Capítulo 3: I am volunteering
After the girls congratulated me, we went back to Kio's house. As I had predicted, the house was a mess (even more so). They'd gone all over the place looking for anything that might be useful to them.
Kio ran to his room and screamed.
The girls and I ran to see what was going on, thinking that maybe Kio had met one of the government agents.
“Kio, you're all right?!” shouted Eris, worried.
Kio turned around and I could see that he was as red as a tomato and with tears peeking through his eyes.
“What? They took all your adult magazines," said Manami with a face of few friends.
Aoi, suddenly she ran to her room and we all followed her. Unlike Kio, she had not shouted, but she had remained stiff and with an expression of desolation on her face.
“My videos and my mangas...”
Apparently they had taken everything from Aoi's room, including her clothes. Manami ran to her room and I heard her curse all over the place. I approached Aoi and consoled her as best I could, and I was sorry to know that her entire collection was gone, I too would be shocked.
“I don't understand, they also took our laptops and tablets, even our underwear!” shouted Manami indignantly.
“Maybe they thought you could hide something inside the fibers of the clothes, so they emptied the whole house, they just left the money," I told them.
“Good thing Dr. Durel took the Captain to the ship, otherwise we'd have to put her on the ground," said Eris sadly.
We all remained silent, seeing what had once been a furnished house, they had taken everything, the flower pots, the paintings, the furniture, the mattresses and the sheets.
“Kio, I'm sorry, it's our fault that your whole house was ransacked," Eris apologized sadly.
“Don't worry, Eris, it's just material things, they can be replaced.”
“Kio!” Eris exclaimed and hugged the boy. Manami and Aoi didn't look happy.
We tried to fix the place up as best we could, but it was a good thing that we had the asistedroids to help us, and in the end the house was cleared of debris and the embassy wall was repaired.
I thanked the asistedroids and they put up posters answering me.
“Hey, the kanji are difficult guys," I told them and they changed the writing on their posters to hiraganas and katakanas.
"Nope, sorry guys, couldn't you write in English or Spanish?”
The asistedroids stood still for a moment to download the software and then showed me posters in Spanish and English.
“Thanks a lot, guys, that's much better” I thanked them with a smile, but at the same time I wondered why the hell they didn't have a programming and a voice function. That would certainly make things much easier.
“That's because voice functions are considered to be something that would greatly humanize the asistedroids and lead to emotional conflicts with them," Eris explained to me once I told her about my doubts about our little friends. I wanted to know more about these emotional conflicts with the asistedroids, and Eris with some grief informed me how things didn't go very well with the early models of asistedroids who had a more humanoid form.
“I see, well, now we just need to make up for everything they took," I said to change the conversation, as it was obvious that Eris was uncomfortable.
Eris was immediately happy and together with Kio and the girls we planned the shopping.
Antonia gave us a lot of money and the asistedroids took care of almost all the things, in the end, the house was left as if nobody had robbed it.
Aoi and Manami thanked Antonia very much for giving them enough money to buy new sound equipment and computers for them, and it was a shame that the contents of their hard drives were something that could not be recovered with money.
I was talking to Eris about how impressed I was with Cathia's technology and the safety measures they had put in place for her ship, I mean, it wasn't every day that a mother ship was headed to crash into an inhabited planet, but even so, they had designed a system to make the ship vaporize in the event of such an impossible situation.
“We put that system in place after one of our mass transit ships crashed into an uninhabited planet, so we figured we could put that system in place to prevent that eventuality in our motherships.”
I nodded as I explained, the same thing happened on Earth, only after air or sea catastrophes happened, only after the government introduced measures to prevent these accidents from happening again.
Eris and I were still talking about Cathia, when Captain Kuune and Dr. Durel arrived, they were joined by two catgirls I had never seen before, they were very young and beautiful. It was Chaika and Melwin.
Melwin had short blue hair and was the deputy captain of the ship, while Chaika had pigtails and her hair was Alice Blue, the same hair color as Rei Ayanami's in the anime of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
“Chaika is the deputy commander of the Earth mission, so she has a higher rank than Melwin," said Kuune, "but in matters relating to the ship it is Melwin who is in charge.”
“I see, that's why Melwin was in charge when the Dogisians attacked," I said, flushed by the presence of Chaika, who looked at me with a smile like Melwin.
“Are you okay, do you look very red?” Durel asked worried.
“Ha, you already blushed," said Manami with a sneer, who had just entered the room with Aoi and Kio.
“Manami, Aoi, I'm telling you right now," I'll try to sound serious and poise, "never trust a man who doesn't blush, since does mean he's so used to using and throwing away women that anything is okay with him.”
Manami looked at me with surprise and was about to reply when Captain Kuune rose and bowed as the other Cathianas thanked me for taking care of her for two days.
“You don't have to thank Captain Kuune, it was a pleasure.”
“I heard you confronted those men," Melwin suddenly said to me.
“I also heard how you took good care of the Captain before that," Chaika told me.
I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter so I decided to change the subject.
“Excuse me, Captain, have you already received an apology from the American and Japanese governments regarding the news they broadcast on the Internet?”
“No, we also did not receive any of the other countries that leaked the news of the ship's fall.”
“Then, people still believe that all this trouble was caused by Cathia," I concluded, and the Captain and the other girls exchanged sad looks.
“What could we do to change this?” asked Eris, but no one seemed to have the answer. After a moment I intervened.
“We can't expect any government involved to admit that this problem was caused by dogisian, nor can we buy Internet sites because they would be erased immediately. The only possible solution is for Antonia to buy some television, print and radio media and to inform the world population that even though the ship was heading towards Earth in a collision, the planet was not in any danger.”
“That's an excellent idea, but I heard that Antonia's father doesn't want to help us," said Chaika.
“We'd better get in touch with Antonia and ask her if she can help us.”
As Chaika feared, now that her father was against helping the catgirls, the resources available to Antonia were restricted, at the most she could help with was buying a newspaper with a non-national but official circulation, even so the time to ask for authorizations to open and operate it only in Japan was too long.
“Anything smaller than that will be taken as a fanzine," lamented Melwin worried.
“Cathia's embassy is in Okinawa, can't the local authorities at least help us?” I asked.
“After the show you did in school bathing suits, don't expect any help," said Manami and I didn't understand.
“What do you mean?” I asked her and Manami told me all about the meeting they had with central government officials and local authorities before I came to Okinawa.
“I... don't... believe... It...”
“And not only that, but also the Cathianas believe that all the clichés they read in the Kio magazines are what happens in real life," said Manami, nodding with embarrassment along with Aoi.
“I, I already told you.... that's all fiction!” Kio suddenly intervened, waving his nervous hands along with his tail and cat ears.
“Kio, just telling them that doesn't solve anything, tell me, did you at least take the trouble to explain to them what and why they were wrong?” I asked him, I was upset about the absurdity of the situation. “And the same goes for you girls. Manami, Aoi, did you explain to the Cathians the differences between Kio's adult magazines and the real world?”
The two girls and Kio looked down and I snarled in exasperation.
“This whole problem with the Okinawan authorities would have been solved if you had been informed of the Earth's customs!” I shouted and the catgirls looked down in sorrow.
"Well, there's a way around this. I am volunteering to do this.”
“What do you mean?” Aoi asked.
“That I will teach the Captain and her crew about the history and customs of the Earth, not only of Japan but of the whole world. I will show you the evolution in the history of human thought, economics, art, architecture, music, fashion and clothing. Also, I will teach you about the political and religious situation in the world today and its evolution in history, I will not leave any subject aside.”
“Can you do all that?” asked Kio.
“I'm not good at remembering names and dates, but it's a good thing we have the internet and I don't want girls to learn everything by memory that it doesn't work at all, but rather that they understand why things happen and their effect on what's around us.”
Kuune, Durel, Eris, Chaika and Melwin, stood in awe and then bowed deeply and thanked me.
“Please teach us everything about this planet and how to get along with the earthlings!”
“I promise you, as well as taking care of the Captain, I promise that I will not disappoint you in this respect either” I assured them in the coolest way I could.
The rest of the meeting was about Kio, apparently he wanted to go back to his previous condition and not wear more tail or cat ears. The Cathians were disappointed that apparently Kio, although sickly, with cat's ears and tail was very attractive to the girls including the Captain and the doctor.
“Kio is right, make him human!” Manami said decisively.
“Kio can't go back to school with ears and tail!” Aoi added very seriously.
“No!” shouted Eris.
"I think that teaching everything about the Earth to the catgirls will be easy compared to having to live here and relate to Kio and his harem," I thought to myself by putting on my best poker face. "What the hell have I gotten myself into!"
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