I.- Authentic Cat Girls
They are the Cat Girls that come in the Animes and Mangas from the nineties to the present, hence the name "current school".
In computer games they are those that come with the Windows operating system, that is, those that were licensed for sale in the West.
They are characterized by having only cat and tail ears, without adding any other feline characteristics. Although the pupils and iris are usually somewhat elongated, in reality it is not noticeable, since all human females of the Animes and Mangas, unlike males, have somewhat elongated irises and pupils.
I repeat, apart from the ears and tails (which can vary in a multitude of shades), there is no other feline characteristic of these Cat Girls.
They are those Cat Girls belonging to the eighties or earlier, hence the name "old school".
In computer games they are those that came with the DOS system, such as "Knigths of Xentar", known in the West as "Dragon Knight III".
There are some modern Animes that show Cat Girls as in "Words Worth" but this Anime is based on old DOS games or Japanese operating systems before the standardization of Windows.
These Cat Girls are characterized by having fur on most of their bodies, and little or no fur on their faces. This body coat covers their breasts or pubic region, as if it were a bikini. Some Cat Girls have cheeks and only cheeks covered by fur.
In Words Worth, Nina, the Cat Girl has the breasts, pubic region, most of the thighs and arms, and part of the cheeks covered with fur. Although the pupils and iris are usually somewhat elongated, in reality it is not noticeable, since all human females of the Animes and Mangas, unlike males, have somewhat elongated irises and pupils.
In "Dragon Knight III", the two types of Cat Girls are presented: One with only ears and tail (current school) A young Cat Girl with fur on most of her body but no fur on her face (old school)
I repeat, the characteristics are having fur on most of the body and very little or nothing on the face.
They are those Cat Girls, from the nineties onwards, also appear in console games from this decade onwards.
They are characterized by having fur on most of the body (which covers their breasts and pubic area) and the most characteristic are their hands and feet, which are not those of a human, but those of a cat.
These cat limbs can consist of only the hands and feet, or go from the elbow to the tips of the toes, and from the knee to the tips of the toes, in any case, both hands and feet are cat paws somewhat bigger than normal, as if they were wearing bulky gloves and slippers.
The best example is Felicia from the Dark Stalkers/Vampire Hunter games, she has ears and tail (current school), she also has fur that covers most of her body (old school), but she is characterized by having her hands and feet replaced by large cat paws.
I repeat, the main characteristic of these Cat Girls, apart from the ears and tail, is having fur on most of the body and limbs.
These kind of Cat Girls also appear from the nineties onwards.
They belong to the big cat family (tigers, leopards, jaguars, etc.), which means that their tails and bodies show stripes or spots.
Although in real life there are cats that have stripes and spots on their bodies and tails, this kind of catgirls belong more to the big cats and have the following characteristics:
They have ears and tail. Fur on most of the body (covers breasts and pubic area) Faces with very little fur (on the cheeks) or no facial coat at all. They present on the tail and on their bodies Stripes and/or Stains (the main characteristic)
The most outstanding example of this kind of Cat Girls are the feline protagonists of the anime "The Vision of Escaflone".
It is the strangest and rarest variety of Cat Girls, appeared since the nineties.
They are characterized by wings, horns, reptilian, demonic and any other attachment that indicates their mixed character with other races such as the vampire, dragon, demon, etc..
They have all or only part of the above characteristics for Cat Girls, including attachments that indicate their ancestry with other breeds.
As for the crossbreeding with humans, there are three variations:
First, the half-breed cat girl has ears and tail like her mother, in fact she seems to be a minor version of her mother, this is seen in the game "Let´s Meow Meow".
Second, the half-breed cat girl has human and feline characteristics, for example, the protagonist of Anime "Hiper Police", has two pairs of ears, a pair of cat ears and a pair of human ears.
Thirdly, the half-breed cat girl does not possess any feline characteristics that can be observed with the naked eye, although she can count on certain special powers, this is given in the Anime "Words Worth".
This is another strange variety of cat girls, born in the eighties.
Like the "Cat Girls (current school)", they have only ears and tails, and no other feline characteristics are present, except for the elongated eyes, which are not noticeable, since all the human females of the anime and manga have longer pupils and irises than the males.
These women were human beings who, due to a curse or a weapon, had their genes changed forever and thus became Cat Girls for all eternity.
The best examples are seen with Pink from "Dragon Pink", and the Cat Girls from "UFO Princess Walkyrie".
They consider themselves to be authentic Cat Girls, because although at first their nature was human, NOW THEY ARE Cat Girls, and they cannot return to their former human form, and if they did it would only be for a certain period of time as a disguise to hide among human society.
So far, here are the six varieties of Cat Girls that are found in Anime, Manga, and other media from Japan.
These females can become human, cats or big cats for a certain time as shown in the various animes and mangas, but THEIR TRUE NATURE is of Cat Girls, so they are considered AUTHENTIC Cat Girls.
Next, I show females who look like Cat Girls, but ARE NOT.