'A figure sat quietly looking at the worn slippers. The unusual energetic happiness of the kids in the park wasn't reaching at the shade where the lonely figure sat. The person was so engrossed in picking a loose skin from the corner of her nail that she didn't hear someone else approaching her. She flinched when she felt someone stand close to her.'
The white and green building bustled due to the presence of several teenagers. In this windy weather, the old peach tree in the school campus wagged its branches as if it was happy to see the shinning youths again livening up the dull atmosphere of the school after the semester break. Whilst some chatted with their friends and filled each other with the gossips and stories of their activities during the break, others made themselves busy with figuring out their class schedules that was posted on the notice board of the first floor corridor. Everyone was excited to start with their new semester, they were happy to meet up with their friends and classmates in the school once again. All in all, Roschend High was in a sort of celebratory mood.
The loud bell signaled the starting of the morning assembly so the students made a queue to enter into the big gymnasium that was situated at the back of the main school building. After the Principal's long and boring speech of congratulating the freshmen of getting accepted in the school loud claps and a joint murmuring was followed as the students exited the gymnasium towards their respective classes.
A boy sat at the window seat of a classroom as he arranged his desk with notebooks, textbooks and stationeries. As the door of the classroom was slid open, the opener was surprised to see one of his classmates already sitting in the assigned classroom for the freshmen. The person simply shrugged thinking it to be none of his business and entered the classroom along with the others who too were surprised to see a fellow classmate sitting in the room before them. Did he not attend the Fresher's Welcome speech? Because all of them did come to the class straight from there.
The discussed person, however, remained nonchalant. He wore a black t shirt with a dark colored half buttoned shirt over it, his eyes were covered with a brown cap. Underneath the cap, only his tender, smooth jaw line remained visible. He looked like a typical nerd and an introvert, who enjoys remaining in their own space. Surprisingly, the introvert guy was joined by the extrovert and a babbling Luke who wouldn't stop rambling about his activities during his spring break. Weirdly his listener listened to him intently for he asked the babbling guy questions which the latter happily answered.
"You weren't there during the speech?" The addressed person shook his head.
"No." He spoke.
"I see." His friend couldn't reply anything as their homeroom teacher presence caused everyone to stand and greet her.
It was already 10 am, classes have already started. The security guard checked his watch and proceeded to close the school gates. However, his decision proved to be a dangerous one for he didn't see a running figure approaching the school gates at full speed. The figure had decided to enter in the school premises before closing the gates, in fact the person was supposed to reach the school long back but certain circumstances had made it impossible.
The naive security guard thought that he had completed his work as he turned around and started to whistle casually when the iron gates rattled greatly and a shadow over casted on his startled stature. He closed his eyes thinking the gate to be falling on him but to his great surprise, nothing fell on him but someone simply landed few distance away from him. He quickly turned around to see the nasty fellow only to find a girl recovering herself into standing posture.
Before the security guard could say anything, she, once again ran at full speed in the school premises. However, the stubborn guard did not leave her as he followed the absolute stranger throughout the entire school premises. The strange runner tried to ditch the guard but was unsuccessful, so she decided to revert back to her original path of going to her homeroom.
"....Luke Coswell."
"Adalicia Farsen."
"Rio Sanders."
"Present." Came an almost soft mumbling reply and had it not been for the student's raising hand, the teacher wouldn't have been able to identify the addressed person at all.
"Emily Johannas."
No sooner had the teacher called out the name when the door slid open with a bang making the residents of the room jump up in surprise.
"Pre-se-nt!" the intruder replied while she huffed and puffed, her leggings covered legs trembling for running so much. The security guard reached the trespasser's destination a little late but unfortunately had to go back, when the homeroom teacher, Mrs. Okum, upon understanding the situation somewhat signaled the poor man that the intruder was none other than a student of her class. Mrs. Okum stared at the late comer for some time (actually it wasn't only the teacher who stared at her but the surprised classmates as well) and allowed her to enter. The girl closed the door and sat at the empty bench that was available at the back.
Classes went on as per its destined schedule but the last bencher was yet to recover from her hangover that banged within her head so bad. She did recover, however, when her History teacher, the cranky Mrs. Okum threw a chalk at a least interested student at the back making a dozing Emily yelp out in surprise since the chalk had hit her on forehead which the resident of the podium had targeted.
However, she did not stop just by target practicing on the last bencher. She made the girl stand up. "Miss Johannas, since you find my class so boring that you had the audacity to doze off, let me make this class a bit interesting by enlightening you that you, are absolutely flunking in History. Your results are very poor. If this continues then I'm afraid that I can't give you even the passing marks. Don't think young lady, that just because you are the niece of Miss Johannes, I am going to let you pass in my subject." At this the girl flushed red in anger and embarrassment while the other students murmured amongst themselves about the last piece of information that the cranky old woman had slipped out purposely.
However, she was not finished. "On the second thought, why don't I change your seat?" The addressed girl stared blankly at the old woman.
"Mr. Coswell, I'd like you to exchange your seats with Miss Johannas."
Luke stuttered. "I-well-ma'am-I-"
"Mr. Coswell, I am waiting and so are your classmates."
The devil of a teacher is hell bent on separating Luke from his friend, much obvious to the boy's hesitation. When Luke saw that his hesitation is as futile as punching a mountain to move it, he got up with a sad face and trudged at the back. After the seats were exchanged and everyone was settled, the class continued and so did Emily's headache.
When everybody's brain was on the brink of getting short circuited, the bell rang for next class relieving the students from their misery as smiles of relief and happiness spread at their frowning faces. However, the white hair cranky old woman had some other plans, both for Emily and Rio.
"Miss Johannes, meet me after this class and you too Mr. Sanders."