The door opened. Standing on the other side was a woman who had curly brown hair and blue icing on her face and blue apron. Th women was smiling widely and a man with salt and pepper hair stood beside her, smiling.
“Hi! I’m Sally! And this is Paul!” The women, Sally, cheerfully said.
”Hi.” I cautiously responded.
a muffled voice spoke from behind them “Is she here?!”
”Yes Percy, Calm down.” Sally chuckled.
A boy, who must have been Percy, jumped out from behind Sally and held out his hand. I shook his hand while he eagerly introduced himself. He looked about sixteen.
“I’ll show you your room!” Percy said while walking back in.
I waved politely at Max and Maddie but for the long run I knew I would like this place. I followed Percy my suitcase trailing.
”would you like me to take your suitcase?” Paul asked.
”No, thank you.” I responded dryly while hurrying to catch up with Percy.
When I got to the room I instantly knew that I would love it. The walls where painted a sage green and the bedspread was a pale blue. There was a cascading pastel yellow curtain hanging from the roof that lined the bed.
”Do you like it?” A eager Percy asked.
”I love it!” I said while pulling him into a hug.
I realised what I had done and I stepped back and apologised. I put my suitcase in the corner between the wardrobe and the door. Percy was standing there looking as exited as I felt.
“Do you wanna get some cookies?” He asked.
”How could I say no?”