They were only 10 minutes into what was evidently their “first Monday of the month” meeting. It was pure coincidence it happened to fall on her first day. Elise said a silent prayer that they would not introduce her and make her stand up to greet everyone. Her mind began to wander until she felt her sense heighten suddenly, that feeling you get when someone is watching you. She looked up and met Danny's gaze from across the meeting room. She forced herself not to look away, but still felt her cheeks begin to burn. His handsome face briefly looked down, a hint of embarrassment washing over it as he smiled, before he met her eyes again and mouthed the word “sorry”, his own cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. What could only be described as a twinkle entered his eyes as he focused his attention back to the meeting.291Please respect copyright.PENANAxlLYT8jlnU
Elise caught him sneaking more stealthy glances at her throughout the rest of the meeting and couldn't help but smile.291Please respect copyright.PENANAoV8XoSFoV3
“Before we adjourn, we'd like to introduce our newest employee, Elise Roberts. Stand up, Elise,” she fought back the pained expression of the inevitable happening and half-stood, forcing a smile and doing a little wave to the room quickly before sitting back down as quickly as she had stood.291Please respect copyright.PENANAPdqQhrCQIZ
“Elise will be taking over Becky's position after this week. We want to thank Becky again for her 35 years of service to INDOT.”291Please respect copyright.PENANANJCf2NGwtE
Everyone in the room clapped for Becky, who was beaming next to her. Elise couldn't help but steal a glance at Danny. He clapped, but it wasn't her predecessor he was focused on. It was her.
“You don't really like being the center of attention, do you?” he spoke under his breath as they filed out through the door to the meeting room simultaneously. Their shoulders briefly grazed the other's and their hands, again, lingered longer than they should have. Elise couldn't help but notice that Danny had briskly walked over to catch up with her.291Please respect copyright.PENANAJrsL3mvTy2
“No,” she replied simply with a sideways smile, not looking him in the eyes.291Please respect copyright.PENANAfNzdFPtXOt
“I can't see why not,” he replied without further explanation. Elise, as usual with face-to-face conversations, was without words.291Please respect copyright.PENANAr1snkCvulo
“Well, I guess I'll see you around,” Danny began walking towards the front office door as she headed towards the restroom.291Please respect copyright.PENANAiZqAOVEK0I
“Don't be so shy, ok?” he turned and pointed at her before walking out the door.
And that had been about the extent of their interaction her first week. Each day that passed and she only saw him in passing in the morning as he left or the afternoon returning from his duties left Elise with a growing sense of longing. For what, exactly, she wasn't quite sure of yet, but it was obvious it had something to do with Danny.291Please respect copyright.PENANAduA0zobmEf
Maybe she just wanted to be friends with him? Have someone to talk to? Yah right, she admonished herself for lying. You know damn well what you want, you're just too afraid to admit it. Her conscience could be a real bitch sometimes.291Please respect copyright.PENANAFACndxC17O
She had found Danny appeared more and more in her daydreams as the week plodded on. Elise thought about kissing him again, how his lips would feel against hers, his fingertips brushing against the sides of her face...291Please respect copyright.PENANAID4FcM3eAC
That weekend wasn't much better. She had never been great at making friends and she was finding it didn't become any easier as an adult. Elise had no friends or relatives in Painton, or anywhere nearby, for that matter, and that longing feeling growing inside of her all week made her feel terribly lonely once left to her own devices, alone in her apartment.291Please respect copyright.PENANAreZ63uJ2ab
She tried painting. She tried calling her parents. She tried shopping, but strolling around downtown in the crisp autumn air, her favorite time of year, only made her wish she had someone to stroll hand in hand with, which lead her to the madness of looking around on the off chance she happened to see Danny amongst the hordes of weekend tourists. Elise went home and tried drinking. It was 5 o'clock somewhere.
Monday, glorious Monday, finally came and Danny approached her at her work station just as she was about to get started on her first day without a trainer.291Please respect copyright.PENANA01AcLuMcRg
“Hey, how was your weekend, Elise?”
“Hi, Danny,” she was surprised when his name didn't come out as a stammer. “Do you want the sad truth or want me to make up something awesome sounding?” she looked up from her computer screen at him.
“So you do have a sense of humor,” he smiled slightly as he leaned comfortably against her desk.
“Sure, if you're into sarcasm and self-deprecating humor,” she smirked back at him.
“Who doesn't?” Danny replied back sarcastically, eliciting a quiet laugh from Elise.
“So I was wondering,” he paused. “Could I maybe sit with you at lunch today?”
She pondered this for a moment.
“Don't you usually eat out with whoever you're working with?”
“Yah, but...” he sighed. “Don't make this any harder than it already is,” Danny laughed nervously. For some reason, this made him even more endearing to her.
“And what exactly is 'this'?” she asked.
Elise didn't know what had come over her, but she couldn't resist the opportunity to mess with him. It was only fair after catching him staring at her during the meeting last week, wasn't it?
“A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice,” he lowered his eyes at her.
“Alright, alright, yes...But I get the distinct impression we'll get some funny looks.”
“I don't care,” he flippantly replied, pushing himself upright away from the edge of her desk. “Do you?” his voice lowered.
“Why should I care?” Elise replied, nonplussed. “I don't know these people. They don't know me.”
“Well, it's settled then. I'll see you around noon,” he rapped his knuckles on her desk lightly.
“Later, gator,” she nonchalantly dismissed him.
Later, gator? She wanted to die. What are you, 12? Stop acting so weird!