Song Based Off: Brother-Kodaline
(A/N: This is also based off a question Dark was asked. ;3)
It started with the drug raid.
I don’t know if it was my screams of complete terror that pulled him out of everything or if it was the bloodcurdling scream Light gave out. The dangerous mix of iron and thick musk was everywhere, it stung my own nostrils—Alpha. I need to find the Alpha—. Clutching my head, the migraine trying to tug me back into submission, I pushed on, shouting louder and louder.
There are about 3 tiers in a gang. Alphas played the main roles; dealing, planning and the like. Betas were standing in second place; guiding us to escape routes and medical care. Omegas..well..we didn’t have much of a role other than to distract the opposition if needed. Our team had only one Alpha, Kanato Tedin. I wasn’t the only Omega on patrol, but for this mission I was called out instead of Azusa.
It ended badly.
I should’ve insisted either Light or Laito go to take the drugs, knowing Kanato’s bad habit. But as I’m an Omega, my submission is inevitable unless I stress myself ultimately. Once he got a whiff of the drugs he went feral. None of us could stop him. First it was Laito, my Delta boyfriend, his nose was able to pick up the scent faster than either Light or me, but it was no use against a feral Alpha.
“I have to go. You head back and tell the others.” I remember Light’s confidence in that, she was always the braver of us both. But alas, again it was no point. She did put up a good fight but as soon as I heard the gun-shot my blood ran cold. My throat hurt. I still couldn’t find him, the scent was everywhere and it seemed to be spread relatively evenly. “KANATO FOR GOD’S SAKE!” I called out again. This time, I heard a low growl.
There you are.
Whatever strength my voice had left was gone in the second I let out a shriek at Laito’s and Light’s bloodied forms. And Kanato...oh God...his eyes, which were once a ghostly grey were now glowing red, like the aggressive flames of a candle. His hands were balled up but they looked tense, as if he were gripping onto the air as hard as he could. The right clutched the Sig, nozzle and barrel splattered with blood. He didn’t have any blood on himself, but that fact didn’t soothe me at all.
“KANATO! STOP THIS!” I shouted again. He was too far gone. Fighting my nature I stepped forward, feeling as if I would’ve needed to pick up my leg manually to walk even the babiest of steps. Go back! Danger! RUN! I kept going. I can’t just leave him like that! Feral or not. Eventually, walking wasn’t enough; and I launched myself into his chest, hugging him with all I had left. “...Stop this please...” I sniffed, “I know you’re in there...just stop..” I cried out, the freshly sharpened dagger piercing through my side, digging deeper and deeper as I hugged tighter and tighter.
“STOP!” I was on the verge of passing out, tiptoeing on what felt like a tightrope that had no catching net below it; just, darkness. Mustering all of my energy to stay awake I tossed it out, my hands shooting to his face, grabbing. “KANATO TEDIN STOP THIS NOW.” I saw his eyes flash from red to grey to red again, it’s working. “YOU’RE IN THERE! COME ON!” The blade pulled upwards in my flesh, the cut bleeding out fast. Come on, come on...
That did it. His eyes zoned back into stone grey, and he shook his head vigorously. “D-Dark?” I gave him a weak smile, gently pulling at his hand that stabbed me. Hissing, the knife slid out with a wet sound as the blood that was once coagulated flowed fresh again. “I’m here...” I reassured softly, my hand pressing into the wound. There’s no med-kit...I sighed, eyes flicking around before they landed on his shirt. “Kanato, I need you to take off your shirt and tear it. Use your blade please” Shakily, he nodded, ripping out long strips of fabric and passing them to me.
“Okay, I’m going to need you to help me because I can’t really see.” I instructed, the gash was at my side towards my back, so I really couldn’t do this on my own. He stared at me for a moment before holding onto the hem of my shirt, asking for permission with those scared, ghostly pale eyes. “It’s fine, be fast, I’m bleeding out..” My heart tugged as I saw a small fire of determination light behind his eyes as he lifted my shirt to just under my ribs, then wrapping each piece around the wound neatly. Thanking him, I adjusted everything to my own comfort before turning to our other patients.
We needed to get them out, fast.
“You take Laito,” I pointed at my boyfriend, who, though wasn’t badly injured, was still out cold from whatever Kanato did to hurt him back then. “Light needs more urgent medical care right now. She was shot.” There were still scraps of fabric from Kanato’s shirt, and Light was shot in the leg so she needn’t so much bandaging. Thank God for that. I had just finished up on her when I felt the Aura change again, “Kana-san—?” “IM SO SORRY!” Pausing, I turned to face him, a tear fell down my cheek silently; “For..?” “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” He shouted, the Aura not Alpha-like but his natural musk did increase.
“DO YOU THINK IM BLIND?! I KNOW WHAT I DID!” Another tear ran down my face, then another, and another. I wasn’t hurt, not at all; it just felt like he was yanking out my heart straight from my chest and squeezing it rhythmically. I held Light’s arm firmly over my shoulder, balancing her larger form like a puppet atop me. Hunching over I moved to Kanato, who had Laito around his back. I reached out the hand that wasn’t occupied, stroking his face with my thumb, “It’s okay, I know it wasn’t really you.”
His eyes were watery, and held apologies of every sinner’s confession. He didn’t need to say anything more, just closed his eyes slowly and opened them again, inhaling deeply. “We need to go back to base. Angelo and Vee should be able to heal them.” When we got back, Nico—an Omega dog— ran over to us first. “OH MY GOD!” She screamed out in shock, rushing over even quicker to support an unconscious Light on the other side. “We need to get her to Vee now.” I told her and she nodded.
“Yo Angel! We really need Vee now.” I called out as the five of us entered the infirmary. On the second tier, Angelo sat in his swivel chair, writing notes. At my call he swung around, “Dark how many times did I tell you I’m not—oh God what happened??” He asked, coming over to help carry Laito out of Kanato’s arms. “I’ll explain later, we need to get Vee to check out Light. Laito was just knocked out, no external injuries.” “And Light?” “Shot. Vee. NOW.” While Nico and Angelo went to call Venus, I watched as Kanato clenched and unclenched his fist over and over again.
“Everything physically okay..?” I questioned, lightly draping my hand over his, “...I’m a monster...” he mumbled, I waited for him to continue, let it all out, “I can’t even do a simple job correctly, for Gods Sake! And I shouted at you even though I just stabbed you.” A quiet huff blew out of my mouth and I held his hand tightly, whispering, “I’m okay, in fact, I forgot about the injury ‘till you mentioned it just now. And it’s okay about the job, the loot was probably rigged.” I noted.
“Dark? You can come see them now if you want.” Venus called from the main healing-station. It was sterile, so no scents wafted through the area, Venus was a Sigma, her sweet, cotton-candy scent easily distinguished from Angelo’s more fruity one. Walking into the room, I looked worriedly from our patched up friends to Venus and Angelo. “Laito is okay, he might wake up with a little memory loss as whatever hit him, bumped against his memory cortex.” Angelo explained, “No other external injuries other than little scrapes on him though. Nice eye Dark.” I oscillated my thanks, wanting to hear everything.
“Light...well...Dark I’m so sorry...I think she’ll be in a coma for a while...maybe about a month is what we’re hoping, if not a year.” Oh. I felt the colour drain from my face as I forced a pained smile, “At least she’s alive...keep her on a heart monitor, and observe it regularly.” I instructed, heading back into my room. “Dark wait!” Kanato’s voice boomed down the halls before I shut my door. “Yes?” It hadn’t meant to come out as harsh as that, but I was worried sick that Light had even the minimalist chance of not making it at all.
“Can..I want...can I stay here, with you for awhile..? I can go if you don’t want me to, we don’t have to talk I just don’t—“ “Stay. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. Come on, we can lay on my bed.” And that we did, it was silent, but comfortable. After all the mayhem we went through I think the peace was what both of us really needed.