Miss Story lead me to the cafeteria at lunch. Percy was sitting at a table in the back with his swim team friends. I waved and instantly some of Percy’s friends spotted me, Percy span with a smile on his face. Sitting next to him was a beautiful girl with blond hair and grey eyes. The Girl was smiling at me while every so often looking at her notepad and furiously scribbling down a bullet point.
Percy ruffled my hair instantly.
“Kay, this is Annabeth, my girlfriend.” Percy smiled.
”G’day.” I directed towards Annabeth.
Before she could respond a loud sound shook the building. Percy instinctively held my hand to stop me from toppling over on to the crusty tile floor.
“Cyclops.” Annabeth said while looking at me with concern.
Alarms where going off and everyone was running around in a state of panic and confusion. The back wall had been busted in a sort of explosion, on the other side was a really ugly, one eyed man with a weird purple tint surrounding him.
Percy pulled pen out of his pocket and it preceded to transform into a sword. Like who has a pen that’s a sword? Well, obviously Percy.
Annabeth grabbed my hand and lead me behind the table that they where sitting at.
”sit behind here, and whatever you do, DO NOT get up.” She demanded.
I stood up and flipped the table onto its side so that both of us where protected. Just as I got it up a rouge fireball blew up the table, it sent a shockwave knocking me off my feet and sending me sprawling across the room since I was in the main impact area.
Annabeth ran over to me and tried to help me up but all it took was a yelp of pain from me for her to lay me back down and bring another table over and place it in front of us.
”where dose it hurt?” She asked.
I only managed another yelp when I tried to move. Annabeth made a fort of cheap plastic cafeteria tables and lunch trays to fill the spaces the plastic missed. A angry roar echoed through the already crumbling building. A cloud of grey dust swept over the room, Annabeth had to push her weight against the middle table. The plastic structure was well made and designed so that to keep it up it only took one person.
The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Percy running towards me, looking very worried.