There was a scrambling and a light thud before everything became quiet again. The surprised one and the startled one both remained quiet for a while, when the latter got up from the opposite bed on which she had fallen down and pulled away the curtain of the mysterious bed, only to find a skinny boy whipped his head at her. The currently exposed person who was behind the curtain stared at the intruder who somewhat looked familiar to him. Without any word the intruder only presented her fist to him and opened it to reveal a wrist band that was given by the hospital to their patients consisting of department name, ward number and the floor where the patient is assigned in order to prevent them from eloping. However, the boy also, raised his wrist to show that he was given another new wrist band.
Emilia has been on hiatus from the parties that are always being thrown by someone or the other of her school or other school on weekends. This has made the regulars of those parties of the probable break up that Emilia Johannes and Daniel Fleabagh might be going through. Moreover, word is among the regular party mongers that Daniel has been sleeping around with random chicks that made the break up rumor even more affirmative.
Emilia have been avoiding Daniel for three weeks straight. She has her reasons for avoiding him. In fact she herself doesn't know what she'll do if she comes face to face with Danny. That guy had the freaking audacity to spike her drink and make her drink it so that he could claim her sexually? Or worse maybe tape their intimate moments and spread them in internet. She isn't sure about his reason neither she wishes to know. When someone spikes somebody's drink its obvious that the person does not have very proper motives.
Her teachers seem satisfied with her regularity in classes although they are still skeptical about its longevity. They, especially Mrs. Okum thought that it was all because of Rio Sanders' 'good' influence. She seemed highly proud of herself to assign Rio as Emily's tutor. Rio, on the other hand, seemed to be extremely confused about it when she thanked him after the class just as Emilia was exiting the room. That day itself Emilia decided to contact Rio Sanders to schedule their tutoring sessions hoping that the clueless guy hadn't spilled the truth already to the cranky hag already.
She caught hold of him munching his apple alone today in the cafeteria during lunch break. He didn't notice her presence until she scraped the metal chair loudly that made the guy look up from his book that he was busy reading. Before the boy could stutter anything out aloud, Emilia spoke; "I know I have told you that I don't want to do anything with you but I'd like to retract my words of that day. I am sorry that I was unnecessarily rude to you when you were only trying to help."
"I-Its okay." Rio couldn't believe his ears and eyes of who is sitting in front of him and speaking to him and on top of that even apologizing for her behavior. Never in his life, Rio has expected someone other than Luke to treat him as a living being much less talk to him. He too didn't wish to mingle much with the crowd so he stayed withdrawn and aloof until Luke bounded into his life.
"So...I was wondering if that help offer still stands?" Emilia made a pleading look. Rio lowered his head and nodded.
"Really! Thanks man. So is today after school good?" Again a nod.
"Library then?"
"Mn." Rio nodded.
"Great. See ya then."
Emilia Johannes bounded off as soon as the bell rang for the next class leaving a very confused yet fuzzy Rio behind.
Their study sessions continued three days per week in the library after school. Rio observed that Emilia is quite an intelligent girl for she understands everything quickly and answers all her quizzes provided to her by him flawlessly. Rio wondered that why someone like her is failing in history.
A month passed with Emilia continuing her study sessions with Rio and blatantly ignoring Daniel as well as continuing her absence from all kinds of parties. At first Daniel held onto his pride of not approaching Emilia first because he is the man and she should beg for his forgiveness in the first place because she just went MIA after making an excuse to go to the bathroom, making him lose the bet he had made his friends at the party. But a month passed without any sign of Emilia, Daniel allowed his suspicions to grow like weeds. He tried to make her jealous by sleeping with other girls hoping that this news would make her come running to him but no she didn't. She had even blocked his number and unfollowed /unfriended him from all the social media accounts.
Then, is it true that Emilia Johannes is preparing to break up with him?
No no no no no no...this can't be! He was the first person to acquaint with her when she transferred here after she was laid off from any kind of marathon race due to an injury on her leg. An ex-Eagaydale like her was a lost fish in the huge pond of sharks of Roschend High. It was Danny who took her under his wing and to protect her further proposed to her two weeks later.
Its been a year to their relationship and she had never done anything that'd lower his reputation!
Something must have caused her to change into someone whom Daniel didn't know.
This suspicion was further fueled by a clueless team mate of the basketball team who decided to run his mouth; "Hey Danny! You broke with Johannes?"
"You broke up with her? Saw her with a new guy in the library."
Daniel didn't answer but simply continued to dribble his ball. His teammates' words kept on echoing in his mind. He was brought back from his daze when his coach called him at a side and asked him to retire home for the day for he was performing poorly today.
Daniel and his teammate's suspicion and words turned out to be true when he saw his girl smiling at someone else through the glass door of the library. Unfortunately he was not carrying his library card so he was unable to barge inside and teach the fucker a lesson, who decided to approach his Emilia. He couldn't see that fucker's face as he was wearing a cap and his back was facing at the door.
Daniel clenched his fists and stormed away mentally noting to find out the fucker.