Capítulo 18: Lydia's power
Thanks to the healing potions, Wedge had a noticeable improvement, but had to use a wheelchair for the time being, as did Cloud, although the blond still had no improvement.
The Highwind returned with the group and they told them that they had protected the people of Corel and the fort condor from Shinra's attack, and had also obtained the huge Matter that was in those places.
Percy was watching the huge Materia with attention when screams were heard in the street.
“It's Weapon! He's coming to destroy everything! Let's get out of here!”
“Tifa, Aerith! Stay here and protect Wedge and Cloud!” Cid commanded as he cursed high and mighty.
“Weapon has a titanic size, what are we going to do?” Nanaki shouted.
“We can do nothing but defend this place," Yuffie said with courage.
“But we can't win only with will," said Cait in a frightened voice, despite the fact that his controller was safe in Midgar.
“We must sacrifice ourselves to save our friends," Dyne said resolutely.
“It is not necessary for someone to die," suddenly Percy said. "Lydia, do you think you can use 'Magic Tsunami'?”
“I'm sure, however, I won't be able to use that power immediately, I need you to buy me some time," Lydia asked decisively.
“You heard, Lydia has a plan, but we need to give her time! “Percy shouted at them.
“We don't have any more!” shouted Vincent.
“Then let's get something out of that son of a...!” Cid ordered and the whole group went to the place where the monster descended and set out to face him.
It seemed crazy to face such a colossus, yet they applied the tactics of Lydia and Percy. The ten friends, instead of fighting in threes or fours, all attacked together at once and without taking turns, they also surrounded the monster instead of attacking it head-on.
Fortunately, in Weapon, what was left over in size was lacking in his brain, as it was like attacking Shinra's robot that confronted them on the cut highway. Each time the monster prepared to attack, it would take a blow from either side or from the back and then turn around to confront its attacker. This process was constantly repeated, and the group began to become more confident.
“Look, Lydia's attack is coming!” Percy pointed to what appeared to be a gigantic tsunami approaching the group and everyone was scared.
“Fear not, Lydia's attack only harms the enemy!” Percy explained to them to reassure them, and in effect, the tsunami defeated Weamon, without harming anyone in the group.
“Unbelievable, not even the buildings in the village were damaged," said Barrett with his mouth open.
Friends began to celebrate and praise Lydia when an earthquake shook the whole place.
“Girls, get out of the hospital!” shouted Biggs and watched as Tifa and Aerith carried their friends in the wheelchairs as fast as they could, yet the floor opened and they were swallowed up by it.
“Cid, we have to do something!” Lydia shouted, but the tremors continued.
“Now we can't do anything, let's wait until the tremors are over!” Cid shouted.
Once the tremor was over, the friends went towards the fissure, but they could not see their friends.
“What shall we do now," said Dyne.
“Cloud came to this place thanks to the lifestream, maybe the four of them are still around," said Vincent, worried and breaking his monotone voice.
The whole group split up to look for them and were found by Yuffie.
The four friends were unconscious, in the middle of a lifestream fountain and Yuffie had to take them out one by one.
When she finished, she called her other companions and they tried to revive their four friends, to their surprise, no one seemed to be hurt, even Wedge and Cloud had recovered from their injuries.
“It seems that the life current energy healed our friends," said Nanaki.
Cloud was a little confused, but apologized to the group for handing over the Black Materia to Sephiroth.
“You weren't to blame Cloud, you were being controlled” Aerith encouraged him.
“Within the lifestream," Cloud said, "I was finally able to recover several of my memories and discard those that were false. I was living a lie and I knew it from the beginning, I refused to accept reality and because of that everything ended so badly with the meteorite and Weapon destroying everything.”
"I may not be the real Cloud, but somehow I intend to make Shinra pay for everything it did to me and Zack," Cloud ended and put his hand on Aerith's shoulder, nodding with a sad smile.
“So Wedge, where are we going now?” Yuffie asked him.
“Cait Sith?” Wedge asked the robot.
“The other huge materia is in the submarine reactor of Junon, the best thing to do is to head towards that place.”
“You heard Cid, straight to Junon," Wedge commanded with authority.
The ship moved the group to Junon and the friends took an elevator that took them below sea level to a submarine complex.
After the attack by Weapon, the situation in Junon was totally chaotic, no one controlled the accesses to the fortress and they reached an underground submarine pier.
At this pier, the Turks were in charge of putting one of the huge materias into a submarine.
“Stupid Turks, you better hand over the stuff and go take refuge in the skirts of your master. Shu, shu!” Percy said to them, while he waved his hand as if he wanted to scare them away, as if they were dogs.
The suits guys did not confront the group, but threw a robot at them, while they dispatched the submarine and then fled the place.
When the combat was over, the group crossed the pier and "borrowed" another submarine and chased the Shinra submarine that had the huge Materia, managing to take it away from them, unfortunately, another huge Materia was in Shinra's possession and they took it to the rocket city.
The friends went after the huge Materia and when they reached rocket city, they discovered that Palmer, who had survived the collision with the truck had put the huge Materia on Cid's rocket. His plan was to launch this one and crash it into the meteorite.
“That's my rocket!” Cid shouted, throwing the thickest insults to date.
“If the rocket takes off, it will destroy the whole village with its inhabitants," said Cloud.
“Okay," said Cid, "this is my rocket, and I'll get it back. This time it will be the real adults who will take care of it. Vincent, Dyne, Barrett and I will take over, the rest of you will evacuate the people of the village if we don't succeed.”
“I am a robot, and I can link up with the rocket computer, let me go with you!” asked Cait.
“And I'm an engineer in combustion engines, I can be of help to you," said Biggs.
“S... it's okay, but just the two of you, the rest of you go work like I told you!” Cid ordered them.
Cid and his group went to the rocket and the rest called the population and explained the situation, so they all went out to the outskirts of town.
“Wedge, Shera's not in the house!” Nanaki informed him.
“Maybe she's on the rocket," said Wedge, who with his friends and villagers was on the outskirts of the village waiting for the worst.
“Guys, look! The rocket's taking off!” Tifa shouted to them
The rocket that had previously activated its straightening mechanism began to rise, leaving a trail of smoke behind it.
The whole town was destroyed either by the force of the rocket's acceleration or by the flames that came out of the engine. The villagers hugged and cried because before their eyes all their life's work and their possessions vanished into the chaos of destruction.
Wedge and his group were also concerned, but for their friends.
“Do you think the guys will make it?” Jesse asked Aerith.
“Don't worry, Jesse, they'll come back safely somehow," said her friend.
The rocket had been lost in the sky and only the trail of smoke it left behind remained, increasingly difficult to see why the night was falling, when the sky was lit up with an explosion.
The luminosity faded and the meteor, though cracked, was on its deadly course toward the planet.
Jesse started to cry on Aerith's shoulder, but Percy caught the attention of the group.
“I see something falling towards the shore... I think it's... an escape pod," Percy said, forcing his eyes to the limit.
“Come on, let's go!” Wedge ordered and the group went to the Highwind to rescue their friends.
The ship lifted the escape pod with a crane and everyone could see that their friends were safe, even Shera was safe with them!
The capsule door opened and the friends came down one by one, but when Biggs came down, Jesse pounced on him and kissed him.
“Idiot, I was so worried!” she scolded him with tears peeking through her eyes as everyone looked at the scene with eyes like plates.
"Don't ever volunteer for something this dangerous again! You don't see that I love you and I couldn't bear to lose you," said Jesse as she caressed the man's face.
“Emmm, I think I should be the one to say this," said Biggs, blushing.
“Of course you should say it, but for some stupid reason, every man in this place plays the bad guy and plays the tough guy!” complained Jesse.
“I'm sorry, but it's not just the boys who are stubborn, some girls don't put their ideas in order," said Biggs and looked at Tifa without any disguise.
“Aren't you gonna hug her, Biggs?” Percy asked him.
Biggs frowned at him, but then calmed his expression and, looking at Jesse tenderly, gave him a passionate kiss under everyone's happy gaze.
“Well, they already fell and...” said Barrett smiling like a Totoro as he turned his eyes and posed in Cloud and Aerith along with Wedge and Tifa, “well, they already fell! And two more to go!”
“Why don't Shera and Cid go out?” Lydia asked and everyone went to see what was holding those two back.
Inside the capsule, Cid was crying on his knees and hugging Shera at the waist.
“Forgive me Shera! You were right about the rocket malfunction! And all these years I've treated you like a p....!”
“I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.... I'll stay with you forever!” Cid whimpered, crying like a little boy.
“Cid, I don't need you to make it up to me," said Shera and Cid saw her surprised because the woman used his name.
“I was deceiving myself, I was telling myself that I was by your side to make it up to you, but I was really by your side because I fell in love with you at first sight.”
“But in the end I realized that I was hurting myself with that attitude, waiting for unrequited love. In the end, when Palmer came to me and told me to repair the rocket, I accepted not for you, but for myself, to finally close that bitter chapter of my life. I guess I can be a woman again and look ahead and smile, but I'm not young anymore and even if I still have the chance to reach for love, it won't be as easy, it won't be like before.”
“Cid," said Shera with a gentle smile, "I'm glad you've achieved your dream, but now let me go for me to reach mine.”
The group decided to move away from those two and give them the appropriate space.
“How curious," said Biggs, "from a joyful moment we went on to a sad one.”
“That's why we have to value what we have," said Jesse, hugging Biggs' arm more tightly and giving him the warmest smile he'd ever had.
The group went to Cosmo Canyon and handed over the huge Materia to Bugenhagen, who told them they had to retrieve from the depths of the ocean the key of the elders, an artifact that would give them clues to save the planet.
“It would take us years to look for something like that in the vastness of the oceans," said Nanaki.
“I could use the tarot cards to find out the exact location of the key," Lydia offered.
“Please do so, Lydia," Barrett asked with a smile, remembering how he didn't believe in Lydia's powers at first.
Lydia told them that they should go north, near the village of bones, and that they would find the key there.
The group left Shera at Cosmo Canyon and returned to Junon and with the help of "their" submarine, were able to find the key, which they handed over to Bugenhagen on their return.
Shera, who was delighted with the Observatory of Bugenhagen, decided to stay there while Bugenhagen accompanied the group to the city of the elders.
In the city of the elders, Bugenhagen activated the key and a mechanism in the city showed them that Aerith's White Materia had the power to stop the meteorite.
“Thank you Mother, thank you for giving me the White Materia, with it we can invoke the Sacred One, the energy that will save the planet from the meteorite," said Aerith in prayer.
When the group left the city of the elders the Highwind informed them that they had located another Weapon, it was on its way to Midgar.
As if that were not enough, Cait Sith informed them that Rufus had had Junon's cannon dismantled and moved it to Midgar. Using the mako energy from all the reactors in each section of the city, he would fire the cannon into the northern crater, thus destroying the barrier that protected Sephiroth.
“But if they do that they will affect the inhabitants by the exposure of mako energy!” shouted Tifa.
“Yes, what about Marlene!” Barrett shouted and Cait reassured him that his operator had moved Marlene and Aerith's mother to a safe place.
This brought more questions than answers for Barrett and Dyne, so the group had to explain to them about Cait Sith's betrayal.
Cait Sith regrets Shinra's decisions and revealed that it is Reeve, who remotely controls the two Cait Sith robots: the cat and his mount.
The two giants were very angry with the robot, but as Wedge told them, now was not the time for arguments or fights, as they had to defeat Weapon.
“Well, we'll use the same strategy we used in Mideel," Wedge reported, "we'll buy time for Lydia to use her power against the monster.”
Formulated the plan, the Highwind headed towards Midgar; however, to their horror, Weapon had not headed for the mainland, but stopped in front of the beach and from his body several electric shocks erupted which were directed against Midgar. At the same time, the cannon was firing at Weapon and it went through the monster, following the discharge until it got lost in the horizon.
“What the hell was that!” shouted Dyne.
“Unbelievable, the volley destroyed Weapon in a single blast," said Vincent.
Weapon had been destroyed, but not before its discharges had impacted Shinra's building.
“Bad news, folks!” said Cait said, “Shinra's building was badly damaged and there is no news of Rufus. Heidegger and Scarlet, have taken over and don't give a damn that the city's reactors are overheating and about to explode.”
“But if that happens...” Lydia whispered.
“That's right, the whole city will disappear," said Cait, "of course those two don't care, because Shinra's building with its massive size will withstand the explosion.”
Everyone began to scream in disgust, but Cait Sith interrupted them.
“If case the above wasn't bad enough, Hojo went crazy and is trying to give Sephiroth all the mako energy of the place to regenerate the barrier of the northern crater that was destroyed by the cannon shot.”
“Can't you do anything, Reeve?” Tifa asked him.
“I'm sorry, but I'm stuck in the cells and I can't do anything, the only thing I can do is control this robot by remote control thanks to my neural interface.”
“What will we do Wedge?” Tifa asked him.
“We have no choice, we must go to Midgar and stop all those madmen... or die trying.”