I decided to tag along. We walked slowly, it was a big group and we were all relatively strong, so it didn’t seem as eerie as it probably did with only Yuma and her. I joked around, making the other two laugh and share their own stories of chaos and mayhem. I didn't care, I wasn't scared
Finally, we got to Yuma’s dorm and I watched as Dark stared intently at the door frame. “Wait here.” She whispered, hands opening to hold us back as she continued staring. Tension filled the air as she picked up a loose rock from the stone path and flicked it onto the doorframe, standing a good distance away from it too. As soon as the rock bounced onto the frame, many thin, shiny blades flickered like silver stars as they dropped onto the the floor near us. The clicks of them were like ringing bells in my head and nobody moved for a minute. Now I'm finding knives under the sheets
”OH MY GOD!!!!!” Yuma shouted in complete panic, trembling from head to toe in fear as I bent down to pick up one of the blades, twisting and turning it in my fingers. “These are completely new. Like, straight out of the packet new.” I moved to face Dark and Yuma again, the shortest consoling him the best she could. I slipped the blade into my pocket, making sure not to rip my jeans. “Yuma, I know you don’t want to but you have to get back inside..” she said calmly, pulling him into a hug. We sighed, at least he wasn’t hurt. “Who’s your roommate?” “J-James.” Crumbled photographs of me
I saw Dark let out a long, distressing breath, “Oh thank God. We knew each other since middle school. Go in and tell him what happened please.” She smiled faintly and walked in with him, a hand resting on his back, gently moving up and down. I'm in despair
I stood guard, waiting as the terrified shouting and drowsy questions of ‘What time is it...?’ Speaking of which, what time was it? I glanced down at my phone: ‘12:30’. Woah... we really spent a lot of time out here huh.Should I be scared?
A nearly inaudible rustle from the bushes on the path dragged me out of my thoughts. With a short glance up I assessed the situation. The rustle was too loud to be from an animal, heck, animals won’t even be on campus.
Person then. However, the rustle was an accident, meant to be discreet, that’s why it stopped suddenly. So not someone heading to their dorm. Which only left one option...You were comforting and quiet
Someone was watching us. How did love become so violent?
I kept my body language calm and relaxed, waiting for Dark to come out, when she did, I grabbed her hand and we headed back to our own dorm, chatting in our code along the lone pathways.Oh, teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
I placed the blade in a box in our shared room, closing it and sliding it under the bunk bed. “Light. You saw it, who do you think it was?” Dark asked me, swinging her legs off the top bunk, I shrugged with disappointed shoulders. I honestly had no idea who it could be. Len? No..? I don’t know. “Len?” She repeated my thoughts, I looked up at her, “You were talking out loud.” I nodded to both of us and we spent the rest of night discussing quietly, using our codes to hide the identities of everyone. Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me
From that day, Yuma kept his distance. Yeah he did talk to me whenever Dark was around and I’m pretty sure he did talk to Dark when they were alone; but it’s beyond obvious that he was pretty paranoid about that one night at his dorm. I continued my late night discussions with Dark, her even making up notes and stories about what could’ve happened or how it would’ve played out.
All I hope it that, no one actually dies. Judging by Yuma’s near experience.
About a week later things began going seemingly better, but it still felt ‘out of place’ to me. Cleo was a close friend of ours too, and from what I so ungraciously remember, is that Len didn’t like our closeness either. All the more reason to suspect him I suppose. However, Cleo wasn’t alarmed or hadn’t received any sort of threats by any means. She seemed happy overall. I laughed as I saw her nearly trip and fall in her haste to get here, dragging a sleepy Dark with her. I just didn't know you
”What’re you doing?” I asked, Cleo’s face lighting up like a lightbulb. “Sylvion asked me out!!!” Dark sighed, nodding her head tiredly, “Yeah, he did. And then this one—“ she pointed an accusing finger to the other, “—dragged me alllllll the way here just to tell you.” “It’s not my fault I’m happy!” Cleo huffed and I just sighed. “Congrats then, come, let’s go celebrate.” I offered to ease the tension, but it soon became awkward as Cleo rejected, saying she had a ‘date’ to go on right now. But now you're back
Dark and I headed back to our dorms after classes.
“Question..” She began, I looked over my shoulder at her, “I was speaking to Sylv about the whole ‘Cleo and you are dating?!’ Thing and he went ‘Yeah, Len said it would be a good idea.’ “ she paused, and I let everything sink in. It was rough to think about but I don't think Len will hurt her. “What’s your question?” “My question is, did Len do it because he wanted to be nice or was there another reason?” Oh. OH. I spun around to face her, watching her face go from confusion to understanding to worry. And it's so terrifying how you paralyze me
”Len is a Yandere.”Now you're showing up inside my home
We didn’t say much as we noticed Cleo drifting further and further away–probably as planned–, hanging out with her date more than any of us. Dark still hung out with Laito sometimes, but I did third-wheel with them, I didn't mind that. Fortunately, Cleo never really seemed to be upset, besides the occasional jealousy issue, she seemed upbeat and her usual self. Which was good in its own way. Hey, I didn’t see Dark the whole day? Panic surged through my veins as I felt my heart shudder in the worst type of way. Breathing deep into the phone
”Laito. This is important and I swear to anything precious. Did you see Dark?” He stared at me with wide eyes for a moment before squinting, “Yeah of course I did, she and I went out in a date today since we both didn’t have classes, I just dropped her off at your dorm cause she was tired. Why?” Oh thank God. “I need to ask her something about Mr.D’s class.” He didn’t seem convinced but it was the best excuse I could come up with instead of ‘Hey that’s great! I just thought my best friend and your girlfriend was brutally murdered by my ex boyfriend! Thank god she’s alive!’ I'm so unprepared, I'm freaking scared
I rushed back to our dorm, bursting through the door to spot Dark bent over on her side of the room’s desk, writing something. She jolted at the sound of the door. “Jesus. Did you break the thing?” “WOMAN YOU TELL ME IF YOU GO OUT WITHOUT ME I THOUGHT YOU DIED.” I shouted, frenzied. She laughed, freaking. LAUGHED AT ME?! “I did you idiot. You were asleep and grumbling at me when I told you I was going to the cyber-cafe with Lai-kun.” Did she? Oh..rightttt she diddd.. “Sorry..” I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. She grinned an, “It’s fine.” And went back to writing.
”What’re you writing?” She rolled back in her chair and passed me the paper, written on the left side were ‘Yuma and Cleo’ but crossed out and on the right had a list of names of the rest of our friends close or even somewhat close to us, girl and guy. I re-read the list about 3 times before looking back up at her. “So..what’s the idea?” “The fact is, if it is actually Len as a Yandere, he will probably target these people since they’re close to us. But I don’t know in which order or if there is an order in which he will attack.” I nodded mutely, looking through the names once more.
You were comforting and quietMaybe depending on the strength level? Or how dangerous they are? I’m not sure how to categorise them either. “So, if Yuma is out, and Cleo too. What can we say about the categories so far?” I offered, trying to piece together as much info as I could too, they’re both relatively strong, they both have pretty good reflexes...”Don’t know.” My roommate responded, rather nonchalantly if I do say so. But eh, I doubt she’s gonna do anything to me. Girl can’t even punch playfully let alone stab someone.How did love become so violent?
As for now we don’t know anything for sure. I just sigh and flop down on the bottom bunk, arm dramatically draped over my face as I groan, tired and stretch like a starfish (heheheheheh). “Whatever, we can deal with this tomorrow, stop writing that and teach me about Physics because my teacher is an I-D-I-O-T!” Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
About an hour passed before we passed out, me dreaming of the worst day ever— our Physics teacher followed me everywhere and threw exams at me as I ate my lunch— and Dark dreaming about what she likes. Most likely cats and Laito and sweets. Eh whatever. Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me
Seems okay for now cause everyone’s alive, okay, maybe a little shaken up but still alive.
It better stay that way.
”Oh Mon Dieu..” Dark whispered in a breath beside me as we all crowed about the lifeless body sprawled out on the floor in front of us. Shane Albert. He was rather big-headed and ticked off a good handful of us but I doubt any of us had any reason to kill him for it. Except for one person. Shane had always loved pressing my buttons with every chance he could and annoying the life out of me. That doesn’t mean the dude deserved to be murdered though!
Yes. I know for sure it’s a murder, there was a harsh red line on his neck that reached around from front to back. It was a single, thick line, which could’ve represented fingers. His face was slightly purplish due to what seemed to be asphyxiation, and his eyes were rolled back into his head. The only strange fact is that there was not a single sign of struggle or rope marks or anything of the sort. That and his mouth having a shiny ring around it, as if there was water.
I stare at it blankly for long minutes, watching Dark refocus and walk back to our dorm with Laito. I turned on my heel and headed back with them, the three of us going in and chilling around; processing what just happened. “So..” Laito started, looking between both of us, “What do you ladies think happened?” I stayed silent, allowing Dark to speak her point first. “It’s definitely asphyxiation of some sort, but by what I’m not sure.” “There was also a ring of water, well, that’s what I think it is..around his mouth. But you can’t die from choking on water right?” I added, questioning my own response.
A tense silence layered itself in the dorm.
”What about ice?” Ice? “What do you mean Lai?” Dark asked, just about as perplexed as I was. “ ‘Ye know, solid water.” I facepalmed despite myself, “We know what ice is Captain Obvious. What we’re asking is how do you think he choked on ice?” I watched carefully as Laito put his hands up in a sort of surrender position. “Well, it could be a really big piece of ice? I have no idea, but it would explain the water ring around his mouth.” He shrugged, could Laito be a killer? I shook my head at the thought, ridiculous; there’s no way he would kill anyone I’m sure of it, besides, nothing creepy was going on with him anytime before or now.You were comforting and quiet
”Like an icicle? But how do you get that on campus? It’s gotta be freaking huge if it’s gonna choke someone!” Dark laughed nervously, trying to lighten the mood but I could tell she knew it wasn’t going to be any brighter or happier any time soon. Then, a memory struck me. “Uh..we do have fridges in our dorms don’t we? Freezers?” Both pairs of eyes shifted onto mine in horror. “Right.” Laito clipped sharply, and then stood.
“Welp, now that I’ve helped you guys solve a crime basically I’ve got to go! Angelo is probably gonna kill me cause I missed our ‘study session’,” he sighed dramatically, even putting air-quotes in his speech. I figured it was also the fact that this tension was wayyyyy too thick for him to stand, and that’s why he wants to go back to his dorm. Placing a loving kiss on Darks lips he waltzed to the door. “Lai? Will you be okay?” “Of course sweetheart, there’re still plenty of students rushing about now so I know nothing anything will happen. I’ve got to go now, I love you Dark! And bye Light, see you tomorrow!” And he left.How did love become so violent?
For I think about an hour, Dark and I have just been staring at each other, not saying a word, just, thinking. A shaky breath passed her lips and I came back to reality, “Light. We have to stop this. It’s getting worse.” “Well what do you think we should do because I have no clue what we’re dealing with here!” It was a harsh tone but I didn’t care, she probably knew how frustrated I was. Somebody just died and I’m partially the reason.
“I don’t know. But if it is Len who’s behind all of this..then we’re dealing with someone way stronger than either of us are. We don’t even know who will be next!” She’s right. I can’t just sit here like a coward doing nothing though! There has to be some way we can find out who’s next. “Hey, listen. If it makes you feel better, I bet you I’m on his hit-list too.” I glared at her, “And HOW exactly is that supposed to make me feel BETTER?” Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
“Look at it this way, at least we know one more person who might be on the list!” She smiled ruefully, but her eyes looked as if she wanted to scream out in exasperation too. I walked over to the other side of our couch and dropped down next to her. “Don’t put it like that, it makes me more stressed out knowing who’s gonna be murdered next, plus, I figure that since you’re so close to me it’s gonna be a brutal one.” I stared straight into her soul through her face, keeping mine dead serious. “If you die. I don’t know who I’m gonna work together with about this. Heck, I don’t even know what he’ll do to ME if I’m the last one alive.”Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me
Dark nodded reluctantly at my statement as she agreed. Swallowing down her own argument she paused and shuffled through her papers that she left on the coffee table. “I’m writing down Shane and crossing him out. Whatever his horrid idea this is, we need to stop it.”
”Yes. That we do.”