That night, me, my master and the rest of the neko's went to the neko auction. Even though I knew I wasn't going to be put up for the auction, I still felt a bit nervous about what's going to happened while we're there. I still wasn't sure if my master was going to buy another neko or sell one of us. He never mentioned it so i'm really curious about his intensions.
When we got to the auction room, it was filled with a lot of people. A lot of rich people if I might add and they all looked like they were ready to buy a neko. I looked over at my neko family and I could tell that they all looked a little bit nervous about being here too.
As I stood there, looking around the large decorated room that had a stage up front, I noticed that a tall man was walking towards us. Suddenly, I felt my body freeze up as he came closer and closer to us till he stood right in front of my master and greeted him.
"George, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"I'm here to sell one of my neko's." Master explained.
I slightly gulped. So, my master did bring us here to sell one of us. I wonder who it's going to be. If it's Emily, I hope she'll be able to find a master that's nicer than our current one.
"Oh really? Which one are you wanting to sell?" He asked.
"Austin. He's nineteen." Master said.
"Ah. I see. I remember your number one rule about owning neko's." The guy said.
"The younger, the better. That's what I like." Master said.
The younger, the better?
I wonder if master will still keep me around even when I turn nineteen.
"Anyways, i'll go put Austin up there. Come with me." The man said then he grabbed Austin's arm and dragged him away.
I frowned a little bit as I watched Austin leave us for good. Even though we never really talked, i'm gonna miss him. I looked over and saw Dawn and Abigail watch him leave with sad eyes. I can only imagine how they're feeling right now.
I sighed softly, looking around the room again when I noticed a familiar face walking towards us. It's the guy from earlier who gave me a piece of his cake. All of a sudden, i'm feeling a bit excited to see him again that I couldn't help, but smile softly as he stood in front of us.
"George Winchester right?" He asked.
"That's me. Can I ask who you are?" Master asked.
"Robert Andrews." He said, holding out his hand to shake master's hand.
"Ah. Yes. You're the son of THE Andrews." Master said, shaking Robert's hand.
"It's nice to finally meet you." Robert said then he looked at me and smiled.
"Hello there." He greeted me.
I started to feel a little shy and wasn't sure if I should speak to him infront of my master when all of a sudden, I felt a hand hit the back of my head.
"He's speaking to you. Talk back." My master ordered.
I cried out softly in pain then rubbed the back of my head before speaking.
"Um...Hi." I said softly.
Robert continued to smile at me then he looked at my master.
"How much are you willing to sell for him?" He suddenly asked.
Then, I heard my master chuckle.
"Leif isn't up for sell at all. No matter how much money you offer me, i'll never give him up."
Robert stared at my master and smirked.
"We'll see. Enjoy the auction." He said then turned and walked away.
I started to feel my heart pound in my chest.
He wants to buy me from master?
I felt a little excited inside, but also sad because I know that master would never give me up to anyone.
"Let's sit down." My master finally said then we all walked over to some chairs and sat down in them, waiting for the auction to start.
Throughout the auction, I watched as a group of neko's walked out on stage and were bought. I was even able to see Austin get bid and he was eventually bought by a young woman who had a young son. Even though i'm gonna miss Austin, I really do hope that his new family is nice and will take care of him.
Once the auction was officially over, we all got up and started to head out of the building when master got stopped by someone and they started to chat. I took the opportunity to look around the room to see if Robert was still around. I finally saw him talking to someone across the room. I smiled softly as I watched Robert laugh and talk with the guy. He seemed so nice. I really hope that he'll be able to convince my master to sell me to him.