Adrian spent the rest of the day playing pool with Shanice and Kel, acting like a scared man. He monitored the expressions on their faces, noting how they looked at him with worry and concern.
After that, he helped Hunter prepare lunch. Adrian was aware of the suspicious glances Hunter threw at him during the entirety of his stay in the kitchen.
Not very subtle, he thought.
Afterwards, he went to the library to get a book. There, he saw Antoine staring at Akiko. Everyone was suspecting everyone else, just like the host wanted.
Hunter and Raj suspect me. I wonder who suspects them.
He thought back to his theory, one he was almost completely sure of. Something nagged at the back of his mind. He was missing something in regards to the theory. Something very important.
What is it? he asked himself. I haven’t the faintest.
“Having difficulty selecting a book?” It was Antoine. He had risen up from his seat and was busy putting the book he had read back in its place in the shelf.
“I guess so. There’s too many to choose from.”
“If you’re undecided, just select a small to moderately sized book on random. That way, you can finish the book quickly enough even if you decide you don’t like it.”
“If I don’t like something, I just stop reading it and put it back.”
“Ah. Not me though. I start reading something, I have to finish it no matter how tedious it turns out to be. What genre do you prefer? I could recommend some authors.”
“I guess I could use some science fiction right now.”
Antione whistled. “I’m afraid I don’t read science fiction.”
Antoine shook his head. “I don’t read fantasy either.”
“I’ll just pick blindly then.”
Antoine nodded at Adrian’s decision and left to another shelf to look for a book for himself. As for Adrian, he selected a book from an author he’d never heard of before and left the library, intending to retire to his room until dinner. He hadn’t much to do so he would pass the time reading the book he’d chosen. As he was about to ascend up the stairs, he heard a voice call out to him.
“Hey Adrian, can I talk to you?” It was Hunter, standing in front of the kitchen and munching on the sandwich he had made earlier with Adrian.
“Sure. Talk about what?”
“Not here. In private. Preferable your room.” His strong Australian accent had been replaced by a more neutral Australian accent.
“Sure. We can talk in my room. I was headed there.”
The two men walked up the stairs in silence. Adrian could guess what their conversation would be about. Was Hunter smart enough to figure out what Adrian had?
They entered Adrian’s room and Adrian locked the door behind them. Hunter sat down on the chair while Adrian flopped down on the bed and tossed the book he held to the side.
“So, what do you want to talk about? And remember that our host is probably listening in to our conversation.”
“I’m not worried about our host eavesdropping on us.”
“Why not?”
“Because, I believe I’m talking to him.”