The guests finally arrived at the mansion a couple hours later and soon enough, the whole place was filled with important people that I didn't recognize, but my master obviously knew. Being around a bunch of people makes me nervous so that's why I always stand off to the side to stay out of the way, but our master normally makes us act like servers to his guests so our jobs for tonight is to walk around with trays of drinks and appetizers to keep the guests happy.
Once each of us picked up a tray, we headed out to the room where the guests were all standing at and socializing. Just looking at how many people there are made me grow nervous, but I know I have to keep myself composed. If I mess up, i'll anger my master.
"Leif, make sure you don't mess up tonight okay? None of us wants to get punished by the master because of you being careless." Abigail said, coldly.
I sighed softly as I nodded. I would try my best to make sure nothing goes wrong tonight. I stood off to the side, staring down at the two glasses of wine on my tray when my ears perked up at the sound of someone shouting.
"Hey, you!" A man shouted.
I stared at him then I pointed to my chest, wondering if he was talking to me.
"Yeah, you. Bring us some drinks over here." He said.
I nodded then I started to make my way over to the man.
"Can you speed it up?" He asked, getting irritated.
I tried to quick walk over to him, not wanting to anger him when I accidently tripped over someone's foot and landed on the floor, spilling the wine all over the guy. I looked up at him and noticed that he was starting to get angry.
"You foolish basturd! You ruined my suit!" He shouted and that's when everybody in the room stopped talking and turned to look at me.
I sat there, feeling dumbfounded. I seriously don't know what just happened. One minute, I was carrying a tray of wine over to the man and then the next, I landed on the floor and spilled the drinks on him. Now, i'm starting to feel really uneasy because I know that my master will be coming over here to punish me any second.
"The least you could do is apologize to me since I know you don't have any money to pay me for a new suit." He said, trying to dab at the stains on his suit jacket with a handkerchief.
"I....I'm sorry..." I squeaked out softly.
Then, I felt someone grab the back of my collar and yanked me back. I cried out in pain then I looked up to see it was none other than my master.
"I'm so sorry my neko did this to you. I'll buy you a new suit." My master said.
The man sighed and shook his head. "No need. This is a limited addition of course. Just...just get him out of my sight." He said.
My master nodded. "Of course." He said then yanked on my collar again.
"Get up." My master ordered and I did what he said.
I whimpered softly as he dragged me away from everybody and pulled me over to the coat closet then he opened it up and pushed me in.
"Stay in here and think about what you've done. I'll get back to you afterwards." He said then closed the door right in my face.
Suddenly, my fears started to come over me. I got on my knees and started to bang on the closet door, wanting to get out.
"Please! Let me out! I'm sorry!" I shouted, banging on the door as hard as I can, but I knew it was no use. It will only anger my master more so I sighed then sat down on the floor and pulled my legs up to my chest then I closed my eyes, wanting this nightmare to be over.
When the closet door opened up, I looked up to see it was my master. Part of me felt a bit relieved to see him letting me go, but another part of me was terrified about what he's going to do to me now. I couldn't hear any sounds of talking from outside the door so that means that the party ended earlier.
"Get up." Master said, grabbing my arm and forcefully pulled me up.
I let out a soft cry of pain.
"Shut up." He ordered so I stayed quiet.
I was then being dragged all the way over to his bedroom on the second floor and was pushed onto his large bed. I watched as my master closed the door to the bedroom and locked it then he walked back over to me and stared down at me. I stared up at him, wondering what he's about to do to me now when I noticed the look in his eyes. His eyes looked angry, but also hungry for something so I frowned.
I watched as my master started taking off his clothes. First he took off his jacket and hung it up then he ripped off his tie and took off his button up shirt before walking back over to me and lifted my shirt up. I sat there, watching him as he tossed my shirt to the floor then he reached his hands down to my shorts and pulled them right off. Since i'm not wearing any underwear, the only thing that covered my lower body was my shorts.
Then, I felt my heart racing in my chest, slowly realizing what my master is about to do to me. I'm not sure what's worst, getting physically beaten or being sexually abused. They're both so horrible, but I feel like getting beaten doesn't last for very long while being sexually abused scars you and lasts for a long time.
I started to open up my mouth, finally finding my voice to protest.
"M-master, i'm sorry! I didn't mean to spill the drinks on him." I said softly.
All my master did was stare at me as he started taking off his suit pants and boxers.
"I know. You're as clumsy as the next guy, but I still need to punish you." He said softly.
I quickly shook my head, my eyes full of terror.
"N-no! Please don't. I would rather take a beating from you. I would rather take any punishment than this!" I cried out.
"Shh. Don't speak anymore. You don't want to anger me now do you?" He asked.
I quietly shook my head. My master smiled devilishly then he got on top of me.
"Now close your eyes. It'll be over before you know it." He whispered.
I slowly closed my eyes and laid there, feeling my master put his hands all over my body and felt his lips touch my warm skin. I can't do anything, but just lay here and pray that it'll all end soon.