Adrian lay in his bed, thinking. Had Hunter figured out his identity as Tharonby had? Adrian remembered that look of dilemma in Hunter's face. Was he debating confronting him? Had Tharondy's death scared him off of attempting that?
His mind trailed back to the day before. He remembered his conversation with Raj. He was sure Raj knew too. But he was doing nothing about it. Was he scared as well?
Am I really going to let another person die?
Yes. Yes, I am. Because I have no choice. Because I cannot save you, whoever you turn out to be. I don't have enough information at the moment. I'm sorry.
He could hear someone shouting his name from the floor below.
Dinner time.
Author's note:
I have decided to continue and end this story.
This chapter is very short as I wrote it as a way to re-familiarize myself with the plot points as it's been a year since I last updated. I will post another longer chapter soon. Thank you for waiting all this time!
Update 2:
I have changed about half the content of this chapter in accordance with the change in the chapter before it. From here one, the future chapters should go smoothly.