Capítulo 20: True love
During the week Cait Sith who had nothing to do was disconnected by Reeve, leaving the four friends at ease.
“Is something wrong, Tifa?” Wedge asked her when she saw her friend with a sad look on her face.
“It's nothing Wedge, I was just watching Jesse and Biggs are all right candy in the back.”
“Well, I'm happy for those two, although it's a little disturbing to see Biggs so smiling and dazed.”
“You're right, Biggs always acted like the tough guy in the movie, just like Cloud.”
“You know Tifa, when I met Cloud, I was very impressed, I mean, he said he had belonged to Soldado.”
“But Cloud never belonged to Soldado.”
“I know Tifa, what I mean is that I put Cloud on a pedestal, but in the end Cloud's cool attitude was just an escape from the fear he always carried with him.”
“I remember that Cloud was very shy when I first met him, but after the accident in which I was in a coma for a week, he changed completely. That cool attitude and the cool attitude he had when he joined Avalanche were like a child's... I should have realized it sooner, so Cloud wouldn't have suffered with his false memories.”
“There was nothing you could have done, if you had pressed him for sure he would have run away. I think you did very well from day one, and in fact in the end you helped Cloud to accept his true memories. You're great Tifa, I'm really sorry that in the end Cloud, well, that he and Aerith...”
“Don't worry, Wedge.”
“I'm sorry, Tifa, I don't have the wood of a knight in shining armor, in the end I always end up ruining everything.”
“Don't say that Wedge, you're an extraordinary leader, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have come so far, besides I'm not as bitter as I look, I'm happy for Aerith and Cloud.”
“When the four of us were in the lifestream, I could see everyone's mind including my own. Cloud always wanted to approach me since I was a child, but those were the feelings of a child, what Cloud feels for Aerith instead, are the feelings of an adult, feelings already mature and defined.”
“Your feelings Wedge also came to me. Strong, beautiful and pure feelings. Of the four of us, I still stand as a child, playing at being the girlfriend of someone who doesn't even notice me, playing at being the savior of that man who was so confused at heart, playing at being the super-powerful girl who could rescue Cloud from the bottom of the abyss... how stupid I am.”
“Don't say that, Tifa, if there's a child here, it's me. I was always limited to tell you how much I liked you, I didn't want to contradict you at all and in the end I ended up overweight because of my damn shyness. In the end I wouldn't have done anything for myself if it hadn't been for the help of Lydia and Percy... Yes, in the end I couldn't do anything for myself.”
“But Wedge, no one can do everything on their own, they need to lean on others, of course I'm the least adequate to tell you that, I also tried to do everything myself, I even went away from my master Zangan and wanted to run the bar by myself.”
“How about we both agree we're just a couple of idiots in the end, so we don't argue about who's the dumber of the two," Wedge said with a mischievous smile that made Tifa laugh.
“Thanks Wedge, I needed that," said Tifa and laid her head on his friend's shoulder.
“The sunset is beautiful here, it's hard to believe that a few kilometres from here the weather is so cold," Wedge said, "the only thing I regret is that there is no field of flowers.”
“The sunset and a field of flowers, I'm sure Aerith would have loved it, since she would have taken the most beautiful ones to sell them," said Tifa in a dreamy way.
“Well, I talked to Aerith and the truth is that nobody bought her flowers, no matter how cheap they were.”
“Yes, in fact she even tried to sell flowers to Cloud the first time she saw him, but that time she thought it was not a very macho thing to do.”
“I can't believe it! What the hell is wrong with men these days!”
“I guess in this cruel, gray world, the last thing people think about is flowers.”
“It's a shame...”
“Well, at least you got flowers.”
“No one actually gave me flowers.”
“What, I don't believe it! First you tell me that nobody invited you to the Ferris wheel and now you tell me that nobody gave you flowers...”
“I told you, Wedge, I didn't even have a boyfriend," said the embarrassed woman.
“What the hell Tifa...”
Wedge got up and went to the camp to put on warm clothes, then left the place.
“Wedge, where are you going?” Tifa asked him, but his friend didn't answer, and he ran away.
At night Jesse and Biggs asked Tifa about the whereabouts of Wedge, who had not yet returned.
Tifa told them about her conversation with Wedge and the two boyfriends exchanged worried looks.
“Hey Biggs, you don't think Wedge...”
“Yes, that's just what you're thinking," said Biggs with a nod.
“I'm sorry, guys, I should have realized sooner.” Tifa apologized sadly.
“Why didn't you notice it Tifa?”
“I'm sorry, but I had so much on my mind at the time...”
“Anyway, it's already too late and it would be suicide to go after that idiot," said Biggs and the women looked at him in a frown, "I'll go... I'll go look for him in the morning in the village of Icicles.”
A week later and there was still no news of Wedge, even the Highwind had already arrived.
“I couldn't talk to my father nor to Delia, both of them were very busy," Lydia said with pity, "at least I was able to say goodbye to my mother in the cemetery.”
“I'm so sorry, Lydia, I really am.” Tifa comforted her.
“And Wedge?” Lydia asked her and Tifa explained what happened.
“Oh Wedge...” Said Lydia as she shook her head.
By the morning of the seventh day, everyone was already getting nervous when Percy and Nanaki warned the group that Wedge was approaching the site.
“Wedge what the h...” Cid was trying to yell at him, but he shut up immediately when he saw the young man approaching.
The leader of the group approached covered in wolf skins that fluttered in the wind, as did his hair that had grown in his absence. His beard had also grown, but not too much, just enough to make him look more mature and manly.
The skins did not cover him completely, the muscular arms and torso of the man were visible, as well as the multitude of scars that covered his skin, his face also bore the mark of scars, a face that framed eyes of deep, penetrating and full of authority.
“Wedge what happened to you! Where have you been?” Lydia questioned him and ran to her cousin to see if he was all right.
Wedge said nothing, just smiled gently at her and gave Lydia a kiss on the forehead, then went straight on to Tifa.
“Wedge... what happened, what took you so long?” Tifa asked him, a little flushed, as she noticed her friend was so close to her body.
“I'm sorry for being so late, I just wanted to find a field of flowers for you Tifa, but we're so far north that it took me more work than I thought at first," Wedge explained to her, who came a few inches closer to the woman.
“Tifa, I could not allow us to go to Sephiroth without you having received a flower before, please forgive me, this is the only flower I could find for you.”
Wedge looked carefully among the worn skins and with immense care as if he feared that what he was taking out would break at any moment, he gave Tifa a beautiful flower with the colors of the rainbow.
A flower of seven colors muttered Tifa with her mouth open, surprised at the beauty of the flower, which seemed to shine with her own light.
Wedge and Tifa looked at each other for a couple of minutes without saying a word and at the end, Tifa frowned.
“You had us worried, Wedge, and all to bring a single flower, you are no knight in shining armor," said Tifa and Wedge looked down at her sadly.
“You are my Prince," Tifa confessed to him and it was as if the whole landscape had suddenly lit up. Tifa approached Wedge and kissed him with passion, both kissed with passion but taking care not to crush the beautiful flower that glowed with the same strength as the hearts of the two young men did at that moment.
Two cracked spheres, one from anguish and the other from resignation, regenerated immediately and these two hearts emitted a heat that spread to the remaining members of the group.
Lydia and Percy held hands and shed tears of joy for their cousin who was finally repaid in his feelings.
Aerith and Cloud, like Jesse and Biggs, looked at their friends with smiles and hugs, while sighing in relief that the drama that seemed to consume their friends and threatened to become a tragedy was finally over.
The other members of the group were also relieved with the exception of Yuffie who had a sad look on her face, but in the end shook her head and smiled as she raised her shoulders.
All the friends paused in their mission to destroy Sephiroth and congratulated the couple.
“You're not fair, Wedge," Percy complained, "now I'll have to find something more splendid for Lydia.”
Wedge laughed and stroked the cat boy's head with his manly hand. At first Percy complained, but then he was very happy and began to purr.
“I'm glad those two are finally together," Lydia once said, "it's a pity that it's now, right at the end of it all.”
“Don't say that, Lydia, I don't know how, but we will surely succeed in defeating Sephiroth and saving the planet from the giant meteor. We will use the Sacred Materia of Aerith to see what happens," Percy comforted her as he embraced her tenderly.