Come on, Theia. Just a few more seconds, just a few. You can… I can’t do it. Once again my arms started to flap like I’m a flying chicken. “Ugh!”
At this point Valerian was trying to hide his amused smile. “Good job, Theia. That was your new record. The whole…” he looked down to his watch and grinned. “seven seconds.”
I gave up and just plopped on the stone beside me. “I have a feeling I’m not gonna be able to function tomorrow.” But in all fairness, today was kind of fun. Even though all I did the whole morning was float a little above the ground waving my hands every time I tried to get my wings to move.
Valerian took pity on me and made a break. “With all seriousness now, you’re doing good. I know it’s difficult to distinguish your wings from your arms at first because of their closeness, but it would be easier with time.”
“Mhm, I don’t believe a word of what you just said.” There was no doubt in my mind he was just trying to make me feel better, but he really didn’t need to. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it right away, it just wasn’t possible. The thing was, I hated when I didn’t know how to do things properly. Blame it on my inner perfectionist, but it was what it was.
Valerian, though, surprised me. He was really good at explaining things and what’s more, very patient. He wasn’t frustrated with me, wasn’t yelling at me for doing it wrong, nor did he seemed like he wanted to be somewhere else. I had to give it to him, because I would lost my cool long ago in his position.
There was a silent pause while we sat, and I thought about bringing up the meeting I witnessed. I wasn’t sure if I should though; from what I’ve gathered, it’s a touchy subject apparently. But, he knows something. No, not something. He knows at least a part of what my mother is hiding and I wanted to know what it was.
“I have a question.” There was a hint of insecurity in my voice that even I could hear. Valerian, being him, didn’t miss it either. He slowly turned his head to me and watched me almost suspiciously.
“What’s wrong?” I didn’t say anything for a second, wondering if I should just ask about glamour thing instead. As I opened my mouth to do just that, his low voice cut me off. “Don’t.”
“What?” I asked unsure. There was no way he knew I decided to change my question.
“Don’t lie. Ask what you wanted.” He was waiting for me to speak, daring me with his expression.
Well, if he wanted the truth. Straightening my shoulders, I asked. “What is it that you know, that my mother’s trying so desperately to hide?”
Shock was visible on his face, but only for a moment. He schooled it back to his indifferent façade in an instant. So he didn’t know I was there; it’s good to now no one can detect when I possess a body. “Why do you think I know something?”
My snort was out before I could respond. “Well, the shock on your face moments ago is enough indicator, but it’s not how I found out. Turns out, my gift works long distances too.”
The look on his face told me he knew what I was talking about and also, that he was debating whether to tell me. Sighing at last, he shook his head. “I can’t tell you, Theia. I don’t know the whole truth and it isn’t my secret to tell anyway.”
“So what you’re telling me is, if I knew something that had to do solely with you, something important…” I caught his gaze so he could see how much this means to me, “you wouldn’t want me to tell you, even if it isn’t the whole story?”
Valerian’s jaw twitched. I knew I was right; he would’ve pulled the answer out of me in a heartbeat. “You know, I could’ve just read your mind. You admitted yourself that I could, easily.” He tensed, his body becoming stone next to me. I sighed. “I won’t, don’t worry. If I wanted to do that, I would’ve already done it. But I’m not, I’m asking you.”
“I don’t want to tell you Theia, because I can only guess what it means. And guessing, right now, is not what you need on top of everything. Just leave it be for now.” Valerian rubbed his eyes as if he became tired suddenly. “The training is over for today. You can go, I’ll see you tomorrow at the same time.”
Disappointment and strange kind of sadness filled me the second he dismissed me. I was really an idiot; I don’t even know why I thought he would want to tell me anything. Just because I was another archangel descendant didn’t mean we were friends. What’s more, we weren’t. He was helping me learn to control my powers and that was it. He had no obligation to tell me anything, really.
Standing up, I imagined my wings turn smaller until they’re energy ball at my back, once again. I imagined the energy flow back from where it came in my body and second later, my wings dissolved. Well, I guess I’m doing something right, at least.
I didn’t want to seem like a petulant child, so I turned and said my goodbyes. After all, he was my teacher. I would do well to remember that in the future. I was three steps behind the tree line when Valerian’s voice stopped me. “Why are you closing off?”
That confused me. “I’m doing what?”
“You’re blocking me. I can feel a mental walls rising through the cord.” He explained. Kind of.
Wait, wait, wait. “You’re feeling what? Through what?” I felt like an idiot repeating myself but I was confused and in slight shock. He felt my emotions? All this time?
“You didn’t know.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Now was his time to be confused. “A magnetic cord appeared between us the day you awakened your powers. You don’t feel it?”
Is that a trick question? “Uh, no. Not right now. A few times, yes, but I didn’t know it was you.” Was that normal?
Valerian’s eyes were full of confusion and questions. Behind those, though, there was a hint of something…else. I just couldn’t figure out what exactly was it. The man was the biggest enigma to me; I constantly had to remind myself that it wouldn’t be right to peek through that mind of his and see what else hides in his closet.
“Valerian?” I asked. “Are you okay?”
He blinked and looked at me like he was surprised I was even there. Wow. I really needed to stop this line of thinking. Clearly I was leaving earlier for a reason. But before I could, I needed to ask, “Is there a reason why the cord is there at all?”
He smiled, more to himself than to me. “Of course, there is.”
And the fucker said not one more word about it.
My afternoon classes weren’t nearly as exciting as I expected. My only saving grace was Nerine, seen as Liam and Ina weren’t in Onyx House. The first few classes I was still adjusting to all the pain I felt in my back that I didn’t even pay attention to what professors talked about. After that, well…the things just weren’t interesting. I spent most of the time brainstorming about everything that happened.
Now, I was sitting in my ancient rituals class and my head was slowly, but surly falling down. There was no way I was staying awake for much longer. After all the energy I used that morning and hours of sitting in pain, my eyelids started to close.
The sound of professor Nirel’s voice, which was gorgeously deep and relaxing, sent shadows right over my eyes and, moments later they transformed into a beautiful landscape.
“Come on, love. It’s time for bed.” A young, melodic voice called out.
“No.” I heard me, or rather, the little girl, say. I sat on the open lawn at the back of the cabin I’ve seen before. The sky was full of shining stars and light breeze rustled my hair. “I’ll wait for papa here. We need to sing together, or the monsters will come for me in my sleep.”
I turned to see the woman who I assumed was the girl’s mother. She was short, petite woman with dark, long locks. The breeze made a mess out of it and she was trying to move it from her face. “You know he always keeps them away.” I said in small voice.
I lay on the grass and stay there. The next thing I remember is being carried into the house in strong arms. The smell was familiar to me…well, her. I instantly know that it was little girl’s dad carrying her to bed. All the way there, I hear a song sung in a strange language. My mouth started moving with the same words on instinct, and the last thing I felt are the soft lips on my forehead.
“Good night, zvezdice.”
A sound of bomb exploding jerked me from my sleep. Oh, wait, no. It was just my books I managed to knock off in my sleep. I wonder if the monsters returned in the girl’s dreams. It was cute, honestly. I was pretty sure that I wasn’t dreaming that, not really. Just like the last time. Whoever the girl I keep possessing was, I hope she doesn’t mind me.
I clearing of the throat made me look up to professor Nirel’s gray eyes. He didn’t look angry but he didn’t look amused either. Sighing, he said in that bored voice of his, “Miss Damiani, headmaster’s office if you please.”
I turned to look at Ner for help and like the friend she is, she spoke “Mr. Nirel, she isn’t feeling so well. I’m telling her all day to go to the hospital wing but she’s stubborn. Can you at least send her there, beforehand?”
Professor wasn’t fooled but he also didn’t care enough to continue the argument. “Go, Miss Damiani, before I change my mind and you’re introduced with headmaster’s office.”
“Oh, she’s already seen it.” I heard Ner say. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Oh, I’ve seen it. Explored it. Learned every detail of it. God, I need to stop those visits; they’re never fun.
And now, where shall I go? I thought about library but I promised Ner we would go there together. Deciding to go for a walk, I exited the Crystal Tower and went towards one of the trails at the front.
My mind cleared as I walked; there was only sounds of birds, insects and that warm shine of the late afternoon sun. I decided to go up one of the trees, and make myself comfortable. As so happens, I picked the tree with a clear view of Whitemore. Considering we were basically on the top of the hill, it wasn’t impossible for me to see other smaller places hidden in the forest below.
As I soaked the beautiful view in front of me, I remembered I should probably go visit Max and Kai soon. The boys would break poor Megs if I don’t help her out. Max may be older but really, Kai is the real trouble between the two of them. The kid is just too smart for his own good.
I don’t know how long I sat on the tree, but it ptobably wasn’t my best idea considering I was already in pain. I went to get down when my vision started to blur. What was happening? I couldn’t find my balance, and before I could stop, I fell flat on the ground.
I wasn’t sure if I hit my head, I was too disoriented and confused. I tried to stand up but my legs felt to heavy and the ground spinned too fast. I heard a laugh somewhere behind me but I didn’t even know where was my front, let alone back. I couldn’t do anything.
„Shouldn’t she be out of it by now?“ someone asked.
„Yes, I guess she’s stronger than we thought.“ Not a second after that sentence, the light went out and the dark swollowed me before I even got the time to process that probably should be a little scared.
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Blinking the fog away, my eyes opened to...more darkness. I was sitting in a chair, but my arm and legs were tied. My mouth was covered with a piece of clothing. I maybe should have felt fear, but burning anger coursed through my veins.
My demon side was starting to awake and whoever took me, obviously didn’t think about the consequences. I took a deep breath, not letting anything distract me from keeping calm. It was the first time that I fully started to watch and think fully with my demon side. And my demon side...wanted blood.
The door on my left opened and I heard familiar high-pitched, irritating voice. Oh, princess, big mistake. She wasn’t alone though; a guy, I could tell, stood at her side smiling.
„Do you think she’s still under the illusion?“ she asked. No, I’m not, honey.
„She is. No one can release her from it except me.“ I would’ve laughed if I didn’t need every piece of concentration not to let my demon part have its way. I stayed quiet to see what was it that they actually planned. „So when are they coming?“
„Soon. Make sure she doesn’t move from here.“ Zoe said and left, leaving the guy with me. Pity. My blood began to boil just like before, and I let it. It burned brighter and stronger than ever. My heartbeat accelerated and my mark began to warm. I could feel something is about to be released and it would be magnificent.
The guy stood before me and tsked. „Pity. You’re a pretty one, it’s a shame we need to do this.“ He whispered.
My grin began to widen and low, hard laugh sliped my lips. The guy froze, not believing his eyes.
„It shall be pity.“ My voice was mixed with something unnatural; it was hard and raspy. Grinning so big he could see my teeth perfectly, I whispered, „You should run now.“
And then I let it out.