Capítulo 5: Cat vs. dog
In the weeks that followed, Percy showed the group around the place.
“This is Lydia's school, located in the residential neighborhood of Peaceful Pines," Percy frowned.
“What's going on, Percy?” Barrett asked him.
“All the girls here are cretins, they think that because they are rich they can do whatever they want, Lydia has no friends in this place. The funny thing is that Lydia has more money than everyone in the city put together, but she doesn't like to brag about it.”
“How's that?” Biggs asked him and Percy explained how Lydia rewrote "The Handbook for the Recently Deceased", earning an incredible fortune from No World.
“Lydia is very famous in No World, they even awarded her a medal... I know, I'll show you Lydia's medal!” Percy jumped up happy.
“That's impressive," said Barrett. “Emm, tell me Percy, can anyone go to No World?”
The girls looked at Barrett with pity as they knew where the question was going, Barrett's wife had been killed by Shinra's people.
“I'm sorry, Barrett, but only someone with magic can go there, and it's still forbidden to anyone alive. Only Lydia is the exception, well, Lydia and the cats.”
“The family of the felines?” Nanaki was surprised.
“Yes, we cats can be on various existential planes or dimensions, if you prefer to call it that," Percy reported proudly.
The group cut through a creepy looking cemetery.
“That tree looks terrifying," shuddered Jesse, pointing to a tree that looked dead and twisted, with holes that emulated eyes and a wide, evil mouth.
“That tree is still alive, Lydia, who can see the aura of things, says it is a beautiful tree, with a very gentle and kind nature," Percy told them as he approached the tree.
“Lydia is right," said Aerith as she placed her palm on the tree.
“Can you also see the aura of the tree?” Tifa asked her.
“No, I can't see the aura like Lydia, but I can also feel that the tree is very kind.”
The group crossed a picturesque covered bridge and climbed the hill to reach Lydia's house.
“Here it is, what do you think!” he showed them happy Lydia's award.
Everyone was amazed, the medal was the size of a plate and was made of solid gold, strange and macabre reliefs were found on its surface.
“Amazing," admitted Cloud.
Percy also showed them some newspaper clippings from No World, about Lydia and everyone read them carefully.
The days continued to go by in peace and everyone in the group spent their days training or doing some work or other. Wedge always offered to help Tifa with the kitchen and then to clean the dishes, also did exercises and started training with his weapon thanks to a sword fighting book that Percy bought him in town.
Wedge was doing his best to beat Percy in private combat sessions. Percy didn't know how to fight with swords but he made up for it with his superhuman strength and made Wedge's arms and legs work hard every time he stopped the cat boy's brutal attacks.
After what would be a little over a month, Lydia showed up back at the house.
“LYDIA!” Percy shouted and ran away until he melted into a hug with the girl.
"I missed you Lydia," Percy confessed, kissing her and covering their bodies with her long tail.
“I hope you didn't have to wait too long," said Lydia with a smile on her face.
"Em, hello guys, I already brought the money, now we can continue our search for Sephiroth," Lydia told them and the girls chuckled nervously as the men looked the other way.
The next morning, everyone was getting ready to leave for the chocobos farm, but apparently Nanaki and Percy in their domestic cat form were arguing.
“Cats are smarter!”
“Dogs are more Loyal!”
“Cats are CLEAN, have more CLASS, are QUIET and BEAUTIFUL!”
“Dogs are FRIENDLY, they are not EGOISTS, they are BRAVE and CONSIDERED”
“Hey you! yes you, especially you, breasts with legs!” Percy called Aerith, Jesse and Tifa in a bad manner.
“I want you to clean the toilets instead of me," Percy ordered. “Frustrated mechanic, clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. And you porn actress, I want you to cook a feast for me while I take my nap. And you know why, you threesome of cheap whores? Because I fucking feel like it nya!”
The girls looked at Percy and then...
“Whatever you say!”
“You're so cute!”
“I love you!”
The girls told him as they hugged him against their breasts and covered him with kisses. Percy turned his mocking face to a dismayed-faced Nanaki and said.
“Can a dog do this?”
The group made their way to the chocobos farm and Percy in his domestic cat form and with his tail proudly raised as a banner was riding on Nanaki.
“Runs like the wind bulls-eye!” Percy said happily.
“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Wedge.
“I only cover an honorable bet, lost to the resolution of the ladies Aerith, Jesse and Tifa," Nanaki explained with a doomed face.
“Shhhhh! Rocinante is not supposed to talk!” Percy shut him up and Wedge rolled hisr eyes.
Hours passed slowly and the sun was scorching. Percy, seeing that Lydia was getting tired, got out of Nanaki and offered to give her a ride.
“Thanks Percy, but wouldn't it have been better to turn you into a panther and take one of the girls too?”
“That's a good idea, but the girls would take turns and Wedge wouldn't have a chance to take Tifa.”
Lydia was thoughtful of how calculating Percy was, but she had no objection to the cat boy's idea.
Lydia whispered to Wedge and suggested that she carry Tifa, after all, now if she was fit enough to do something like that.
Wedge offered to take Tifa, but she refused the gesture with kindness. Aerith, seeing this, asked Cloud to take her as she was exhausted, but Cloud got nervous and turned a blind eye.
Lydia gestured for Wedge to carry Aerith and the man offered to give her a piggyback ride, which the florist gladly accepted.
“Why did you tell me to carry Aerith?” Wedge asked Lydia at night.
“It was so that Tifa wouldn't see you desperate to be by her side.”
“That was a good covert Lydia," Percy said. “Now Wedge, take advantage of Tifa's sore feet and give her a couple of foot massages.”
“But I don't know how to massage feets," Wedge said in a frightened voice.
“You only need to know how to massage feets when the person who receives it is not exhausted, like when they go to a spa," Percy said, "but when your feet are screaming with pain and tiredness, any massage is valid, especially on your heels.”
Lydia nodded her head and Wedge went to Tifa who was tired and trying to massage her aching feet.
“Jesus Tifa, trying to massage your feet yourself is the worst thing," Wedge said with a smile.
“I know... it's hard, but my heels are killing me," complained Tifa.
“Umm, let me help you out a little bit," said Wedge like he didn't want the thing.
“What, no!... Wait... uyyyy... ohhh, that feels so good..." Tifa acknowledged and felt her whole body relax.
Wedge continued to massage Tifa's feet, taking care not to tickle her and focused on her toes and sore heels.
“Do you feel better, Tifa?”
“Yes... It feels good... Your fingers are wonderful Wedge. Where did you learn to massage?”
“Well, I have my secrets," Wedge said with a smile.
“Did you teach him to talk like that?” Lydia whispered to Percy.
“Nya, I mean yep," Percy said, "I taught him that the most important thing is to smile and look directly into her eyes, not to look at her lips and other'attributes.”
“Well done Percy," Lydia praised him as she watched Tifa melt with Wedge's massages.
“Cloud, could you give me some massages?” Jesse pleaded him.
“Me too, Cloud," begged Aerith.
“Emm, I don't know anything about these things, you better massage each other," Cloud said to them and went to a faraway place.
“Cloud, he seems to have come out from an 80s movie," Percy whispered to Lydia.
“What a fool, that of playing hard ended in the eighties, and that of "a real man makes his back speak for himself in front of a woman" is so absurd.”
“But it suits us in our plan to match Wedge and Tifa," Percy reminded her, and Lydia had to nod.
“Wedge please, give me a massage too” the other girls begged him as Cloud fled.
“Sorry girls," Wedge laughed, "but my services are required by Princess Tifa and then I'm afraid I have to go to Lydia and Percy's, I have some things to talk to them about.”
“Don't be mean," begged the girls, but Wedge only laughed while still massaging Tifa's feet.
“Thank you Wedge, my feet thank you very much," Tifa thanked him with a smile.
“It was a pleasure, my princess, you can use my services whenever your pretty little cheeses need me," Wedge bowed and smiled at Tifa.
“Wedge!” Tifa told him, trying to show a frowned face, but in the end she laughed at his friend's idea.
Wedge made his way to Lydia and Percy's and turned a blind eye to the pleas of Aerith and Jesse.
“Good getaway from Aerith and Jesse” Lydia praised him.
“Thank you, I don't know how it suddenly occurred to me.”
“But now you'll have to stay here until they fall asleep or they'll ask you to massage them and if you do, Tifa will think you're very docile and helpful to everyone," Percy suggested.
“That's right, you must act tough.... But not as much as Cloud, which he exaggerates," Lydia advised him, and the three friends stayed and chatted until it was time for bed.
The peaceful pines and cemetery tour is based on Midori Mezurashi's incomplete manga (the witch of peaceful pines).
Percy and Nanaki's discussion at Lydia's house is inspired by Tracy Pierce's online comic CATENA.