'A scraping of paper could be heard from the white-washed hallways of a certain room. The label above of the room spelled Ward no. 206. Inside the room, behind the curtain of a particular bed, bony fingers of a skinny boy with full of bandages all over his body was seen to be folding papers on the eating table that is attached to his bed. Other beds of that ward were empty as the occupiers of them have all gone out to field outside, only one person stayed behind as he didn't like going out and also it puts stress on his bandaged ankle, so the nurse in charge decided that it'd be best for him to remain in the ward. However, the peace that he was enjoying didn't last long as someone slid the door and entered with hesitant steps inside the room. The boy removed a bit of the curtain of his bed to see who it is.'
"So, the seven weeks war of 1886, was a war fought between Prussia on one side and Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover and certain-"
Mrs. Okum's monotonous voice was drowned in the thoughts of a certain person who stared at the teacher but her mind dwelled somewhere else. Even after sitting beside the nerd, teacher's pet and the topper of the class at front bench, that certain person paid no mind to the class, neither did she bother to take notes. She never took notes in any of the classes and history being her least favourite subject; she simply couldn't bother to waste paper and ink of pen to take notes. She simply wanted to pass the class somehow, that's it. All she wants to do is to get back to the house, take a nice cold shower and drop down dead on bed.
"…..hannes. Johannes. Miss Emily Johannes!"
Like a motor engine, the addressed figure got startled at her name being called for god knows how many times by the ruddy old hag. The girl stood up with questioning eyes at her teacher, her daze still half evident in her irises.
The teacher began "Now that I have the attention of the most busiest person of this class…." which earned some giggles from the class, "….may I get the honour to ask you a question?"
"Sure." Replied Emily without missing a beat.
"Very well then. Do tell me Miss Johannes who led the seven weeks war?"
Silence was heard from the other side. The teacher simply ignored the several raised hands volunteering for the answer but focused on the girl in front of her.
"Well since you can't answer, I'll ask an easy one; who won the seven weeks war?"
Still no answer.
"Hmm, you can't answer." Mrs. Okum seemed fed up with this student. No matter how much she tries, there is no effort from the other side at all! She tried to explain, then scolded her, humiliating technique too didn't work and then assigning her a tutor also failed as she never appeared at the tutoring sessions and just boycotted them.
"We discussed all the answers of these questions in the class itself, Miss Johannes. Sitting in the first bench, what exactly were you doing? You don't show up in your tutoring sessions…" This earned her bench mate a glare from her. "…neither you pay attention to the classes, what should I do with you? If this continues, I'll have no other option but ask you to drop out of this class." Mrs. Okum shook her head in disappointment.
They always shake head at her.
Always disappointed at her.
Never ask her the reason.
"Meet me after the class Miss Johannes."
By the time Emily was able to reach the cafeteria, lunch break was over, the cafeteria looked desolated without any students. Luckily she didn't have a class after the break on Wednesdays yet she applied all her frustration on the chair she was about to sit to pull it over. The metal chair screeched and scraped in protest as it is not an object to vent annoyance.
Emily was not the only one in the cafeteria. Her friend Kim Seon Hul was munching down a pork bun on her own with a solemn face that brightened up upon seeing her. Emilia might be surrounded by people and classmates all the time but there is only one whom she considers to be true friend. It is none other than Seon Hul. Emilia wasn't supposed to be this late had it not been for the sharp thirty minutes scolding she received from that old hag of a teacher. Surely that nerd must've tattletale to that hag.
Seon Hul saw her friend's upset mood but still asked; "Bad day?" Her moody friend just nodded as she pulled out her wallet to survey the amount of money she was and whether she could afford a meal at McDonald's today because all the food in cafeteria has been gobbled down by the students of the school.
"Wanna talk about it?" Seon Hul observed her friend.
"What is there to talk," Replied the blonde whose hair seemed as awfully unruly and upset as its owner. "Um, say, do people usually do favors without any selfish reasons?"
"Huh? Oh yeah they do, but such kind of people...I'll say are very rare. Why? Who did a favor to you?" Suggested a mouthful pork bun girl.
"Uh no its...." Before Emilia could explain further to her friend, the booming voice of Danny echoed in the entire hallway leading to the cafeteria making Seon Hul's friend scrunch her face in disgust-an expression that is a first for Danny.
"Hide me!" Emilia whispered desperately to her friend. Seon Hul wasn't sure what's going on, neither she wished to be in the crossfire of a couple but she didn't hesitate to help out her friend at the time of need.
When Danny entered and strode to the far end of the cafeteria in his leisurely steps, he did not see his lady love but only her friend who is busy chewing her pork bun. Scrunching his face for he never liked this Asian friend of his girlfriend, he asked; "Have you seen Emilia?"
The friend did not reply verbally but simply shook her head.
"Then do you know where she is?"
Again, that shaking of head.
"You are her friend, don't you know where she is?" Danny seemed irritated.
Seon Hul gulped her pork bun. "You're right, I am her friend not her GPS that'll know about her locations all the time." Danny bit back the racial slur that threatened to spill out of his mouth due to the sarcastic reply from this girl. Honestly, he is holding himself back on her just for Emilia else he'd have already kicked away this Asian from this school.
"Well then, Miss Hole," Daniel purposefully twisted the first name of Seon Hul to extract an irritated reaction from her but unfortunately received none for she stared at him in the same facial expression as she had before they started to talk; "Tell her to meet me in the basketball court when you find her."
Seon Hul's low voice curse in her mother tongue didn't miss Daniel's perked up ears for he turned around; "Did you say something to me?"
"Oh no nothing." Seon Hul dismissed Daniel's question.
Nothing that you'll understand anyway you damn fucker.
Emilia came out from behind the large counter from where food is usually distributed to the students. She had been hiding in there for she is not ready to face Daniel Fleabagh, not just yet. Seriously what happened yesterday, still makes her blood run cold after remembering it.
After she had finished dealing with the pizza guy, she was about to enter the main party area where the music is at its loudest volume, she almost dropped the pizza box when she saw her boyfriend Daniel in the open kitchen mixing something like white powder in a drink and to a very drunk side chick's query who was gyrating herself in his arms, he replied; "For my Emilia." To this the drunk chick giggled and hollered; "That's sooooo evil!~"
Despite Emilia's reputation as the 'it' girl, 'Miss popular' or 'the queen bee' who is quite experienced in 'night time activities', she herself does not actually live up to these rumors. Yes, she is a virgin. Daniel have been pestering her about it and she had always refused him, but she didn't know that he'd stoop this low. Moreover, the warning from the pizza guy is still ringing inside her head and her conscience too is screaming at her to escape this place as soon as possible.
Still she went ahead to where everyone was sitting drowning themselves in endless booze, kept the pizza and made an excuse of using the restroom real quick. Thankfully the drunkards didn't mind much at it.
But she was unable to avoid Daniel, who approached her with two drinks in his hand, offering her one. The very drink which she had seen been spiked.
Emilia still doesn't know how she stopped herself from punching Danny for she smiled and said; "Oh baby, I'll join right after my quick trip to restroom."
And then she had to jump down from the first floor washroom window because she didn't want to encounter Danny or any of his cronies while getting away from the front door. She didn't had much drink so she was quite sober, so she returned home and switched off her phone to avoid getting bombarded by countless calls and messages from her boyfriend.
Emily isn't upset just because of the scolding from Mrs. Okum, neither with the mild hangover with which she woke up, she's quite upset with what would've almost happened to her last night, that was enough to send shivers down her spine. In fact she haven't felt like that for a long time. Most importantly is that, how did the pizza delivery boy knew about the future incidents that were going to happen with her? She kinds felt like she knew him but couldn't put a finger on it, plus she wasn't fully sober as well yesterday.
Is that why he warned her? Or was it because such incidents were common in a 'typical' teenage house parties?
Or is it because that guy happened to have seer powers like Wednesday Addams?