Adrian sat quietly on a bench by the swimming pool listening to the others talk loudly inside the locker room by Richard’s corpse. He had seen a lot of deaths in his career and had expected someone to die that day but he hadn’t expect one to die before him in such a horrible manner. Was he traumatized? No, but he was slightly shaken up to see a death up close.
“Are you okay?” It was Eun-Kyung.
Adrian nodded. “I’m fine. So, what are your thoughts?”
“Well, he died badly. Poor man. They are talking about taking his body to his room. Do you want to help?”
“Oh, of course.” Adrian stood up and followed the Korean to the locker room. Everyone stood in a circle around the American’s corpse, talking to each other.
“It’s settled then,” Antoine was saying. “I, Kel, Shanice, and Hunter will take the body upstairs to its room. The rest of you will clean this room. We will help you once we’ve finished placing the body back in its room.”
The designated four candidates grabbed an arm and a leg each of the dead American, lifted him up and slowly carried him out of the room. Apparently, the group had decided to use the Richard’s clothes to clean up the blood since they served no other purpose now the man was dead. Adrian took a piece of Richard’s t-shirt and started mopping up the trail of blood left behind by the body being carried away.
“It’d be really helpful if we had some bleach to clean this up,” Raven commented as she scrubbed the blood that had gotten on the lockers.
“You talk as if you’ve done this before,” Hunter remarked.
“Well…” she faltered, “I watch a lot of crime procedurals.”
“What we could really use is some ammonia solution,” Hwang said. “What? In my line of work, you come across blood stains once in a while.”
The pool of blood in the locker room was gone in five minutes with all of them scrubbing as hard as they could using the swimming pool water. With the help of the other four, it didn’t take them long to have the trail of blood cleaned up all the way to Richard’s room.
Richard’s body had been covered the same way Tharonby’s had. They shut the door and made their way downstairs, where they finished their breakfast. Adrian sat at the side, sipping coffee and watching in amazement as the group, which had just literally finished cleaning a crime scene, ate their breakfast calmly.
Then he thought about the victim.
Richard Finn
He was the first to die. Neither his first name nor his surname started first or last alphabetically. So, how did their host plan to kill? According to the job ranking? Richard was a banker so it was possible he earned quite well. Was that why he was killed first? Or was it according to their place of residence? Richard was American. If you went from West to East, the next victim would be Shanice. That way, he, Adrian, being an Asian and living very far to the East would be placed at the very end of the list which made sense.
Either way, he’d have to wait for another death to find out.