“Wasn’t he supposed to arrive two days from now?” Nerine whispered.
I nodded but my attention was on the newcomer. He stood tall with his broad wings slowly retreating and disappearing. Whoa. I didn’t know they could do that. It was in that moment that I noticed the fairy lights were intentionally removed from this part of the forest.
For some reason, the collective of the Academy didn’t like this change of plans. I could see it from their postures but I wasn’t sure what is the big deal except maybe they weren’t prepared.
“Welcome.” I heard Mr. Ashleight’s voice. As a headmaster, it was expected of him to greet the guest first. “We are glad you managed to come, even though a little pre-schedule.” He said through a light laugh that sounded a little too casual.
Raphael’s descendant only watched him carefully for a few seconds, seizing up all of his weaknesses with one terrifying look. “I thought students wouldn’t mind my presence here a few days longer. Don’t you agree?” his deep, raspy voice asked lazily.
Zoe flashed through my mind and before I could stop it, a snort escaped me. His eyes covered in shadows whipped in our direction and my body froze instantly. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. It was like he kept me in a trance, not letting me go. I couldn’t see his expression but by the weight of his gaze on me, I had a feeling he could see me as clear as day. My heart started beating faster with panic? Fear? Excitement? I didn’t know, but I also didn’t want to find out.
A few moments later he returned to his conversation like I was never there and I took that as I sign to run far away from there. “Move.” I nudged Nerine. “We need to go now.”
“But…what about them?” her head nodded in the direction of the clearing. “Don’t you want to see what’s this all about?”
“Nope. I really think we should move right now.” With her eyes rolling she stepped down from the tree first and I followed. In a few minutes we were back at the White Tower, my heart still beating wildly.
The lower floor of the Tower was something akin to lobby with its marble flooring and high ceiling. It looked like mix of old and modern architecture with brick walls and big floor-to-ceiling windows that encompassed almost every inch of the wall. There were plush dark brown sofas between every pair of windows. Unlike the Grey Tower, this one was all earthly, warm colors.
We made our way to the center of the circular room and into the so called “golden ring” that was engraved in the marble. It recognized the unique power each of our gemstones possessed and allowed us the entrance to the upper levels. The moment we stepped into it, we only needed to imagine where in the tower we wanted to go and the ring would teleport us there. If it recognized the intruder it would lock him in place, leaving him immovable. It was actually one of the cooler things in the academy.
As Nerine and I entered my room, she went straight to a little sitting room by the fireplace and glared at me. “Why did we leave, Theia? We could’ve found out what was the fuss about. Aren’t you even a little bit curious what was that fake welcoming all about?”
I sighed and closed my eyes. After a second I opened them again and plopped on the seat next to her. “He saw us. I panicked.”
“Who?” she sounded confused. “Granpa? Are you sure? I didn’t see him move a muscle.”
“Yeah, well, it felt weird. Like I was frozen in place and he wouldn’t let me move. I guess I just wanted to go as far away as possible.” And that was beyond true. Something in me just balked at being close to him, it wanted to run far, far away. It was a little disturbing considering I rarely run away from people.
“Okay, then. But it was probably nothing. After all, we’ll see him tomorrow surely and he’s not staying long anyway. Just relax.”
It was a long time after Nerine left that I managed to calm and convince myself that I probably overreacted. It had to be his fucking archangel mojo. Ugh, now I really wanted to find out every single little secret about him that I could. It should be fun.
The next day some new feeling of wariness overcame me and I didn’t know what to think of it. There was no sign of Raphael’s descendant and professors acted like he was yet to come. It felt weird, especially after all the talk about our behavior in front of him.
I shook my head and proceeded to the third floor of the Grey Tower for my next class. There was nothing interesting or unusual about subjects in lower academy. Just plain old history. Although, history of descendants : a special magical breed whose ancestors were one of the best or worst beings on the planet and beyond. Or at least that’s what our books say.
Entering the plain, grey classroom, I’m ready to just sit in my usual back seat and try to stay awake when my heart suddenly stops. My eyes lock with electric blues in the corner of the room. The magnetic pull to go to him was just as strong as the feeling that says stay away.
Those unnatural eyes narrow, pulling my attention to his sharp, masculine features. I was pretty sure Nerine had to be wrong, because this creature certainly wasn’t looking like any grandpa I know. He had jet black hair and thick brows that now looked…angry? Wait, no. I don’t know. But the shivers went straight down my spine.
He looked like damn god and I know we change after awakening, but this was another level. I don’t think there is a person who wouldn’t be at least a little afraid of his presence. Which reminded me of another strange thing: no one in the room paid him any attention.
I looked around discretely, but nope. Not one person is looking his way. My gaze returned to the corner, to those alluring eyes that now watched me with a hint of amusement. So to not look like a complete idiot that’s standing in the middle of the room and staring at one spot, I take my place which was unfortunately very close to my unwanted intruder.
“Hey, everything okay?” my head jerked and I saw Nerine sitting next to me. Good god, I’m losing my mind.
“Yeah, sure.” I nodded but was watching carefully to see if she saw what I saw. She didn’t. Great.
“ Did you know Ms. Roland slipped and told the class that Grandpa arrived late last night. I don’t think she knew she wasn’t supposed to say anything considering I don’t remember seeing her in the clearing. Although, Zoe is now walking through the academy like a queen expecting he will come to her and go on his knees any second now.”
I dared a look in his direction which was obvious mistake. Now, he wasn’t just amused, he was intrigued. I could see he listened to every word carefully.
I turned back to Nerine and what she said made me thinking. So that’s why there were constant questions about him today. The gossip already went around school and professors still acted oblivious. Well, that’s some major slip on their part.
“I wonder how they’ll explain that shit later. An also, I haven’t seen Zoe today so tell me – does she already have that superior look on her face?” I grinned.
“Oh, honey, you can see for yourself.” Her head pointed at the door where she stood. Watching her like this – tall, dark girl with killer body and beautiful green eyes, I can’t dispute she’s beautiful. But that’s until her mouth opens and all that goes to shit.
Her malicious, expectant gaze landed on me as she waited for something to happen. “Something you need, your highness?” I asked obliviously.
“Don’t play dumb, Theia. You should do what I want and move, since I’m going to be on way higher position than you very soon. You know he won’t like anyone upsetting me.” At her words, once again, I became aware of strong presence somewhere behind me.
But regardless, my head tilt to the side as I ask “You lost me there, princess. Who we’re talking about?”
Zoe’s red lips turned thin. “You know pretty well.”
“Yeah, but… I kind of don’t know who he is, you know? I heard he arrived already so he must’ve already gone to you since you’re his one and only love. You should at least know his name, right?”
I saw her lips move but my attention was on the little movement in my periphery vision. A second later, Raphael’s descendant leaned on the table on my left side and continued to watch. He didn’t look like he enjoyed this so to say, but more like he was beyond intrigued that Zoe was actually speaking what she was.
“Are you even listening to me?” a high-pitched voice broke through my thoughts.
I blinked at her a few times and that’s when I remembered she was still there. Right. “Uh, no, honestly. Look, I wish you all the luck with what you imagined in your head but I’m not going to move from my seat.” We all felt the levels of anger go up a notch.
“You should calm down, Zoe.” Nerine interrupted. “Grandpa shall feel your levels of insanity and he might change his mind to save himself, you know?” Snickers went through the room and Zoe, fuming, marched to sit somewhere else.
A minute later tall, bony, slightly awkward Mr. Ryder entered. You just couldn’t not love him. He was so endearingly awkward that it made you feel bad to laugh. Today though, he looked nervous on top of his usual behavior. I noticed his eyes constantly strayed to the corner of the room during class.
I wanted to talk about it with Nerine but couldn’t because certain someone would hear it. And it’s kind of strange to talk about him in front of him. Apparently, teachers could see him too and it wasn’t just me.
As the bell rang, I almost ran out of the classroom, pulling Nerine after me. “Hey, slow down! What’s happening?” she asked confused.
“Not here, let’s go to our spot and I’ll tell you. We don’t have any more classes anyhow considering tomorrow morning is Awakening ceremony.”
We exited the Grey Tower and went straight for one of the hidden trails in the forest that lead to the enchanted lake. The thing with it is, no one likes to go near it because it causes strange illusions if you go close enough to inhale the air around it. And so, of course, Nerine went. I don’t know what she was trying to do but she fell into the lake…or maybe through the surface of the lake and discovered hidden cave underneath it. It appeared that the surface of the lake was just another illusion.
Half of the cave was covered in some sort of natural pool with clear, warm, shining water. All the plants in the cave had unique fluorescent glow and through the ceiling you could see the forest above. It was truly breathtaking sight.
As we neared it, we inhaled and kept our breath, otherwise, the illusions we’d have wouldn’t be the most pleasant ones. As we went on, we looked around as to make sure there was no one there and in seconds jumped straight into the lake. The moment our feet hit the soft sand underneath, we exhaled and relaxed.
“So” Nerine broke the silence after a small pause. “What’s with the rush earlier?” she asked as she started taking off her uniform to get into the pool.
I proceeded to do the same. “I’m just gonna sound crazy and tell you that Grandpa was in that classroom with us.”
Nerine’s eyes widened and she cursed. “You’re kidding me! Oh my God. So, spill. How’s it possible no one else saw him?”
Her excited face made me laugh. She looked like a kid when given candy with her wide amber eyes and long brown hair tied in low pigtails. “Well, that’s the thing. I’ve no idea why I saw him. I know Mr. Ryder saw him too, so I guess he lets them? But..”
“But you don’t know how you did it.” She finished. “Maybe he included you along with teachers.”
I doubted that. “Why would he do that?”
Her forehead scrunched up in thinking and her head went from side to side as she weighted up her options. “Well, you did tell me he saw you last night.”
“Us.” I corrected. “He saw us. If that was the reason you’d have seen him too. But I guess I’m not going to find answer to that question right now.”
A smile suddenly went up on Nerine’s face and her eyes lit up with strange satisfaction. “Please tell me he was there during Zoe’s little episode.”
My grin was all she needed. “He had a first row seat to that spectacle. And it looked like he had no idea where she got her crazy ideas from.”
Nerine burst out laughing . “Theia, did I say I love you. Tomorrow morning can’t come fast enough. On the serious side though,” she said when she caught her breath “Are your brothers coming to the ceremony?”
“Yes, Andras and Elek should be there. Mom’s on some work assignment and won’t be able to come, though.” I replied. The twins were only about ten years older than me and with their almost non-existent aging, we look kinda same age now. But when we were younger, they usually did their own thing. They loved me more than anything but there was still that ten year difference. In recent years however, we became much closer.
“Is Eleni still in the picture? “ she asked hopefully. Yeah, her crush on Elek was something no one expected considering they were polar opposites. Where she was a little on the crazy, funny side he was…well, not completely serious but a lot more mature, let’s say.
Luckily for her, I didn’t like Eleni much either so what I’m about to say would be a pleasure. “Nope. He’s all yours.” I say through genuine smile.
There was a pause. Then she exited the pool and started dancing for the next three minutes. I laughed as I watched her; Elek will have his hands full from now on.
“Alright crazy” I tell her. “Calm down a little. I have a question- are we-“
A noise outside stopped me from finishing my question. Was someone following us or is someone here by accident? Nerine’s and mine gazes locked and we listened closely. There was a murmur of unfamiliar voices and a strange buzz in the air that I’ve never heard before. We didn’t dare move or go up to look. A gut feeling told me to stay hidden.
It didn’t take long for the buzz to disappear and for voices to die down. “I think we should head back now.”
Nerine nodded, this time fully in agreement. We went up the stairs along the side wall and stopped breathing just before exiting. We were careful all through the forest, keeping our eyes wide open. In our world it’s never safe to walk around obliviously and with our guards down.
“Do we need to tell someone about this?” Nerine asked.
“I would say yes, but we don’t know who that was nor what they were talking about. It could be nothing or it could be the exact opposite. Let’s just stay quiet for now.”
As it was around seven, we headed to the cafeteria for dinner. We entered the White Tower lobby and within seconds we were teleported to the dining hall. It was hands down the most extravagant room in this Tower – it really looked like ball room with high windows and long, rich, beige draperies. The floor was all light marble on which were positioned circular tables which were decorated to perfection. I guess today they made even more an effort in decorating everything.
There was a long table on the far end of the room where professors sat. They were already in their positions with one chair at the center left empty. One guess who’s going to sit there.
Nerine and I took our usual seats with some of our friends. “Hey, we missed anything?” I asked Liam who set on my right. He was cute guy, little nerdy looking but smart and easy to talk to.
“No, though I think they’re waiting for us to gather to tell us what we all already know.” He rolled his eyes. Liam is one of the few who isn’t so interested in Raphael’s descendant.
“I agree.” Ina nodded. She sat opposite me and was the most down to earth rich person I know. A pure rarity at the Academy. “ It’s just funny how they didn’t manage to keep a secret for one whole day. My little sister could do that and she’s five.”
Our gemstones that hung around our necks started to shine and we knew that Mr. Ashleight was calling for attention. We all quieted and turned to listen.
“As some of you already heard, last night-“ he was cut off by the door opening. I was expecting some of the stuff and didn’t pay much attention but by the gasps and whispers, I knew who’s it going to be.
“I’m so sorry for the interruption. Please continue.” His voice may definitely be my new favorite sound, as much as I would hate to admit it. I expected to see some extravagance, but he was in plain black jeans and dress shirt with his sleeves rolled to the elbows. He wore untied, leather combat boots. Also, there was a lot of rings on his fingers but strangely enough, no visible markings.
It was the first time I looked at him and felt something other than wariness. There just might be a hint of appreciation. Others seemed to share my opinion. The girls swooned while the guys where either jealous, in love or watched him like a hero.
“It’s no problem.” Mr. Ashleight replied genuinely, not at all like last time I heard him talk. “Everyone, this is our guest for the Awakening ceremony. He arrived late last night. Please welcome, Valerian of the Line of Raphael.” There was a big applause, but Valerian only nodded with a mild smile. I couldn’t decide if it annoyed me or made my heart skip a beat.
It was strange finally knowing his name, and it’s even stranger to know that I won’t remember it when he leaves. Not his name and certainly not his strong, gorgeous presence.
“I hope you will enjoy your stay here,” the headmaster told him, then turned to us “As for those of you who are awaiting your Awakening tomorrow, I only wish you luck. We can never know, maybe one of you becomes what we’re awaiting for three centuries now.” Ah, it’s so obvious he is Zoe’s father that it isn’t even funny.
Students either snorted or rolled their eyes. We all knew who he was talking about. Zoe, however, lifted her head even higher at the table closest to professors’. I watched Valerian’s reaction carefully and caught his quick smirk. He knew it too. Then he lifted his gaze and locked me once again in this stare battle that became our usual, it would seem. It was like a punch in the gut to watch those unnaturally bright eyes directly. His eyes seemed like they were laughing- but was it at me, Zoe, headmaster or at the whole situation, I wasn’t sure.
“Is it just me, or you caught his interest?” Nerine whispered barely audible.
My head jerked slightly and I blinked. “What?”
“Oh, I knew there was a reason he let you see him earlier.” She grinned goofily. I would happily wipe it off her. “It just may happen that you’re gonna be the one to sleep with the old man. You’ll have to tell me every detail; now that I know how he looks like, I want to know everything.”
I rolled my eyes. It was my only response. Anything else and she would detect a slight hint of embarrassment and then her antagonizing would never stop. “And just so you know?” she added. “You’re a little witch for not telling me how hot he is.”
“I know. I purposely excluded that little bit.” I replied with a wink.
After the speech was over, the dinner was served and I started to drown myself in delicious food. Nerine, Liam and Ina talked about Valerian at the beginning but then started about much more interesting topic. The Awakening.
There was nothing much we could do about it on our part. We just need to step into yet another golden ring and everything else is out of our hands. The things we don’t know though is what magical gifts we will get and that’s what most of this conversation was focused on.
“I mean, I know I have demon blood in me. Both my brothers did, but it’s still makes me anxious not knowing if there’s some other parts in the mix.” I said.
“But Damiani’s are from the most powerful demon line that I know of, which is very rare. That in itself would be enough for me.” Liam answered. Everytime he talked about it, he was completely in awe.
Ina apparently decided to join in on the discussion. “The only thing better than that would be if you knew which high demon exactly is your line from. Ugh, I’m jealous. You’ll have some really great gifts.”
“Yeah, yeah. You do know that you have the greatest oracle’s blood right? Idiot.” I chuckled and continued our small talk, but Ina’s eyes widened and she almost chocked on her water. “What? What’s happening?” I ask hurriedly.
She barely managed to point her finger somewhere behind us from all the coughing. The three of us turned our heads to see Zoe trying to speak to Valerian. Oh, god. It seemed like the whole room was secretly watching while professors acted like they didn’t see it.
Valerian on the other hand, was amused. I could see it in his eyes and he listened what she was saying to him. I guess if I had over three hundred years I would, too, find it kind of amusing to see a twenty-year-old trying to flirt with me.
I could just hope she wasn’t overdoing it because I was having second-hand embarrassment. It wasn’t because she was talking to him, it was that she already told everyone that he’s her soulmate and now we’re all watching the drama unfold because he obviously doesn’t know that tidbit of his future yet. Or does he? He did witness her outburst in the history class today.
“What I wouldn’t give to hear what she’s saying.” Nerine told us. “I need to know, how else am I gonna tell Megi everything that’s happened.”
As Nerine was talking, Zoe tried to come closer to Valerian but she tripped and landed in his lap. “Ooh, that move was too smooth. No one would trip and land in someone’s lap in that perfect position. If it was real, she would be face-first in his crotch.” Ina sounded equally impressed and annoyed.
“I don’t think she’ll succeed in whatever she’s doing.” Liam stated suddenly.
“Why?” the three of us asked in unison.
“Simply because she’s a fucking kid to him. He may look young but he’s mentally older, wiser and way more mature. I don’t think they would be very compatible. Except, of course, in case she’s really his soulmate; that would be another case entirely.”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Valerian saying something to her that made her face become blood-red. Moments later she was graciously storming out of the hall. I guess that didn’t go as planned.
“Well, I’m getting tired.” I said while standing from the table. “See you guys tomorrow morning. Should be an interesting experience.”
The second I stood up, I felt his electric gaze on me but I didn’t turn to look. I headed straight for the door and up the stairs to my room.