When I woke up, I saw the sun streaming into the bedroom through the curtains. I slowly looked around the room, trying to remember what happened last night when I saw my master emerge from his closet, putting a button up shirt on. I laid there as memories started to come back to me then I sighed softly and sat up, scratching my head a little bit. That's when my master looked over to me.
"Good. You're up. Hurry up and get dressed. I'm taking you out." He said then continued to get dressed.
Taking me out? To where?
I was really curious about where he's taking me, but I didn't dare to ask him. He probably wouldn't tell me anyways. That's how he goes. I sighed softly as I got out of bed and started to put my clothes back on, feeling my body ache a bit from last night. My master is always rough when it comes to having sex with me. I don't really like it, but I can't say anything about it since he might get angry.
Once my master finished getting dressed, he grabbed my silver chain leash and put it on my black collar then he started to pull me out the door with him and outside to the car. I got into the car with him and didn't say anything as he started the car up then backed out of the driveway and drove into town.
When we reached the shopping area, my master parked the car and got out. I got out with him and walked with him into what looked like a suit shop. That's when a woman walked up to us and greeted him with a bright smile.
"George, it's good to see you again. What are you here for?" She asked.
"There's an neko auction tonight so I want a new suit to look my best in." He said.
The woman nodded. "I think I have something perfect for you. Come with me." She said then walked away from us.
My master started to follow after her, pulling me along with him. Minutes later, I was sitting in a chair next to the dressing room while my master was busy trying different suits on and looking at himself in the mirror. I sighed softly as I stared down at the carpet floor below me, swishing my skinny black tail back and forth.
My master mentioned about going to an neko auction tonight. I wonder what for. I'm curious if he's going to buy another neko or sell one of us. I know he's not planning on selling me since he told me before that i'm too rare to just give up. Even when there's money involved. I guess that means i'm too valuable to be sold to anyone. Though, I wish my master could sell me. I don't want to be with him anymore.
Once my master finished looking for a suit to wear tonight, he bought it and I left out of the store with him. Next, we headed over to an antique shop and I was just about to go inside with him when he suddenly stopped and started to tie my chain around something to keep me from leaving.
"Stay here. I'll be right back and don't even think about escaping. I tied your chain up so you won't escape." He said then went inside the store.
I pouted softly, wondering why I couldn't go in there with him, but at least staying outside gave me the chance to keep away from him for a minute. I sighed as I sat down near the concrete wall and pulled my legs up to my chest.
I sat there and watched as people walked by. Some with families, others with neko's like myself. Then, I started to see a man walking past me with a neko by his side.
"Are you hungry? I can buy us something good to eat while we're out." The man said.
The neko looked up at him and smiled brightly then nodded.
"Yeah! I'm starved." The neko said then he wrapped his arms around the man's arm as they walked.
I frowned, feeling a bit envious of their relationship. I've always longed to have a master who would treat me like that. A master who would buy me food and take care of me. A master who would protect me from people like my master.
As I rested my chin on my knees, holding my legs closer to my chest, I heard footsteps walking up to me. I slowly looked up, seeing a young man kneeling down in front of me. He looked handsome and young, but I can't pinpoint his age. He also looks a bit rich, though I can't exactly tell.
"Hey there. How are you?" He asked, reaching his hand out to touch me.
I immediately pulled away from him, watching his every move. The guy chuckled softly and smiled at me.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." He said then he continued to reach out to me till he touched my head and gently petted it while my ears twitched at the physical contact.
I still kept my guard up as I watched the guy, letting him pet me just this once till my nose caught a whiff of something delicious. I looked at the guy's hand and noticed that he was holding a sweet looking cake. That's when my stomach started to growl and my mouth started to water. I can't even remember the last time I ate something. Let alone something really sweet.
I stared at the cake, wanting a piece of it and it seemed like the guy read my mind because he held up his cake to me.
"Want some?" He asked.
I nodded, not taking my eyes off of the cake.
"I'll give you half if that's alright with you." He said, tearing his cake in half and handed me the half piece.
I quickly took the half piece from him and bit into it, feeling the sweet taste of cake fill my mouth. The man smiled softly at me and petted me again before he touched my collar and looked over the tag.
"Your name is Leif huh? And your owner is George Winchester." The man said, reading the tag on my collar then he looked at me and sighed sadly. Though, i'm not sure why. Maybe it's because i'm already taken by someone?
"Well, Leif, you better hurry up and eat that before your master comes back. I'm sure he wouldn't like seeing you taking cake from a stranger." He said softly then stood up.
The guy waved goodbye to me before walking away. I sat there, taking bites of the cake as I watched him walk away. For some reason, I felt a bit sad seeing him leave. He's the first person I came across that acted nice towards me and wanted to give me something of his. I really hope i'll get to see him again.