The next morning I woke up excited and a little nervous. It was three more hours until the ceremony and I promised my brothers I would wake up early enough to spend some time with them.
I brushed my teeth and put on my high-waisted jeans and burgundy top. Usually I drink my morning coffee on my sofa by myself but as I already said, Andras and Elek are demanding motherfuckers.
I decided not to think about the Awakening since I would never manage to calm down. Instead, I just grabbed my sneakers, and before I went to meet them, I stopped by the second floor and banged on Nerine’s door.
Her grouchy mood greeted me. If she could, she would’ve killed me in that moment. “Hey, sunshine. I just wanted to tell you I’m going to meet my brothers downstairs so I thought maybe you wanted to come. But, you know, if you’re not in the mood never mi-“
“I’ll be ready in three minutes.” Was her clipped reply before she shut the door in my face. Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Ten minutes later we were ready and reaching the golden ring on her floor. I didn’t manage to appear in the lobby for two seconds before I was yanked in a set of strong arms. “Hey, dummy. We haven’t seen you in quite a while.” It was Andras, the idiot.
“I mean, we probably could’ve gone a few more years but you know. We had to show up here since mom couldn’t.” Elek added as he stepped in to hug me.
“I’m sure. And I’ll pay you back one day for making me get up this early.” Nerine cleared her throat awkwardly. She never met the guys, she just saw them from afar a few times but she always talked about them in a way that I forget she doesn’t really know them. “Oh yeah, this is my best friend Nerine. I never had a chance to introduce you.”
“Mhmm.” Andras’s eyes turned to slits. “I don’t trust a word of it. You just didn’t want us near her.”
I snorted. Yeah, like Nerine would be stopped by that. I don’t know if I could, nor if I would want to stop her trying to get Elek. Instead of speaking my mind, I only gave them a knowing grin. “Sure, let’s say it’s like that.”
Elek watched me suspiciously. He knew me pretty well since it was always him I talked the most when I needed something. Even when I was little, I never went to mom, always to him. “You’re hiding something little sis, but it’s fine for now. There’s time to find out what.”
Turning to Nerine, he held out his hand. “It’s nice meeting you. If that one” he pointed to me “is up to something, you’ll tell us, right?”
I think this was the first time I’ve seen Nerine blush. I mean, I can’t blame her. Elek has that tall, broad, kind of mysterious thing going on for him. He as well as Andras has black awakening markings along his arms and collarbones and I must say, a little creepy eyes. But that’s just me, I don’t look at them the way Nerine does, for example.
“I would love to, but since I’m usually her accomplice I don’t think that that would be very beneficial for me.” Elek smirked and pierced her with those freaky eyes. Well now, maybe Nerine has better chance than I thought.
“Okay, let’s move. I want coffee and I want food. Seven o’clock is way too early for me.” We stepped into the ring and the four of us teleported straight to the dining hall.
I took a plate and filled it with eggs and bacon and bread. Then poured myself coffee and without waiting for others, went to the nearest table. We were earlier than usual so there weren’t many people in here yet.
The three of them chatted a little but I didn’t concern myself with conversation right away. I just needed to eat and drink my coffee and then, maybe, I’ll be able to function properly.
“Oh don’t worry. I think her type are grandpas. She doesn’t like the boys here much.” The food stopped in my throat at the sound of Nerine’s voice. This was her petty revenge for not mentioning Valerian’s hotness, as she referred to it as. If I ever thought about how it would feel to throttle someone, it was in this moment.
“Sorry, what?” Elek asked. His mouth twitched but he managed not to laugh. “Can you expand on the grandpa thing. Are they grandpas by age or by looks, because if it’s looks she’s after I know a uncle of a really great friend of mine-“
I didn’t let him finish that; my hand went up and landed hard on the back of his head. The lot of them laughed their tears out. “Payback shall be fun. Just now that. All of you.”
“Okay, okay” Andras raised his hands with a smile. “We won’t do it anymore. On a serious note,” I listened expecting something actually serious. “ I really want to know the answer to Elek’s question.” This time, an apple flew in his face. Don’t ask me where I found it.
“Nah” it was Nerine’s voice now. “It’s just Valerian that she has stare battles with.”
The twins turned their head in unison. “As in Raphael’s descendant?”
“It’s not my fault he focuses those creepy eyes on me. And me being me, I just can’t back down and look away.” I shrugged hoping they don’t see I kind of like those battles. Even though he makes me uneasy most of the time, I don’t feel endangered by him. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s pretty contradictory feeling.
“I thought he was arriving today.” Elek said. “When did he come?”
“Night before yesterday. He walked around the academy with his little invisibility tricks.” Nerine replied. “We actually saw when he got here by accident. The stuff seemed kind of displeased and wanted to hide it. I don’t know why though.”
The twins exchanged fast look but I caught it. “What are you thinking about? Did something happened?”
“Nothing to worry about yet. Mom’s working on it, that’s why she couldn’t be here. But if something happens that you need to know, we’ll tell you straight away.” They didn’t look too concerned but that’s just their poker face. Something definitely happened and it was probably something to do with Valerian if the reaction to his name was anything to go by.
Door at the far end opened and princess Zoe walked in with her entourage of clones. I rolled my eyes and Nerine groaned quietly. “She had to come and shit on my morning. I can’t listen to her right now.”
“Why, what’s the problem with her?” Andras asked.
“She thinks she’s Valerian’s soulmate because she’s of angel blood. But it’s just the regular angel and not archangel.” I said.
“And yet,” Nerine added “You can’t convince her otherwise. The whole academy knows every detail to their future together. Now, all we do is watch drama waiting to happen.”
It wasn’t even five minutes before we heard his name and imaginary stories. The twins listened for some time and then decided we were actually right. Like we needed that confirmation from them.
We talked for some time more but the time of the ceremony was fast approaching. Nerine and I had to go to our rooms and change into white robes and be at the lobby half an hour before the actual ceremony. We parted ways at nine o’clock. Nerine and I went to get ready and the twins went to take their seats in the arena, I guess.
It felt weird when I looked myself in the mirror. I wore the white robe that had a belt at the waist and long sleeves that were tighter at the shoulders and became wider as they dropped down to the floor. My blonde hair was in soft waves and I applied only a bit of makeup.
My colorless gemstone necklace hung on my chest. In a few hours, it will look different. I will look different. It was so strange to me; the time from when I only watched Andras and Elek’s awakening to my very own went too fast.
I inhaled deeply and let myself relax. Everything would go just fine and then the more interesting part of this academy would start. Looking at the clock, I saw it was few minutes before I needed to go but I was too anxious to wait in my room so I went straight to the golden ring. I’ll find Norine downstairs somewhere.
Lobby was full of students in their same white robes; some of them looked excited, some nervous and some out-straight terrified. My gaze raked across the room trying to find Nerine, but it landed on Ina first. Her long red hair was tied in a loose braid which opened her face more than usual. Her glasses were off and I honestly can’t remember the time I’ve seen her prettier.
I walk down and sat next to her. “Aren’t we looking beautiful.” Ina rolled her eyes but smiled nevertheless. “I honestly can’t remember the time you tied your hair.”
“This” her hand motioned toward her head “Is my mother’s work. She wanted it like that and I really couldn’t care less so I let her.”
“I’ll have to tell your mum she’s done a great work. Anyway, have you seen Liam or Nerine yet?”
Ina looked down at her watch which said our ceremony should start in approximately twenty minutes. “Um, no. But I think Liam should be here any minute now and you know Nerine is always late no matter the occasion.”
My eyes wondered once again around the room and I couldn’t help but notice people positioned outside the windows, on guard. “Hey, are we expecting some trouble today?” I nodded towards them. Ina’s parents are high ranking politicians in descendant’s circles so she usually knows if something is happening in advance.
“Not that I know of. It could be the security is increased because Valerian is here, as a precaution. I wouldn’t worry about it.” I nodded in reply but it still felt weird to me.
Nerine and Liam joined us at some point and not too long after that, Ms. Roalnd, our literature teacher, started calling out our names and one by one we went into the ring. My heart started to beat hard with anticipation. It was all finally becoming real. When I heard my name along with my descendant line, I slowly stepped into the ring. My mind imagined the Awakening arena and not a moment later, I was standing in a long line outside of huge golden gates.
It was my first time on this side of the arena. The last two times I went, I entered through the guest entrance and went straight into our appointed seats in the aisle. Now, we were at the far back. I remembered that magnificent gate enveloped in pure gold with beautiful crystal roses carved into it.
The line behind me finally ended and then Ms. Roland herself teleported here. She went straight to the front and turned to see us. “This is the order in which you will go through your ceremony. The crystal on the far top of the gate will shine bright blue to indicate you can enter.” She paused to point to the crystal, then continued. “I know you’ll be all interested to see awakenings of the others before you, so we made these portals on your left and right through which you will be able to see what is going on in the arena. Any questions?”
No one raised their hand to ask anything, not even princess Zoe. “Okay, then. The crystal will show you when it’s time for the first student to enter. Good luck to you all.”
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While I was sitting in my seat at the arena, I was trying not to listen too carefully to what Evander Ashleight was talking about. It’s become plain obvious that he and his daughter had the same fantasy in their minds. I accepted the invitation because of my own personal reasons, but apparently Evander had his own ideas as well.
In all the Academy, there was only one girl that intrigued me, so of course, I dug out some information. It was the most surprising when I found out she was the little Damiani girl I heard about. No wonder she was always nervous and on the brink of running away in my presence. Although she doesn’t know that, I know exactly whose descendant she is. He and I, let’s say, don’t like to be in each other’s presence.
The little one, though. She was kind of amusing, trying to fight her urge to back down. I felt her eyes on me multiple times but it wasn’t the look other females give me. She watches me like she’s trying to figure me out, to see beyond the surface. Not like Ashleight girl; a child trying to be a woman.
Few of the students already went through their awakenings, but I can’t say I remember any of them. The door opened next and in came Evander’s girl. As on point, he started to speak again. “You know, as a descendant of an angel, she may get some of the gifts the stuff is unable to teach her how to use. Do you think, maybe, you could show her?”
My gaze revealed nothing. He was a fool if he thought he was being subtle. “We’ll see.” I proceeded to watch as Zoe stepped into the golden ring, right under the sharp, glittering crystal. The golden patterns on the floor began to shine, unlocking the magic within her. The crystal above her released a blinding shot of energy and then everything subsided.
Zoe stood straight with bolts of electricity raging around her. Her eyes became brighter green but her hair lost its dark color, becoming dark blonde. As I expected, no special angelic gift. She got the most common one. Evander looked deflated beside me. I could tell he expected something more; possibly for her to be my soulmate.
I shook my head inwardly. The prophesy was more than a thousand years old ,there is no knowing when it will actually be fulfilled. For all I know, no other archangel since Rafael landed on Earth. She may not even be born yet.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice who was the person entering the arena. My head lifted and my gaze landed on her. My interest was picked immediately. Theia Damiani walked to the center of the room, head held high. I saw her brothers earlier, but her mother was nowhere to be seen. I wonder where is famous Liliana Damiani, and why isn’t she at the awakening of her only daughter.
The girl was as beautiful as she could. I noticed that little thing the very first night I saw her hiding on the tree. My lips twitched at the thought. Little one was a bit of a trouble maker.
She slowly took position in the ring and the magic began.
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