Dark laughed, profanities and insults booming out of her mouth like a confetti canon as she cursed the bystanders. “YOU IDIOTS!!” She cackled. Turning to her best friend, Light. “Hey..dont call them that..” she timidly argued, “You’re too nice Light, come on you can call me a dumbass too!” Dark smiled creepily, and waited impatiently, tapping her foot. “U-uh..no I can’t, it’s u-uhm...no it’s okay...” Light stammered, watching as Kanato and Laito approached them.
(God help me with this part 😂)
“So you see, the product of X is actually the sum of all the divided values given, and that’s how we’ll use that to find Y!” Kanato gleamed with joy as he solved another maths equation mentally. “Woah! You’re so cool Kanato!! Can I see how you work this one out???” Laito jumped here and there excitedly, his smile blinding almost every other student in the hall. “Oh..h-hi g-guys..” Light stammered, watching as Dark chewed hard on the bubble gum she was gnawing on. “Yo!” She waved, sticking the gum to the inside of her cheeks as she high fived the two boys.
“Wh-What are you guys doing??” Light questioned, eyeing the paper, shifting slightly as she felt Dark’s small body shove into her, “MY EYES! MY EYES! JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY! IM SO GODDAMN STUPID TODAY!” “Huh..?” Light glanced at the paper and shook her head, “Oh, you just need to add this then multiply it by X and then you can just minus the value for Y and there...!” She smiled politely, but Dark just rolled her eyes and ignored her.