Capítulo 14: The two cats' fight
The next morning, the friends returned to Barrett and Cid's place, to the unpleasant surprise that Dyne and Vincent were also sleeping with loose legs and empty beer cans around them.
“Cait, Nanaki," asked Wedge, "stay here and take care of these idiots and also take care of the seaplane, please.”
The group was led by Yuffie, who had to be carried by Wedge.
“I hope you've learned your lesson," Wedge said.
“How was I to know that that beer was strong?" Yuffie cried as she saw the road with red, sleepy eyes.
After a while Yuffie felt better and began to caress Wedge's back.
“This is a big, muscular back, I could get used to it every day.”
“Woa, don't lean back! You'll make us fall," Wedge warned him.
“Sorry, I'll stick to your back," she apologized with a lascivious smile, and the ninja glued her body to Wedge's back with a greedy glance, while she looked at Tifa arrogantly.
“What? You thought you were the only girl in the universe," Percy said in a boring tone and raising his shoulders as he overtook Tifa, "I have news for you, like you, there are millions, not billions.”
Tifa looked at Percy badly, but then turned her face and soured at the sight of Yuffie sniffing Wedge's hair and licking her lips. She was going to kiss his neck!
“I think you've had enough rest, Yuffie!” Tifa shouted as she approached the ninja and with her hand pushed her to the ground on her back.
“Hey, what's wrong with you!” Yuffie yelled at her.
“Wedge is no mule for you to take advantage of," Tifa said angrily.
“The only mule is you, in fact you're worse than that, you're just the dog in the orchard, who neither eats nor let’s eat. Come back with your chocobo, Oh I forgot, he didn't even give you a shit!”
Tifa slapped Yuffie and the ninja looked at her with her eyes open like plates.
“Tifa!” Aerith reprimanded her, but Yuffie kicked Tifa right in the chin.
The two women looked at each other for a second and then went against each other.
“Jesse, Aerith, stop them!” Lydia shouted, while Percy was petrified next to her and stared at the scene in fear.
Both Jesse and Aerith did their best to separate them, but they were not warriors and in the end did nothing but get in the way and get the occasional kick.
Wedge seemed to come out of the trance and joined the girls to try to stop the fight, but even with the help of her two friends he couldn't stop Tifa and Yuffie.
“Cloud, Biggs, don't just stand there! I need help!”
With the intervention of the three men, they were finally able to separate the two girls and finally released them when they promised not to throw themselves at each other.
“For heaven's sake, Tifa! What's wrong with you, she's just a kid!” Jesse scolded her a long way from Yuffie.
“Yuffie, why did you have to hit her!” Aerith scolded her.
“She started it! Didn't you see? She slapped me!”
“And you kicked her!” Aerith replied angrily.
After the sermon that Jesse and Aerith released to the girls, they decided to start the march, which was the same or more tense than when they came out of fort condor.
Yuffie was in the lead, and behind the group, Tifa. Wedge had decided that to avoid further confrontations. Percy camouflaged himself in the middle of the group, nervous that he might be blamed for the fight.
They arrived at Yuffie's town and the villagers greeted the ninja with respect.
“Why does everyone greet you like that, Yuffie?” Lydia asked as she took pictures of the cherry blossoms.
“I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a princess in this place," laughed Yuffie in the same way as the evil women in the animes.
“Are you a ninja princess?” Percy asked impressed.
“Not a ninja princess, the ninja princess of all Wutai," Yuffie explained loudly, turning her face towards Tifa.
"Many brag about being princesses, but the truth is that they are just simple villagers who are in the end just waitresses at a bar or something," the ninja continued, laughing maniacally.
Tifa, who had fire in her eyes, wanted to get close to Yuffie, but was stopped by Wedge, who looked at her with authority.
“Many of them are waiting for their Prince Charming, but in the end they don't have what I have to offer them," Yuffie insisted, laughing like an evil woman.
Tifa continued to insist, but this time Wedge looked at her with the face of few friends.
“If you are the Princess of Wutai, could you arrange an interview with your father? Maybe he has clues about Sephiroth, and he could provide us with spare parts for the seaplane.”
“Sure, Lydia, anything for you. What did you expect, a slap in the face?” Yuffie said aloud for everyone to hear, and Lydia thanked her with an uncomfortable smile.
"But first let's go to the bar for a bite to eat, I'm starving," Yuffie suggested resolutely and led the group to the place.
When they entered the bar, Yuffie asked Lydia if Wutai's bar was better than Tifa's.
“I think they're just as splendid," Lydia said uncomfortably because she hated lying, but didn't want to give Yuffie more fuel to make fun of Tifa.
The friends sat at a table and Percy informed them that the Turks were eating at one of the tables in the back.
“Do you think they're following us?” Cloud asked.
“I don't think so, for sure they are also looking for clues to Sephiroth," Wedge replied.
“Besides, you can tell by the way that they've been eating for a long time now, from the amount of plates on the side of the table," said Biggs, rolling his eyes so Cloud looked at him frowningly.
“Now don't you start now," Wedge quietly warned, "I think we'll leave the food for later.”
Yuffie reluctantly accepted and the group decided to leave the place to go and meet the monarch of Wutai.
“Daddy gladly agreed to meet with you," Yuffie happily reported, "but that will be tomorrow, now we must rest.”
“Thank you Yuffie," Wedge thanked her, "now we'd better go looking for a place to stay...”
“Oh no! don't waste Lydia's precious money on five, six or even seven star hotels," Yuffie cut him off. “Come to my palace and you can rest in real imperial rooms.”
“I don't think we should bother you...” was trying to say Wedge.
“We accept!” Percy shouted jubilantly.
“Don't worry, Percy, the palace will serve you exquisite seafood," said Yuffie, and Percy's mouth watered.
Yuffie was not joking about his father's palace, luxury and ostentation were balanced with simplicity and harmony, it was like being in paradise.
Yuffie ordered that a banquet be prepared for his friends, who shared the place with other women of the Wutai nobility, all of whom were very beautiful.
The women behaved politely, but they laughed with disguise every time Tifa (and only Tifa) tried to eat something.
“Don't worry, Tifa, eat with your hands, after all, you grew up in the country and it's not your fault that you don't know how to eat real food, so we're among friends," Yuffie said, pretending to be innocent.
Lydia knew how to eat oriental dishes, but the other girls also had difficulties, but was only Tifa, the target of the mocking and sneaking laughter.
“Say ahhhh," Yuffie said to Wedge, trying to give him something to eat.
“I don't think I have an appetite. If you'll excuse me, I'll go to my room," Tifa excused herself with tears peeking out of her eyes.
Wedge tried to get up, but Yuffie, grabbed him by the arm and pushed him towards her.
“You know Wedge, if you wanted to you could eat these delicacies for the rest of your life.... if you stay in Wutai, with me.”
Tifa turned around and started running to her room while she was crying.
After a while the other girls called Tifa's room and since she didn't answer she decided to come in. Tifa was sitting on the bed with a pillow hugged over her head and it looked like she had been crying.
The girls tried their best to comfort her, but in that moment Tifa threw the pillow to the side of the room.
“Even the pillow has the most exquisite and delicate perfume I have ever perceived!”
“Tifa, you don't have to let Yuffie abuse you, he's much younger than you!” Jesse said to her.
“It's true, you have to take revenge on that child," Aerith said.
“I think it would be best if you didn't pay attention to her, because she enjoys it more when you get angry” Lydia said looking at Aerith in a frown.
“At the end.... I'm just a peasant girl who doesn't even know how to make decent food in a crummy bar in the middle of the ghetto.”
“Tifa, no...” Lydia murmured to her with pity while the other girls exchanged worried looks.
“You have seen the other "princesses", what can I offer?”
“Offer what to whom?” Aerith suddenly asked with a frown.
“Girls, I've got the latest chimes!” Percy shouted, opening the door suddenly and not feeling ashamed that he had entered without knocking first.
“Percy now is not the time.” Lydia calmed him down.
“No, I think it's time for him now," said Percy, making the girls look at him strangely.
“What do you mean, Percy?” Jesse asked.
“The other "princesses" were talking about proposing to your boy," Percy reported with an innocent face, and Tifa suddenly looked up at the cat boy. She looked scared.
“Don't worry, Tifa” Jesse reassured her, “Cloud won't be interested...”
“They were also talking about proposing to Biggs," Percy cut her pretending to be innocent.
“WHAAAT!” Jesse yelled and flew out of the room.
"One down," Percy thought.
“I don't know why Jesse ran," Percy said, continuing the performance, "because it is Cloud who is most at risk of saying yes, I accept, because there are so many princesses out there.”
"Another one by the nose for the drag," Percy thought as Aerith ran out of the room.
After a few seconds Tifa came out of the trance and was ready to follow Aerith.
“Of course, not as much as Wedge," Percy was following his plan, making Tifa stop and sit back on her bed. “You can tell that never even a girl was interested in him, and now there are so many beautiful women ready to give him all their love, oh the temptation! If only he had a girl he could call his friend.... But, well, if none of the guys go down tonight, they'll probably do it later, I mean, even me as a guy can tell you how handsome they are. Sooner or later some girl from the billions out there will steal their hearts. But you don't have to worry about that, Tifa. After all, Cloud never cared about you, and you never cared about Wedge, he's just your friend, right?”
Lydia pulled Percy's arm and took him out of the room and into one of the hallways.
“I can't believe it Percy, going into Tifa's room like that and telling her all those lies to mortify her," Lydia scolded.
“That's the best thing about it, Lydia, I didn't tell any lies! The princesses were talking about proposing to those three," Percy said, and Lydia was surprised.
"Apparently, blondes are rare here in Wutai, at least natural blonds," he said with a cat giggle.
“From what you're saying, I see Cloud is the most sought after and not Wedge as you said," Lydia found out, and Percy swallowed saliva. “What about Biggs?”
“I didn't lie about Biggs!”
“But you didn't tell the whole truth, did you?” Lydia asked him with a frown and staring at him.
“Well, when I heard them, he told them that he already had someone," Percy admitted in a quiet voice and with genuine sorrow.
“Then, it was all to get rid of Aerith and Jesse, because knowing Cloud, he would never say "yes, I accept". So you had free rein to mortify Tifa," Lydia criticized him in anger.
“I wasn't trying to mortify Tifa! I was just, I was just trying to follow the plan to help Wedge... just like you on the beach...” Percy tried to continue but when he saw Lydia's expression he was scared.
“What you did was to mortify her, what I did was to have a woman to woman conversation," Lydia said grimly and Percy was truly sorry.
“I'm sorry, Lydia.”
“And who was planning to propose to you, Percy?” Lydia muttered suspiciously and made Percy sweat cold.
“Naaaa... nana... nobody.”
“...Well, some little girls.”
“...Some princesses of my age.”
“...Some adult women.”
Lydia was staring at her boyfriend.
“But you know I would never cheat on you! Never!” Percy said on his knees and began to cry tears of true fear as he embraced Lydia.
“Okay, I forgive you, I know you'd never cheat on me, but no more dirty tactics to help Wedge.”
“Don't ask me that! You know Wedge needs all the help he can get!” Percy begged her, crying without pretending.
“I know... I know...”
“Don't be sad Lydia, you'll see how everything goes fine with Tifa and Wedge.”
“I hope so, Percy," said Lydia as she smiled sadly and looked the cat boy in the eye.
“Mooo, I'm a cat boy, but you always win the staring match," Percy said and Lydia laughed.
"That's the way I like it," said Percy and hugged Lydia.
Late at night, everyone slept except for two figures hidden in the shadows.
“Here are the Materias I promised you.”
“Come to Mommy.”
“Everything went almost perfectly, but you didn't have to start a fight.”
“She started it, and what do you mean by "almost"?”
“That it would have been perfect if she had proposed to him right there.”
“Your plan was to make her jealous, but in the end I almost kicked her ass.”
“Or she'd kick it to you.”
“Shut up!”
“In short, the feast and the subtle humiliation were very good.”
“That was free, dear, free.”
“I'm glad, because I don't have any more Materia, at least not until we get to the other town.”
“Where do you get the money? It won't be that you...”
“Of course not, I would never steal her money, I am spending it out of my own pocket.”
“And honestly, does what you earn come from....?”
“You don't want to know anything else.”
“Right, well, we'd better go to sleep, each one to his own room.”
From the shadows came the figures of a ninja girl and a cat.
The next day, the group had an audience with Yuffie's father and he gave them some clues about Sephiroth's whereabouts and the promised land, unfortunately, could not help them with the spare parts of the seaplane, as this being a modified airplane did not have the exact spare parts.
The group nearly withdrew but the monarch ordered Yuffie to stay. Yuffie refused and the monarch had no choice but to test her. If his daughter defeated the best ninjas in the shinobi tower, she could continue the journey with her friends.
Yuffie agreed and was taken to the tower. After an hour Yuffie came down from the tower covered with scars and her arms overflowing with Materias.
“I have defeated the warriors and now, as the law commands, their Materias are mine," Yuffie declared solemnly.
The girl's injuries looked serious and Tifa felt sorry for her because of the cruel childhood she had to endure as a ninja, but Yuffie had to open her mouth.
“Intelligence, power, beauty and wealth, I am truly unique, while others are some of the billions that are out there, watered like the common ones that they are. And they're called common because like cattle dung, they're all over the place.”
Tifa looked at her furiously, but Yuffie held the arrogant look in her eyes.
After drying their sweat, Wedge and the group headed back to where their other friends were, but the Turks intercepted them.
It turned out that the bullies didn't want to fight, they only asked for their help since Don Corneo had kidnapped one of their members and planned to sell the girl to the white slave trade.
Wedge and the others agreed so that the members of Avalanche and the Turks could cover more ground and eventually surrounded Corneo.
"This place looks like the mountain of the anime Naruto," Percy thought. "I wonder who copied whom."
Corneo went to an area where it was difficult to face him. Wedge was getting ahead to face Corneo and rescue the girl when he was stopped by Tifa.
“This one is mine," said Tifa with fire in her eyes and her face contracted from the rage, causing Wedge to give her the mission.
"Tell me Corneo, you also plan to "interview" this girl before selling her," hissed Tifa with a dangerous psychotic look on her face.
“Don't... don't... don't come near me!” The man wept in fear as he saw Tifa's expression.
“This time you're paying for it all, you pervert," threatened Tifa and pounced on the fat man.
Apparently tifa removed all the frustration accumulated in Wutai with the buttery one as she struck him so hard that Corneo was a shapeless, bloody mass in the end.
“No... no, don't kill me...”
“I'm not going to kill you Don, that's what the Turks are for," Tifa whispered to him and then he threw the fat man at the suits guys.
“The next time we meet, we will be enemies," said the leader of the Turks.
“Next time, pray that I' m not in this mood," Tifa warned him and went on.
Tifa and Yuffie looked at each other just before they left, it was obvious that things were going to be just as bad with them in the future.