”You can’t go in.”
The huge stone of a man in front of us was a really stubborn one. Even though he was enamored by our appearances, which I can guarantee were perfect and so he should be, he didn’t want to let us through. There was apparently a guest list.
I could see Nerine was becoming angry which meant her nice approach was over. She didn’t want to use her magic straight away, but she would need to now. It was either that, or we weren’t entering the club.
Tilting her head to the side, I could see that Ner was preparing to use the special allure. She didn’t even begin to speak, when I saw man’s eyes turn slightly more glossy. “You want to let us in, don’t you?”
Her voice went so low and raspy, so unlike her normal one, that it was hard for me to believe it’s really her speaking. I was fascinated every time she spoke like this, it made a real sight.
The man I didn’t know the name of, fell instantly into some kind of adoring trance. Well, it seemed like they didn’t have many siren descendant’s here. He began to nod and turned to open the door. The moment he touched the knob, he jerked his body straight and turned to us with a fierce scowl.
Well, shit. This wasn’t going to be good. I had no idea how he managed to shake off Ner’s spell, except… oh, of course. The knob. I should’ve known the club designed for descendants with powers would have some kind of defensive mechanism.
Ner’s eyes rounded in surprise and the man’s scowl turned into arrogant smirk. “Nice try, sweetie. But you shouldn’t have done that, I really don’t appreciate it.”
“Oh, come on!” His head whipped towards me. I wasn’t intimidated seen as I spent enough time with Valerian. His glares and cold demeanor I had a chance to witness, were far worse. “What do you have to lose? We’re of age and we’re not going to make trouble.”
His cold gaze scanned me and stopped on my eyes. His brows scrunched in confusion but he was adamant. “No. Run along, now. I don’t have time for you.”
My jaw twitched and my blood heated. Obviously my demon side didn’t like being dismissed like this. Without knowing what I was doing, I stepped forward. I could see Nerine and Ina glancing at each other in concern but they said nothing.
I didn’t know what the man saw in my eyes, but he was frozen in place, watching me warily. I didn’t feel angry though, I felt only serenity inside. Some type of cold peacefulness. “You’ll let us in, and you won’t tell anyone about it. Now, please.”
He didn’t look like before when Ner spoke. It was like he just changed his mind and decided he wanted to let us in. Opening the door, he smiled genuinely. “Enjoy, ladies.”
“Thank you.” I smiled a little and entered. It was then that I understood I just used glamour, and it fucking worked. Looking at the two grinning girls beside me, I said, “I guess that’s another ability I didn’t know about.”
“Yup.” Ner jumped happily, “And I love the hell out of you for it.”
“But why did it work when your mojo didn’t?” I was confused by that.
Ina gave me a glance that said ‘you poor child’. “Our fathers aren’t archangels, honey. I guess the defenses can’t measure with your powers.”
Oh, that was…logical? Whatever.
The club inside had the same theme as the outside of it, it just went down into the earth. It was either that or it was magic. However it was, it was made of several cliff-like platforms along the staircases that lead down to the main dancing platform. From what I could see, the bar and tables were there, while the private booths were on the platforms above.
“I heard every club is decorated in accordance to the magic on which the city is run.” Nerine said, beaming. “This however, is real winter wonderland.”
We went all the way down and found a table. We spent a huge part of our time there just dancing, drinking and looking around, in awe of the place. The people, I could see, weren’t only from the Whitemore, but also from other cities and towns. There weren’t any humans, which, I guess was good, because drunk descendants in fight with a human? Yeah, no. Better not.
It was hours later that I found myself standing at a bar, waiting for my drink when a tall guy stood right next to me. There was something strange about how close to me he was. Deciding I was just too paranoid, especially since I was drunk by now, I moved a little.
I felt his gaze and a strange awareness went through me. I decided to ignore him until I got my drink. As I was turning to leave, a hand grabbed my arm, making me stop in place. The next thing I knew, his breath was in my ear as he whispered. “The boss wants to see you.”
“I’m sorry?” I wasn’t that drunk that I didn’t know what I was doing. And I certainly wasn’t going anywhere with this man.
“The owner of the club,” he cleared up, “wants to talk to you in his private booth.”
I smirked at him. Too bad. “That’s really nice.” I answered sweetly. “Tell him I said hi. Now you should let me go, because this is not a way to talk to a woman you don’t know, no?”
With a jerk of my arm, I went back to my table. “What was that about?” Ina asked, her gaze narrowed. She was fixing the guy with a deadly glare.
“Nothing. Apparently, the owner wants to talk. I don’t. End of story.”
My eyes followed the guy as he walked to one of the booths. I couldn’t see him clearly from where I was, but “the owner” was apparently sitting by himself. He seemed to have a powerful presence if the way his people, I suppose they are, stood around him.
I wasn’t sure if it was smart denying him, but I sure wasn’t going to talk alone with a man like that. Ina apparently agreed with me because she nodded with a fierce expression. “You did the right thing. You’re not going anywhere without us.”
I tried to ignore the presence of a man above me, the way he watched me. I felt his gaze not leaving me for a second. After some time, I was finally succeeding when a voice echoed in my mind.
You should leave here. Right now.
My whole body turned to stone. It was unknown voice, but I was completely sure of whose it was. I didn’t dare turn my head, but I replied anyhow.
Who are you?
That’s not important. What’s important is that you should take your friends and leave here.
I don’t know who you are, so I’m not inclined to listen to you.
I felt a little vibrations of annoyance through my mind coming from him. What the…
I’m not asking. I’m telling. Leave. Now.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Ner asked me, seeing my faraway expression.
“I think I’m just tired.” I glanced at my watch but didn’t even register the time. “Are we leaving soon?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I just texted Faolan. He’ll pick us up in a few minutes.”
We headed up the stairs. My eyes were searching the place where I saw the man earlier, but there was no one there now. It was strange and I was becoming beyond paranoid. It was a moment when I really wanted someone like Valerian nearby.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I wasn’t looking where I was going, and stumbled. I bumped into someone at my side and would’ve fallen if they didn’t caught me. Looking up, I saw a girl smiling at me. “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“No worries honey.” She smiled reassuringly. I grabbed her by the arm to right myself and was instantly shot with a picture in my mind. A picture of a screaming girl, running away from something behind her. I saw one last terrified look on her face before the picture disappeared.
Shocked, I fixated my gaze on the girls smiling face before I left. I definitely drank too much, I needed sleep. Like, right now.
The three of us were just about to exit the club when the voice spoke in my head once more. It was calm and gentle, unlike before. And Theia, tell Valerian he’ll need to do a better job from now on.
Stopping in my tracks, I whirled around and scanned the space one last time. I didn’t know who that man was nor what he meant by that, but Valerian will have some answering to do.