Capítulo 2: Waiting and defense
Manami and Aoi introduced me to Eris, who along with Captain Kuune, were the only cat girls at the embassy at the time of the attack.
“Wait, I want to check something” I told the girls and went to the phone.
“They've got the phone line back on, and I'll bet you that the internet signal is back on and the cops are back at their posts. This was a very well-planned attack, with no witnesses the authorities will say that there was no attack despite all this disorder.”
“Are you sure Eris, that the ship will disintegrate as it approaches Earth? Because with its size, no matter where it crashes, it will still eliminate all life on Earth," said Kio.
“Don't worry, Kio, for this case of situations, a system has been designed that will cause the ship to vaporize before it crashes on Earth.”
“But what about the crew captured by these dogisians and the crew that is entrenched on the bridge?” I asked and Eris shook her head.
“We cannot abandon them!” I shouted, "There must be some way into space. You and the Captain didn't come to this place on a personal transport ship or something.”
“The transport ship returned to the mother ship by autopilot," Eris replied anxiously.
“What about Antonia?” Aoi asked.
“It's true, we could ask her to help us with this situation," said Manami.
Kio told me that Antonia was a multi-millionaire girl and that she was also a fan of catgirls, maybe she could help us.
The brief hope that we had faded when Antonia told us that it was impossible to buy a rocket that could be used to rescue the Cathianas, apparently all the governments that had rockets had closed ranks so as not to offer any help, and what is worse, they spread news on the Internet about Cathia's ship crashing into the earth.
“Damn it, right now everyone is paying attention to the news on the Internet, the links to the ship's lack of control have multiplied as if by magic, this is an attack on all sides," I said.
“Shouldn't you help us since the ship is going to crash? asked Kio.
“The ship won't crash, Kio," said Manami.
“People don't know that, but I'm sure the politicians do, otherwise they'd sell us a rocket," I said, "this is a maneuver to turn the entire population of the Earth against Cathia.”
“How long before the ship disintegrates?” Aoi asked.
“A couple of weeks," said Eris sadly.
The computer turned on and Antonia told us she had located a rocket engine that could lead us to the mother ship.
Eris informed us that Kio had received the material transmutator from the captain before she fell into a coma, so he could create the shell of a rocket and carry out the rescue mission.
“A former KGB agent will provide us with the engine in two weeks, just enough time for Kio to arm the rocket and go to rescue the Cathians, so this is a smuggling operation and we must be careful with Russian border officials," said Antonia.
“I don't think the border office is the problem, remember that it will be the Russian government itself that tries to stop us," I said.
“This is the best plan we have, we'll all have to go to Russia," said Eris.
“What about the captain?” I asked.
“Could you take care of her, Otonashi?” Eris asked me.
“Sure, but I'd have to get her out of here, this place isn't safe anymore. I'll take her to the lodging I'm in.”
“They won't attack the accommodation?” Manami asked.
“You're the ones they're looking for, so don't worry," I said. “Besides, they may come to requisition the embassy looking for something useful. Kio, your house is in a section quite far from the center, but my accommodation is in the center, they will not dare to make an assault on that place, at least not having so little time until you return, so if they do, it will be an assault of little magnitude. So succeed in rescuing the girls and get back as soon as you can," I told them, speaking slowly.
Two days passed and Antonia's maids came to take Kio and the girls to a plane that would take them along with the asistedroids.
Antonia's maids were intimidating, Maya, she had a horrible scar on her face and Sara had lost an eye so she wore a patch.
The owner of the lodge was pissed off at Captain Kuune and the state she was in, but a suitcase full of money convinced her to let the Captain in and not ask questions.
Manami, Aoi, Maya and Sara had each given me a gun and gave me a super-accelerated course on how to use them.
"Just in case," they said, even Eris suggested I could keep a couple of asistedroids, but I refused saying they would need all the help they could get.
“My mistress regrets that her cruise ship is not at her disposal, but her father put too much pressure on her and now no one from Cathia can enter the ship” the maids apologized.
“I understand, don't worry, tell your mistress I understand," I said in English, since the maids were fluent in that language. “What about the other maids?”
“It is not the father of our mistress to whom they owe their loyalty, so don't worry.”
“You're very brave," Eris flattered me.
“No, you are, so succeed and come back safe and sound” I said goodbye.
"It will all be over in less than two days," I thought and set about taking care of Captain Kuune. I must say that I was impressed by her beauty, she had a young face and her long hair had a color that went between the plum and the Eggplant.
“Don't worry, Captain Kuune, the girls have a plan and they're going to rescue the crew, you don't have to worry” I was talking to the captain as calmly as I could, I even started to read her some things.
"They say that people in a coma don't listen to what's going on around them, but I think someone's company is important.”
I checked carefully that the Captain's gastric tube and the salts and minerals serum were in place, as well as the diaper. On the second day I proceeded to clean the captain's body, at first I was very embarrassed to see her sculptural naked body, but that feeling lasted very little and I set about my job of cleaning her without any distractions of any kind.
On the night of the second day, I realized to my horror that my time was up. Looking out of the window, I saw a group of Japanese men evicting everyone in the lodge through the entrance. I took the captain and carefully deposited her in the bathroom of my room, put the bed on its side so that it would serve as a useless barrier against bullets, but at least it would obstruct the vision of the attackers, I also locked the door with the chair and the table in my room and prepared myself for the worst.
“Remember Utis, you're doing this for the captain, you can't disappoint any of the girls, they will fulfill their mission, now it's your turn to do your part” I encouraged myself. I was breathing agitated, as if I had run a marathon, and I noticed that my heartbeat was increasing.
"Damn, I'm hyperventilating," I thought and cursed furiously at my body and nerves.
I held one of the weapons I was given and was surprised by its weight, I never believed that a weapon was this heavy.
“How the hell can Manami and Aoi hold weapons ten times bigger than these? Maya and Sara are adults so it doesn't cost them anything.”
My thoughts were interrupted by sounds coming from the door, someone was trying to enter the room. I unlocked the gun and pointed it at the door.
Attempts to open the door using the knob stopped and then a series of blows followed, trying to break down the door.
“It's a good thing the doors are Western style, because if they were sliding doors, they would have been in by now.”
But the doors were not as solid as the place I came from, they were thin and soon they broke.
I saw a face peeping out and when he saw me he immediately turned away, then the tip of a gun peeped out through the hole in the door.
I wasted no time and fired at the enemy.
I thought my ears would explode, I knew that the sound of a gunshot was much louder than what was heard in the cinema or on television, but I never thought it would be so loud.
I heard screams on the other side of the door, they were talking very fast in Japanese, so I couldn't understand what they were saying.
Again they tried to shoot inside the room and I responded with my own barrage of bullets.
My ears were ringing but I was firm in my intention to protect the Captain, I heard screams that I could not understand and I prepared for another barrage of shots.
"Come on, come on, if you're not going to attack, get the hell out of here," I'd think between scared and angry at the same time.
Again someone was trying to use the doorknob on the bedroom door.
“Utis, it's us, open the door!”
“Don't be afraid, Utis, it's us, it's all over, you're safe now," said Manami and I breathed in the relief.
I opened the door and could see that Kio and the other girls except for Antonia's maids were present.
“How did it go, girls?”
“We rescued them all," said Aoi with a smile.
“You were excellent, we watched the government men walk away," Eris told me.
“Where's the Captain?” Suddenly a Cathian she hadn't seen asked, she was the same age as the Captain and like her had her attributes very clearly marked.
They guided Dr. Durel to the bathroom and, with the help of the girls who had helped me to get the bed back to its original position, put Captain Kuune on the hard mattress.
“What about that tail and those ears, Kio?” I already asked him, because of the turmoil I hadn't noticed Kio until then.
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