Shintiro follows his curiosity into the underground chamber outside the ruins. He wonders what he will find deep underground as he stares at the hole in the ground. He notices stairs that he can use to climb into the hole.
Shintiro takes one long look at the chamber. He notices immense darkness inside. He decides to take the time and create a torch of fire, that way he does not get lost inside in case it becomes dark out. He takes a long branch from a tree and wraps large dry leaves around it. He sets the leaves on fire and prepares himself to go down into the chamber.
“Stay here Rebarr. Do not get into trouble while I’m gone.” Rebarr grunts as Shintiro climbs down a long flight of old dusty stairs. The air inside, as he delves deeper into the chamber, is cool and musty, and Shintiro can almost feel the weight of history pressing down on him. He holds the torch high as he climbs down the long flight of stairs carefully, trying not to lose his balance. Eventually, he gets to the end of the stairs, which leads him to a single room. He takes one deep breath and decides to enter and explore the room. In the large room, he notices that the walls are carved with intricate patterns and illustrations. There are strange symbols engraved on the floor, an old forgotten language.
He notices, on the far back wall of the room, a large, mysterious object. It reflects the light of his torch. He came to realize that the room was the same room he’d seen in his dream. As he draws closer, he can feel a strange energy radiating from it. It feels like it's calling to him, beckoning him to explore its secrets. Shintiro takes a deep breath and steps forward, determined to uncover the truth behind this ancient object.
Shintiro recalls details from his dreams, from the walls to the hieroglyphs to the floor, every detail imaginable. It was no mistake that it was the same room that he’d seen in his dream but this time it was worn down. He can make out the outline of strange carvings and symbols on the walls. He reaches out to touch them, but before he can, a strange feeling of dread spreads throughout his body. The room seems to be alive, and he feels like he's being watched. Suddenly, a loud noise startles him, and he jumps back. At the end of the room, he discovers the obelisk, the same obelisk in his dreams. The mysterious object is finally in full view.
He notices that the obelisk is cracked leaning against the wall of the room. A small dim light still shines at the center, but the light is so small and dim that it is difficult to see. Shintiro wonders why that is. Suddenly something begins to move from the corner of his eye. A mysterious figure wearing a cloak jumps out from amongst the darkness to confront him.
Yellow cat-like eyes stare back at him menacingly. He stands in shock. As the figure steps forward into the light, it seems to take on a more human shape. Shintiro stumbles backward away from the mysterious figure. He is so shocked he doesn't speak.
Shintiro stands there in awe, unable to believe what he's seeing. The mysterious figure takes a step forward toward him. Finally, Shintiro reacts with words. “Stay back! Who are you?” Those words were the only thing he could think of saying. He was completely thrown off guard. Shintiro tries to regain his composure. He slowly places his hand over his dagger near his waist.
The mysterious figure takes notice of this and hisses like a cat, lunging forward with a small blade in hand. The mysterious figure swings its blade at Shintiro. Shintiro reacts accordingly and dodges the cloaked figure’s attack with ease. Shintiro notices that figure was tracking his every move. Shintiro felt as if the mysterious person was expecting him to dodge the attack all along. The mysterious figure raises its foot and gives a strong kick to Shintiro’s abdomen. Shintiro never felt such a strong kick before. Although the kick was strong and overwhelming, Shintiro is pushed only a few steps back, he brushes off the kick like it was nothing. He tries to keep his tough guy demeanor intact, trying not to show any signs of weakness. Shintiro repositions his stance and prepares himself for the next attack.
Suddenly, the mysterious figure stops and lowers its blade. It then drops the blade onto the ground in front of Shintiro. Shintiro sees this and becomes confused. The mysterious figure raises its hands in a surrendering gesture, its cat-like eyes blinking in confusion. Its voice is low and soothing as it speaks in a language Shintiro does not understand.
"Akak u rax a'naa anllagril zhanu." The mysterious figure spoke in a soft, soothing voice. The language was easy to listen to and even entices Shintiro’s ears.
He stands there, frozen, trying to make sense of what is happening. His fear and confusion are overwhelming, and he can feel his heart racing in his chest. He doesn't know how to react and is unsure if this figure is a threat or not. He decides to keep his distance and observe, trying to gather more information about this strange being before making any other decisions.
The mysterious figure slowly removes its dark cloak completely revealing its entire body. The figure covers their eyes due to the bright light of the flames Shintiro is holding up. Slowly the mysterious figure reveals its face. They toss the cloak to the ground. Shintiro holds the torch closer trying to make out what exactly his eyes are witnessing.
“What…? What are you?” Shintiro’s hand trembles a bit as he tries to hold the torch steady. At the same time, he holds his hand over his dagger. This time it was different, the mysterious figure was not transparent as it was before in the other ruins. He could tell it was standing right in front of him.
“Do not be afraid, Shintiro. At this very moment, the obelisk here helped me understand your language.” The figure spoke clearly. To Shintiro’s relief, he could understand the mysterious person. “You may identify me as Klairdia.”
Shintiro sheaths his dagger and lowers his torch. Klairdia's appearance might be intimidating at first glance, but he finds himself drawn to her. Her yellow cat-like eyes are intriguing. Shintiro is dumbfounded by Klairdia's strange hybrid features. They are unlike anything he's ever seen before. He is completely frozen in amazement, trying to make sense of it all. He's curious to learn more about her and where she came from.
Although she is different, Shintiro notices the beauty in her appearance. She was intricately created. “I know that my appearance to you may seem frightening…. “
“No.” Shintiro interrupts her, “Although you are overwhelming to my eyes, you are not frightening. It is the opposite. You are beautifully made.”
Klairdia’s eyes are overcome with tears. Shintiro slowly steps forward, although Klairdia still had her guard up she watches as Shintiro reaches out and touches her face. He could feel her rough reptilian skin. “My only friend for years is the obelisk. I was created by its energy. I was created by someone who used to live here long ago. I am a hybrid of reptilian, human, feline, gorilla, and canine. I am the first and sadly the only one of my kind.” She wipes the tears from her eyes. “I am bound by this room, and I am never to leave. If I step outside this room, I perish. If the obelisk runs out of energy, which it will one day, very soon, I will also die with it.” Shintiro drops his hand and moves it away from his dagger. Klairdia notices and continues. “I was created to be the perfect being. I was created to replace all species on this planet, but unfortunately, things change.”
He knows that whatever Klairdia represents, is unlike anything he has ever seen or even imagined. He is torn between his desire to learn more and his fear of the unknown. Shintiro could see it, she had some reptilian and human skin. He noticed she had human features like human ears but also had canine ears. He could see she had cat eyes and gorilla fur.
“This is not possible.” Shintiro shakes his head and steps back confused.
The small dim red light can be seen at the center of the obelisk, it flickers from time to time. The inhuman voice Shintiro would hear before was coming from this obelisk. It begins to call out and speak as Klairdia stays quiet.
“I am Aantalak, created by one of the Aantalai Unified Clan. I was created in secret by a single man. This and many other places like this scattered across this world were once known as territory belonging to the Ava Kingdom.”
The mysterious obelisk then promises that everything that Shintiro had lost could be brought back. His status as tribe leader can be restored and he will be granted a power that will aid him in protecting his people. “You can be a great leader again, Shintiro” Shintiro can hear the words of the obelisk echoing in his mind. He does not know if he could truly trust the words of the obelisk. But to Shintiro the offer is just too tempting.
Aantalak showed Shintiro visions of how great of a leader he will become and how his people will respect and honor him again. Shintiro wonders how the obelisk knows so much about him. Shintiro does not fully trust the obelisk, he errs on the side of caution. However, the promises of the obelisk of being a great leader again sound too good to overlook. In return the obelisk wants Shintiro to return with all the Guardian Stones.
“You mustn’t delay. The more I speak, the more energy I use. Once it is gone, I fade away….”
“Please, save your energy, I’ll explain the rest to Shintiro.” Klairdia turns to Shintiro. Shintiro feels as if she is looking through him with her yellow cat eyes. He becomes intimidated by how different she looked. His heart began to pound in his chest. “I have been here for many, many years. Not able to leave this room. I have no connection to the outside world. It would be impossible for me to even know how long I’ve been trapped down here. The only one I could talk to from time to time is Aantalak. Since his energy is limited now, I have not spoken to any other entity in a very long time.”
Shintiro understands how lonely she must have felt being stuck in one place for many years without the company of anyone. Shintiro listens intently as she explains her story, trying to wrap his brain around the idea of an obelisk with the power to think freely. He wonders if he is the only person who knows about this mysterious chamber and its contents.
“I am sorry you have been trapped here for so long,” he says, feeling genuine empathy for Klairdia. Shintiro thinks about his situation, being banished from his village and not being able to be with his kind. “How have you not starved to death down here?”
“I do not eat anything. The energy of the stone is what keeps me alive.” That’s when Shintiro thinks of the green Guardian Stone and pulls it out of his animal-skinned sack.
“Ah, you are wearing the same cloak of the Aantalai Unified Clan, the same cloak I was wearing just a moment ago.”
“Oh, I found this in the other ruin near here. I needed something to keep me warm for the night.” Shintiro takes the green Guardian Stone out. “But tell me, please. What were the Guardian Stones used for? Why does Aantalak need them? And, ….how many of these stones are out there?”
Klairdia steps forward toward Shintiro and takes a look at the Guardian Stone. She is in awe of the stone. Her canine ears perk up with excitement. She lifts her hand to reach for it but stops herself halfway. “I cannot believe it…” She whispers to herself, “One of the stones that can set me free.” Her hands began to tremble. Shintiro took note of Klairdia’s words. Klairdia calms herself down and smiles after Shintiro asks his questions. He was curious to finally uncover the mysteries of the past but he notices Klairdia’s reaction to seeing his green Guardian Stone. “Aantalak is the only one that knows the full history of these stones. However, he has never shared them with me. Perhaps once the stones are gathered, he can answer any questions you have. The stones must all be together for Aantalak to restore its energy. I’m deeply sorry, although I was created in the past, I have very little knowledge of it. These four walls have been my home for so long.”
Klairdia looked at Shintiro’s green Guardian Stone once again. She was amazed to think that the stones were used during the same time that she came into the world. “Why are you so curious about this stone? You look as if you are stuck in a trance when you see it.”
Klairdia shifts her view from the stone to Shintiro’s eyes. “Well, for as long as I could remember, Aantalak has told me that the key to my freedom is the Guardian Stones. But I have never seen them up close before. If…. if you bring them, I can finally be free. The moment you came to the ruins, I knew the green stone was near. The obelisk and I could feel it. I knew you had the stone, that’s what I said to you, in my language.”
“Ah, yes. You mean, before? When you spoke to me in another tongue?”
"Kalagri is the language Aantalak has taught me," Klairdia looks back at the obelisk, "You are the one that holds the green Guardian Stone, that’s what I said to you in my language. The reason the obelisk and I know so much about you is because everything you do, say, and think is stored as information in your green Guardian Stone. It is a unique and yet strangely crafted technology.”
“Technology?” Shintiro has never heard the word before.
“Yes, the Guardian Stones and this obelisk as well. They are ancient artifacts. It is like the dagger you wield. They are tools, objects of a time that is now long forgotten. That is all I know about these stones.”
“This means the obelisk knows….” Shintiro pauses. If the green Guardian Stone stores information about my thoughts…. This means….”
“Yes, Shintiro…. Aantalak knows you do not trust him. Since I am connected to the obelisk, I know as well.”
Shintiro is shocked. But eventually comes to accept it. The things the stones could do no longer surprise him after all the things he has seen and felt.
“I… I share the same fate as all these ancient stones. These objects are forgotten with time. I am a creature that has no future. Once the obelisk dies, I die too. This is…. how it’s meant to be.” Klairdia looks down to the ground. Shintiro can see the sorrow in her eyes. He wonders about his own life. Living a life of solitude. Not being able to talk to anyone of his kind. Shintiro also feels trapped in an endless cycle of his never-ending pursuit of power. The only difference is that Shintiro can choose to stop his pursuit of power, whereas this lonely soul wants to leave this ancient room, but she cannot.
Shintiro thinks about Klairdia’s words and the harsh reality that he has been living. He realizes that he has never truly been alone, for he has always had the Guardian Stone and his companion Rebarr. Even if he doesn’t fully understand its power or how to use it, the Guardian Stone has helped him overcome difficult situations deep in the jungle. Without the stone, he felt completely lost and uncertain about every decision he’d made without it in his possession. Yet, he feels a sense of kinship with Klairdia. They are both creatures of power, yet trapped in isolation, unable to reach out to others. He decides to break that cycle by reaching out to Klairdia. Shintiro steps closer to her and holds out his hand in friendship. He knows that their friendship can’t break her out of this ancient room, but it might bring some solace to her lonely world.
She looks at his outstretched hand and then looks up at him. “Why do you do it?” She asks him with a soft-spoken voice. Shintiro can hear in her voice when she spoke, a heavy tone of sorrow behind her question. “What is it that draws you to power?”
Shintiro takes a moment to think before answering her question. He realizes that this is an opportunity to share his personal history, a chance to open up to another being for the first time. He takes a deep breath before speaking, “Not power,” he says. And with that, his face lights up for a moment. “More like an obsession to help. To try and change things. I want to be the one who can protect everyone without having to fear my flaws. Without having to fear the decisions I make. If I had unlimited power, I could correct things instantly. I can fix what is broken without hesitation. I was born without parents, alone in the world. The only thing I had to keep me company was my strength, my ability to fight. I honed my skills, and eventually, my love for battle grew into a thirst for power. I… I became the leader of my tribe. With every decision I make, would come the fear of maybe the decision I made was not the right one. I admit it. It is true. I became corrupted by my desire for strength, and I was willing to do anything to achieve it.”
Klairdia looked deep into Shintiro’s eyes. She takes a step forward scanning his eyes relentlessly. Shintiro felt as if she could see right through him. His heart began to pound in his chest. “When you lost everything…. The only thing you had left was your Guardian Stone. Hmm, it is clear what you want. You want the ability to rely only on yourself, on your abilities, on your strength. Not on others. And if you increase your strength, you will feel unstoppable. You think this technology, these tools, can help you achieve that.”
Shintiro looked at the green Guardian Stone in his hand and he cleared his throat. He felt a great sense of sorrow wash over him. “It is… my life now.”
“NO…! You can change….” Klairdia got emotional, that’s when the obelisk’s dim red light flickered for a moment. Klairdia gasps and she instantly pauses and stops herself from talking. She tries to recompose herself. She quickly looked down to the ground away from Shintiro’s eyes. Shintiro notices the sudden change in her demeanor. Klairdia clears her throat.
“This Aantalak is not to be trusted.” Shintiro thought to himself. “The obelisk seems to be the only one that holds all the answers about the Guardian Stones, yet it has not said anything to Klairdia.” Shintiro puts his green Guardian Stone away.
“One stone alone cannot awaken the power of Aantalak. You must bring at least one more stone to do it. If you gather these stones, Aantalak will use its power to give you what you most desire. And yes, if you have any questions about the ancient past, it can answer them for you.”
“Fine... I’ve decided.” Klairdia looked up at Shintiro. “I’ll gather the stones for the obelisk Aantalak. I'll track down the two stones, red and yellow. I may not know where they are, but I believe with the green Guardian Stones’ power, I can easily find them. There are so many questions about the people of the past that wish to know but, if gathering the stones is the only way to obtain those answers, then I’ll do it.” Not only did Shintiro want answers for everything he had witnessed from the ruins, but he also wanted to know about the strange power of the green Guardian Stone and he was still tempted by the offer of the obelisk Aantalak. Even though he did not trust the mysterious obelisk, he couldn’t shake the thought that maybe this was the key to gaining the power to be a great leader again.
However, his thoughts shifted to Klairdia and her situation. Shintiro thought to himself, “If I give Aantalak the stones…. Once the obelisk restores its power, there could be a possibility he can let Klairdia go. If I request it, he can most likely make it so.” He hated the thought of seeing her suffer, trapped, and alone in a chamber for hundreds of years. Although he did not understand how Klairdia and the obelisk were connected, he still saw her as a living soul, with emotions and free will. To be trapped underground for hundreds of years must have been torture for her.
Shintiro scans the room and takes note of the little details on the walls. He notices the clear signs of distress Klairdia must have felt during her long, lonely captivity. He notices impact marks, holes, and cracks on the walls in various places. He takes a long look at the dust and debris on the floor and even the cobwebs. Most likely she scratched and clawed and punched the walls to release her frustration. It all made him realize how long it had been since a human set foot in this room. Being in the dark for so long and alone probably almost drove her to lose her insanity. Klairdia's story and the state of this place filled him with a sense of sadness and determination. He was determined to find the stones to set her free, to give her the chance to live a real life.
Klairdia seemed pleased with Shintiro’s decision, but there was still a sense of uncertainty in her eyes. “Do you think you’ll find the other stones in time?” Shintiro saw the doubt in Klairdia’s eyes. He looked her in the eyes, determined to reassure her.
“I’ll find the stones. I need to know what exactly these Guardian Stones are. And if there is a power in them I can wield, I want to be the only one to obtain such power. I can assure you and Aantalak, that it is only for the good of my people that I wish to wield such power.”
Shintiro looked at Klairdia and he could see in her facial expression that she wanted to say something, but she decided to hold back. It was obvious to Shintiro that the obelisk was listening.
At that moment Shintiro turns around and makes his way to the door he had entered. Suddenly Klairdia grabs his hand. “Please, please…. do not go just yet. I know time is a factor. But tell me about the outside world. What is it like out there?”
Shintiro could feel from her words how lonely she must have felt before he stepped into the room. It had been such a long time since he had felt any kind of emotion toward anyone but himself. Even though he had his daughter Luntra, all he could focus on was obtaining power.
Klairdia held his hand tightly. She could finally feel the warmth of another living soul. She didn’t want him to leave so quickly after finally having someone else to talk to that wasn’t a stone.
Shintiro takes a good look now at the obelisk. He notices the cracks at the bottom of the obelisk. “Did you do that?” Shintiro points to the cracks on the obelisk Aantalak.
Klairdia stays quiet for a moment. “I was… I was upset one day. This was a long time ago I believe. I wanted to destroy it… and finally end my existence… But then I stopped.” It was depressing to Shintiro to hear her say that, so he shifted the conversation to what she wanted to hear.
“The outside world is full of danger, but also exquisite beauty. Although the world is savage, the most important thing we have is the people we love. Some animals can become your loyal companion. And they will defend you to the death if you gain their trust. There are different species of creatures out there. Apes and reptilians. They all have their own rules and lives, customs, that they all strictly follow. I am walking my path, trying to figure it all out. I know that my decisions could be wrong, but I stick to what I believe in.”
“And what is that?” Klairdia slowly lets go of his hand.
“That power, the right power, can fix anything.”
“I would like to see this world of yours. Although you say it is a savage world, there seems to be a lot that is worth fighting for out there.” Tears begin to form in Klairdia’s eyes. “If the obelisk’s energy runs out, I would like to say that…. It has been a pleasure to have met you Shintiro. You are the first being I have laid my eyes upon. And out of countless years in here…. I am glad that it was you and not anyone else.” Klairdia wipes the tears from her face. “Now go…. Although I do not want to be alone, please, return quickly with another stone.”
Shintiro nods and quickly makes his way out of the room and up the long dusty steps that lead to the outside world. Shintiro digs into his animal-skinned sack and pulls out two red crystal-like stones, the same type of stone that Commander Zard used to locate the Yertonu volcano. He touches both small stones together. They began to glow. Now the two stones are linked. He places one stone inside the building where his green Guardian Stone began to glow and the other, he places it back into his sack. When he returns with the other Guardian Stones he can locate where the ancient ruins are with the small red stone.
“Now I’ll know how to return to this place.”
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