Percy lead me to the kitchen and Sally was there taking a tray of something out of the oven. Something….Blue? I sat on a stool next to Percy. Sally put a plate of cookies between Percy and I. Percy dug straight in while I was sceptical at first but I took a bite out of one and immediately wished that I had know about these sooner.
”Do you like them?” Sally was looking nervously at me.
I put on my best Gordon Ramsay face and said “these cookies…….are the best thing on earth.”
I joined Percy in stuffing our faces while Sally beamed. Damn those cookies where good.
After we had eaten an entire plate of cookies I excused myself and unpacked my suitcase. There was no way I wasn’t going to try my hardest to stay here. I really wanted to explore Manhattan but I think today I will play the inside game.
percy walked in wile I was folding a T-shirt and sat next to me, asking me questions to get to know me better.
”How old are you?”
”Do you have a last name?”
”I don’t use it.”
He got up and walked out of my room. A few seconds later Paul came in.
”G-day.” I smiled.
”Hello?” He almost asked. “I can’t place your accent……Country?”
His eyebrow’s raised “really?”
Later I exited my room after unpacking and Sally and Percy sat at the table looking nervous while Paul looked almost calm.
”IM THE SON OF POSEIDON!” Percy burst.
I stood there frozen. Not as in scared just really, REALLY confused.
”What…..” *glitches in Australian*
Percy and Sally explain everything while Paul sits there.