"Hurry up and clean this house! The guests will be here in an hour." My master shouted before he walked away to get himself ready for the party he's hosting tonight.
I sighed softly as I began to scrub the beautiful marble floors in the mansion. Cleaning the house is an everyday routine for me because my master, George Winchester, likes having a clean house and he can't stand seeing a speck of dust, but today, I have to clean even more because he's hosting a get together party tonight.
I really don't like living the life as a neko slave. I feel like I don't have any freedom and it's all because I've been found in an abandon building where I used to live in since I didn't have a home to go to anymore. My parents died when I was younger so I pretty much have been taking care of myself. I never really liked being alone, but there was nothing I could do since i'm a human with real cat ears and a tail.
In this day and age in London, England, neko slaves are pretty popular. Every time you go outside, you would see owners with their neko slaves, shopping and doing other stuff. There are two types of neko owners, one type is the people who believe in using neko's as their servants. They make their neko's clean up after them and do other stuff for them and when the neko's disobey them, punishments range from beatings to getting sexually abused and who knows what else. Then the second type is the people who believe neko's should live as pets with them or perhaps just simple companions. These people take great care of their neko's like they're their own child or pet.
I've always wanted to be with an owner who will treat me nice and care for me, but once I was found out and put up for an neko auction, George Winchester bought me and I realized that he's definitely the type of owner to abuse his neko. At first, I tried to act a little disobedient so my master can put me up for an auction to sell me, but my plan backfired once he told me that he doesn't plan on selling me at all. Even if I disobeyed him. It's because i'm not just a regular American or British neko. I'm Japanese born so i'm pretty much a rarity in London. Anybody who's anybody would always try to get their hands on a rare neko and since I never had a previous owner, it was pretty easy to buy me off. Though, since i'm a rare neko, a lot of people bid high for me and sadly, since my master is a really well known rich man in London, he won me.
Now all I can do is just sit back and try to do what he tells me to do to avoid getting beatings. I've only been with my master for six months, but he has already done so many things to me. He's definitely not a nice man that believes in being nice and caring towards his neko's.
"Leif! Leif!"
My neko ears twitched at the sound of someone calling my name. I looked up and watched as one of my master's younger slaves came running up to me and sat down next to me, smiling. Her name is Emily and she's younger than all of us. There's Austin who is the oldest. He's nineteen. There's Abigail who is seventeen, Dawn who is sixteen, me who is fifteen and Emily who is only twelve. All of us has been bought by my master and has been working for him. Since Austin is the oldest, he's the neko that has been working for my master the longest.
Ever since I met the other neko's, I haven't felt so lonely. Until I started messing up around the mansion and now pretty much all of them don't care for me anymore and treat me like an outsider except for Emily. She told me she wanted to be my friend and stick by me because she's treated as an outsider too because she's the youngest.
I'm pretty grateful to have become friends with Emily, but I still wish that the other neko's would treat me as a friend too. There's no reason for all of us to turn against each other since we all have to suffer from our master's punishment.
I sighed as I stopped scrubbing the floor then I looked at Emily.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I'm so tired...I want to stop working and take a break, but i'm afraid master might hit me again..." She mumbled softly.
I nodded, understanding. Sometimes working so much around the house takes away my energy too and it doesn't help that all of us has to get up every morning at six to work.
"I'm sorry. I wish there was something I can do..." I said then a thought hit me.
I quickly dug into my shorts, looking for food. I just remembered that I had some food in my pocket that I planned on eating later, but I don't mind giving it up to someone who needs it more than me. I pulled the food out of my pocket then handed it to Emily to eat.
"Here. You can have this." I said.
Emily's eyes widen and she softly gasped as she took the piece of bread and cheese into her hands. Then, she looked up at me, unsure if she should take it.
"But...won't you be needing it?" She asked.
I shook my head. "No. You need it more than me since you're younger. Just make sure master doesn't see you eating it okay? I stole it from the kitchen when he wasn't around." I noted.
Another thing about being a neko slave is that we can't eat and sleep whenever we want. We sleep and wake up when our master tells us to and we eat when our master tells us to and if any of us disobey him, our usual punishment is being forbid to eat for the night so we normally go to sleep with empty bellies. At first, when I first came to the house, it was difficult for me to get used to the idea of not sleeping and eating when I want to, but overtime, I got used to it and I don't feel as hungry or sleepy as I used to.
"Thank you so much, Leif. I'll make sure to eat it right away." She said then stood up and walked away.
I smiled softly as I watched Emily leave then I went back to cleaning the floor. It's kinda sad seeing someone as young as Emily working for a horrible master like George Winchester, but there's nothing anybody can do. Since most of London sees us as not human beings, but as slaves, our masters can pretty much do whatever they want to us and nobody would bat an eyelash.